You can also watch it right here on Icethetics and it's just as cryptic as ever.
It says, "Who else suffered rejection for an NHL franchise but never quit? Who else turned a symbol of surrender into a passionate tradition copied all across sports? Who else survived the insults of the Flying 'V', the plate of spaghetti, and the skate going down? Find out October 25th at General Motors Place."
The thing that flashes up for a few frames at the end is a 7.

We're not quite sure what it means exactly, but some have suggested it's the planned unveiling of the new third jersey — which Icethetics leaked. So what do you think the 7 means and what do you think the video means?
Comment with your conspiracy theories.
Two more days!!!!!!!!!!!
could 7 be their 7th style of jersey?
i'm trying to think of what they've had but i'm not sure, but its close to 7 at least
maybe it has something to do with sundin...
Maybe they're gonna retire Cliff Ronning's number?
a jersey retirement sounds much more plausible after having reread the text of the advertisement. They are referencing a group or a person who had obviously donned the sweater but why would they be so concerned about how the organization itself dealt with decisions made by the organization. That combined with the flashing 7 leads me to think that they are referring to one person who played with the team throughout all of the different jersey incantations referenced. I know nothing about Vancouver Canucks past but a jersey retirement seems plausible.
"Who else turned a symbol of surrender into a passionate tradition copied across all sports?"
That is referring to Roger Neilson waving the white flag/towel.
Some of the Canuck fans over at HFBoards seem to think it's a fan appreciation night. The 7 would stand for the "7th Man" (5 skaters, 1 goalie with the 7th man being the fans).
i was about to say the same thing.
if that is case, laaaame.
fan appreciation makes the most sense
Igor Larionov wore # 7 on the Canucks, and he might just get inducted into the HHOF this year. Then again, I'm a Sharks fan. lol WTF do I know about hockey?
I'll agree with the fan appreciation. The first line must reference when Vancouver started to build a new arena in 1967 for an expansion team and were denied by the league. The Canucks started in 1970.
Could 7 be the number of people who are going to actually like the 3rd jersey?
The "V", plate of spaghetti, and skate refer to the years of the ugly yellow, orange, and black uniforms.
It doesn't make much sense to state that you've changed your team uniforms 7 times, but the Canucks aren't the smartest hockey franchise. That's why they haven't one a cup in almost 40 years since they cam into the league in 1970. If it is the 7th Uniform change. Check out this link.
If you don't count the first one (not an NHL team) and add the Vancouver Millionares ( the original Vacouver team, you get 6 changes before this next one.
obciously this means that saturdays nucks game is at home, maybe theyr gonna do like the kings... unveil during game time or something, and retire a number 7? i dunno wut it means to be honest with u but i hope its an unveiling
The Canucks' fan appreciation night is on January 4th vs. Dallas.
It's gotta be the jerseys. Look, there has only been 6 so far, so maybe 7 is referring to the newest jersey:
1) Sick in the Rink
2)Flying V
3)Flying Skate
4)06-07 Orca jerseys
5)Red Alternate
6)07-08 New 'VANCOUVER' Orca jerseys
7) ?!?!?!?!
I get the V and the skate, but what's the plate of spaghetti?
The "plate of spaghetti" refers to the Skate crest because of the yellow and reddish-orange lines inside the black circle that form the boot. While I love both versions of the Stick 'n Rink and Johnny Canuck logos, the Skate was a sharp looking crest. The reason it was pointing "downhill" was to represent a skate taking off. Yellow, red, and black go very well together. The problem was the gaudy V design and all the constant losing throughout the entire 1980s. However, the Canucks should have kept the original Stick crest when they went to the yellow, red, and black scheme. That would have looked awesome. On the other hand, if the Canucks had gone with the current leaked third sweater back in '78, the team would have maintained their identity going into the 80s, only modified. Constant winning also helps.
The answer to every question is no one except the Vancouver fans.
Roger Nielson didn't really make the white towel a tradition. He was actually surrendering when he did it, but the huge amount of fans that brought towels to games made it into a tradition.
