Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thrashers Unveil Third Jersey!

The Atlanta Thrashers unveiled their new third jersey tonight before season ticket holders at the 2008 Face Off Event. The team also used the opportunity to introduce Niclas Havelid, Coby Armstrong, Ilya Kovalchuk, Slava Kozlov and Mathieu Schneider as alternate captains.

The Thrashers posted a bunch of great photos on their web site tonight, including these of Kovalchuk wearing the new sweater.

I think this is a great jersey if you can look past the front of it. I like sleeves, the logo element on the shoulders and the striping looks great. I just can't quite get past the text and the giant number on the front.

What sport is this again?

Look's like our sneak peek was right on the money again.

This post will be updated later.


Tukker said...


Yohanaman said...


Richard said...

Awful, why did they put that ugly bird(thrasher) head on the shoulder? I'm not a fan of the white stripes on the arms either. When I first heard about the description of this jersey, i though it would potentially be one of the best third jerseys out there... looks like they blew this one big time....

all they had to do is keep it simple, just like the stars...

Skizzy McB said...

That would have looked so much better with the Alt. logo (flying bird) but the jersey is alright...

sh0ez said...

I love it minus the numbers on the front. This is a good one. The third jerseys are not disappointing me one bit. I would just rid of the front numbers. Good color, great shoulder logo, the wordmark looks good, and the striping and accent colors (gold and blue) really work.

carpandean said...

Yup, that's one ugly jersey. The only thing that I like is the red color (I like that a lot.) I can handle the small numbers on the front of the Sabres' jerseys (can take 'em or leave 'em), but those huge numbers on the front are just wrong. The text is too small and doesn't "pop" enough to be seen from the seats or on TV. The white arm bands are too large and just weird. Finally, the shoulder logos don't look like anything distinct unless you are really close.

Overall, I give it a mercy D, mostly because I really do like that particular red.

asnowballschance said...

the players don't look to thrilled to wear that PO*.

Anonymous said...

Could be worse...

Check5ive said...

it's basically an improved anahiem ducks type sweater.

Anonymous said...

There are good things and bad things about this jersey.

First off, the collar looks a little different from what we've seen on other rbk edge jerseys. The bird on the shoulder and pants looks pretty cool, and the base jersey color looks great.

However, the text looks horrible, the number is way too big, and the white on the sleeve makes the jersey look like something from an american football match.

Equally as bad as those plain Dallas jerseys in my opinion. Couldn't they have stuck with that old home "T" jersey design?

Unknown said...

Honestly? If I were to accurately write down precisely in what ways the jersey raises bile in the back of my throat, I'd have a term paper written.

The Angry Videogame Nerd put it best: What were they THINKING?!

Anonymous said...

Looks terrible IMO. Worse than their regular jerseys, which says something.

Andy Frank said...

first dallas, now these guys - cowboys v. falcons, or mavs v. hawks - sigh.. the u.s.a. just doesn't get nhl hockey.. nice scoop, however, well done

Unknown said...

you know, I've been looking at these so i could see what is new. the thing that kills me is that you guys come here and bad mouth any jersey that might not be traditional looking. i applaud the fact that they are willing to go against the grain. do none of you guys have anything better to do.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe no one has mentioned the socks yet, it's definatley something new that's for sure.

Unknown said...

I really like the majority of the jersey, just if the numbers were smaller and maybe both the numbers and text was a tad lower, it wouldn't be that bad...

Btw, the socks (which for most teams i honestly just overlook) look pretty damn good, lol

Zahid said...



CliffStef said...

Wow, I've never seen such an obvious attempt to copy the look from another sport. Guess they want to attract other fans?

carpandean said...

As I said, I really like the color. Atlanta should go with something like this as their primary:

Burning_Tyger said...

OK when the leak came out a couple of days ago, I was hopeful, but now that I have seen them on an actual player, I have to admit that they are pretty bad. It's so obvious that they were going for a football jersey look. Even the white patches on the arms make give the red on the chest and shoulders the upside-down triangle look of a football-padded torso.

I am glad they brought back the dark red. The colors are better than the Blueland jerseys. But other than that, I would say this design is worse than even the Bluelanders. I agree with other folks that a return to the old "T-bird" away jerseys should have been the way to go.

But I know I say this every time, but I am gonna keep saying it until someone of importance notices: The Thrashers should be a brown team with more traditional jerseys. It works on so many levels and would be unique and classy.

Unknown said...

you know, i think if the number wasn't on the front, the vancouver style wordmark over logo wouldn't look so bad in this case.

I actually think Dallas executed this scheme better. At least "Dallas" was the focus. Here the number is so huge that it overtakes the "thrashers". The jersey design is sharp though.

Anonymous said...

I'd like it if the "Thrashers" and the number were in a respectable font.

Also, it looks like the tweaked the positioning of the front numbers from the press photos to the pics from the unveiling. It looks like the moved them down...

BK said...

They're not horrible, but it could use a little tweaking. I think they should put the numbers up front inside the rounded triangle shape they have on their primary. They used to have a Dan Snyder sticker on their helmets that was his number inside that shape. It would make the numbers look less obviously like a football jersey and more like a crest.

Its just funny that one of my big beefs with the Thrashers jerseys in the past was the lack of numbers on one arm, now they've got extra on the chest and maybe overcompensating a little bit on them to boot.

W.R. Little said...


The NHL is a circus, full of clowns and retards. Simplicity is beautiful and no one seems to appreciate that.

Jason said...

That very well may be the worst uniform from top to bottom in the league. The colours are nice, everything else is a mess.

Unknown said...

this is hard to believe: how could the league allow this ?
positively in the top 5 of the worst jerseys (top 3 ? top 1!)
what is interesting though is the diversity of opinions about this new jersey. some people really like it. is there a sociologist in the room with an explanation ?

Delayed Penalty said...

"positively in the top 5 of the worst jerseys (top 3 ? top 1!)"

you forgot "of ALL TIME"

Kevin Mosier said...

They look like football jerseys...If I were to half pay attention and look up i'd think they were the Washington Redskins

Whiter Mage said...

Nah, Kevin, the Skins hardly ever wear Red.

Andre said...

With the exception of the burgundy, this is the first bad third sweater to be unveiled. That's like having basketball and football teams wearing their team logos on the front of their jerseys instead of the name and numerals. Speaking of the Redskins, they have a beautiful simple combination of burgundy and gold. Why can't the Thrashers capitalize on having a similiar look? I never liked mixing the double blue with the burgundy and gold. Way too many colours! How can a team establish a true identity? What the Thrashers should have done is go with an all-burgundy look with gold and white trim and the Thrasher bird on the front.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is definitely the ugliest jersey that I've seen in a long, long time. This is HOCKEY dammit!!! NOT FOOTBALL!!!!! What sense does it make to follow in Foolball's steps if there is absolutely no creativity involved in designing their jerseys. I'll tell you now, no one is ever going to respect this league if we don't have our own identity. Stop copying all these boring, crappy American sports already!!!!!!!!!!! HOCKEY IS FINE THE WAY IT IS!!!!!

Unknown said...

i can't believe how bad these are it's worse then the duck flying out of the ice at least it was a disney product that was suppose to be cartoony these are an abomination. who came up with this idea where you should have random patches of different colours we're seeing these days. it looks like someone made a quilt out of some football jerseys. i will admit that i am a traditionalist but you can't say something is good just because they tried a different direction. this is ugly under any circumstances and further proves this joke of a franchise.

arrowcat11 said...

wade little said...

The NHL is a circus, full of clowns and retards. Simplicity is beautiful and no one seems to appreciate that.

I couldn't agree more! All this crap started when RBK entered the NHL. Bring back the CCM box cut jersey's with horizontal striping. screw RBK and there tight as hell/vertical stripe/football wannabe uniform system!

sfwinter said...

isn't the whole point of a 3rd jersey to generate fan interest and ultimately revenue (through jersey sales) for the team? And doesn't putting a honking big number on the front just add to the personalization costs and therefore decrease sales considerably?

didn't anyone ever take a marketing class?

And what happens if you want to buy a non-personalized jersey? Will you just have a huge gap on your chest? Or will they be 08 for 2008? or 00? Who the hell green lighted this?

Anonymous said...

hahaha looks like a red, long sleeved, san diego chargers jersey. it could be could have a million adds all over it to go with that

Cale Putnam said...

It's an NBA jersey with sleeves.

archtalon said...

Pitiful! With the great new looks of Blues and retro looks of Sabres and Oilers, the Thrashers' jersey looks like a bargain-basement afterthought.

jeff chapman said...

Arenacale said...

It's an NBA jersey with sleeves.


Erik G. said...

This has to be the 2nd ugliest jersey I've ever seen. In any sport. Ever. (obviously, duck bursting through ice has a special place in my heart)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

As a Canadian living in Atlanta, I don't like it so much...

but the locals love them. This jersey will help attendance and sales.

Some of you traditionalists need to realize that there are sacrifices that need to be made when you're trying to do the most important thing- engaging the world into the greatest game ever played- hockey.

Jayde said...

wow that jersey is horrible...why put the numbers on the front??? this is the nhl!!!

Unknown said...

AWFUL, from the jersey to the socks, no redeeming qualities...

Brian Walden said...

Why don't they just go all out with what they were thinking and adopt Atlanta Falcons uniforms as their thirds. I don't mean base their design on the Falcons, literally wear the Falcons jerseys, helmets, pants and socks (modified to fit over hockey pads). That's obviously what they're going for.

Dalen Coolio said...

Yeah... I'm not a fan of these "big numbers on the front" jerseys (like Dallas). What is this - basketball? Also, is it just me or do these jerseys look somewhat like t-shirts?

Anonymous said...

This isnt basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!

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