It could be that they're retiring #7 for someone, because Morrsion (who wears #7) just left during the off-season (I still have nightmares about it).
I just read 5 pages about this over at the Canucks forum so I've heard just about every logical explanation.
Eh, we'll find out the real answer in 2 days.
its going to be the 7th man....
which is very cool....
if anyone's ever been to a seahawks game when they do the 12th man flag...the fans go nuts! hopefully it catches on in vancouver!!
It must be something to do with Roger Nielson. The seven (7) stands for the seven games he won in his first seven games. That seven game winning streak is what got him the full time job as coach.
It would be refreshing if they were going to do a full uniform swap (both home and away) and ditch the current ones, but I think thats wishful thinking.
7th Man is a term the NHL used for a fan of the year contest before the lockout. Since it's not in the freshly in the minds (except yours truly, perhaps they are doing something in regards to the 7th Man.
Clearly they are retiring or honoring #7 for the fans. Hopefully they unveil their third at the same time.
Living in Vancouver, I highly doubt they are retiring anyone who wore #7, especially before the announced retirement jersey of Trevor Linden's #16. The Canucks would never keep anything a secret over Linden's fame. People love him here.
I am with the others who speculate the 7th man as a fan appreciation night and possibly unveiling the new jerseys. The game will also be on Hockey Night in Canada so its a perfect showing for an unveiling across the nation with a lot of publicity.
7% increase in ticket prices
To finish 7th place in the Western Conference.
First of all, if the Canucks were trying subliminal messaging by putting that frame at the end, they didn't do so very discretely.
Anyway, my initial guess was that the '7' represents this being their seventh style of jersey, especially since the video mentions their past "disasters" with jerseys (for the record, I am a huge fan of the 'skate' logo; it was the first one I can remember ever seeing, and I went to a lot of Kings' games when I was born in 1990).
As for fan appreciation night, I've always believed it was the final home game of the season. At least, that's what the Kings do. But the '7th man' theory is rather plausible.
I don't think it has anything to do with Cliff Ronning's jersey being retired because he had only played four full seasons with the Canucks (five if you include the full strike-shortened season in 1994-95). Usually, guys have to play at least eight seasons to have their number retired barring exceptional circumstances (which I don't think there are in Ronning's case).
My guess right now is that it is seven days until Halloween, when the video came out. They play on the road against the Ducks that night, so maybe they'll wear their black/orange colored 'skate' jerseys for that game (??)
Sorry, I'm running out of conspiracy theories. Y'all took all the good ones. So I don't really have any realistic ideas that fit in the time frame. We'll just have to see tomorrow.
Anyway, I realized that with Halloween being on a Friday this year, next week would be an awesome time for an out-there Freak Out Friday post!
Game 7 ....1994 Stanley Cup Finals
quit with the wild theories... logically it has to be the whole 7th man thing. as someone mentioned before, there is only one correct answer to all those questions, and that is the fans, or the "seventh man". this is a pretty powerful concept that the canucks org would be wise to implement -- take it from someone who lives in the seattle area and sees seahawks flags and jerseys with the number 12 at least 10 times a day.
1) Stick In Rink [original]
2) Stick In Rink [modified, with on V on wrist
3) Flying V
4) Plate of Spaghetti/Downhill Skate
5) Orginal Orca
6) Updated [Reebok Edge] Orca
7) New Throwback Alternative
1) Stick In Rink [original]
2) Stick In Rink [modified, with on V on wrist
3) Flying V
4) Plate of Spaghetti/Downhill Skate
5) Red salmon third
6) Orginal Orca
7) Updated [Reebok Edge] Orca
8) New Throwback Alternative
So, that's not it.
There was a also a third jersey that had the skate logo so that would make a new jersey the 9th.
See the bottom one of the ones at the address below.
Ronning is coming out of retirement.
Yes, we're that desparate for offense.
I forgot to mention the Canucks already have a fan appreciation night planned for January 4th so get any fan appreciation night idea out of your head.
Maybe the ad aired 7 days prior to the unveiling?
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