Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Project: IHA Northeast

First, if you have no idea what the Icethetics IHA Project is then click here to get caught up.

I wanted to have the new division posted yesterday, but my computer issues prevented that. So now that you've seen the Atlantic and West Divisions, today we're heading back east for the Northeast Division. Remember, your job is to take the name and colors and create an identity for a hockey team from scratch. I believe in you!

The response from artists has been phenomenal. You guys have come up with some great logos. The response from many readers who aren't submitting work has been odd. I don't understand the complaints but you can never please everyone. Just have fun with this project!

As I've said, I'll be unveiling a new division every week until we've got all the team names and colors out there. This week we've begun voting on the Atlantic logos. Next week will be the West. The week after will be today's division. This gives you guys two weeks to come up with and submit designs.

Now for the IHA Northeast...


BOSTON ROYALS / Boston, Massachusetts
yellow (F8BF24), purple (660099) and grey (BFCFD1)

HARTFORD BEARS / Hartford, Connecticut
green (03753B), blue (09549A) and white (F0F0F0)

MONTRÉAL ROUGE / Montreal, Quebec
maroon (6D0707), red (A90707) and white (F0F0F0)

OTTAWA CAPITALS / Ottawa, Ontario
grey (D0D5AB), navy (0C0A72) and black (202020)

QUEBEC GLACIER / Quebec City, Quebec
red (C20A2D), blue (013463) and sky (AED5FA)

I've supplied colors in hexadecimal format. Should you need RGB conversion, here's a decent resource. By the way, you aren't tied to the exact colors here. Feel free to alter them a little if need be. But please shy away from the standard colors like total black or total white or total red. Remember, be different! As similar as it might be to the NHL, it's not the NHL!

Once again, follow these guidelines when submitting your original IHA artwork:
  • DO NOT STEAL ARTWORK. I'm surprised I have to say this but a number of people submitted logos from professional teams. This is where you let your own creativity shine through. Send in something original!

  • Submit three (3) logos: primary, secondary and wordmark. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think Lightning or Capitals), then use a gray background with the white outline included.

  • Submit vector art if possible. I will accept .ai, .psd and .pdf files. If you cannot submit vector art, you must be able to provide high quality raster art in .jpg or .png files. No .bmp files, please.

  • Try to stick to the assigned colors. Change them only if you deem it necessary and then explain why you made the change. Remember, the "fans" chose these colors and they're who you're working for in the end.

  • Email them to nhllogos@gmail.com with IHA in the subject line. Please include your first and last name (it will not be posted). Please also submit your nickname which will be public if you don't want your real first name used.

  • By submitting your own original artwork to the email address above, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos or they will not be considered.

  • And finally, be prepared to accept feedback and criticism of all kinds!

As always, you can email me questions directly or post them in the comments area. Start designing your logos! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!


Anonymous said...

An american obviously made this up since Ottawa is called the Capitals, yet there is no red or white (the national colours of the country ottawa is the capital of). I live in Ottawa, and even though I hate the sens I think a hockey team should in a nation's capital should incorporate the national colours.

Also, where is the Toronto team?

Anonymous said...

I love the name Montreal Rouge!!

Paul said...

i am very excited about this division... i think all the team names/colors are great

Lucas said...

Hmm...interesting to see teams with no white. That bugs me a bit.

I'll try to get in some artwork for one of these teams, Chris.

Josh said...

Hooray for Hartford!

Unknown said...

It seems blasphemous for an Ottawa team not to have red, white and black as it's colours, fantasy or not.

The Rapidz don't count. They are just an Indy-league baseball team.

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...

I fully support the return of the Mighty Whale (even if it's just in their colors). Thank you for that, Chris.

The Rouge are entertaining. I'm guessing it's in reference to Canadian football, rather than makeup.

Anonymous said...

The problem I have with the ottawa team is that the name capitals usually implies a patriotic theme, and without red and white there can't be one. I will be using red and white in my design and I hope this wont make it less likely to make the cut.

Kevin Y said...

I find the Boston Royals interesting. No doubt, the name and colors are derived from the Los Angeles Kings. This makes me wonder if Los Angeles will get a team in the IHA. Also makes me wonder why Boston got the name and colors from the Kings.

I'm not complaining, just stating my curiosity.

asnowballschance said...

Quebec Glacier & Montreal Rouge seem interesting

My guess is TO is in the other conference, close to Detroit, or division.

Alvin said...
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Alvin said...

It's kind of ironic, actually, that Boston is using the same colours as the LA Lakers, given their long NBA rivalry. As mentioned by other people, Ottawa's colours need to be red, black, and white in order to reflect its government namesake like the Senators and 67s.

Hockey Week said...

i know you didn't pick the names, but the Boston Royals? whoever picked that needs slapped. Boston was where the American Revolution started, where the british royalty was first questioned, and first thrown out of. if anything, it's against everything Boston has stood for in the past. Very Poor name choice, Nicolas

Anonymous said...

Montreal Rouge.....you could use anything for a logo if it's red lol.

Anonymous said...

Boston Rebels would have been more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Very uncreative names and colors as usual. Hartford gets a team, what a joke, they never even deserved the whalers thats why they left for the carolinas.

bruinbxr5791 said...

"flyersk27 said...

Very uncreative names and colors as usual. Hartford gets a team, what a joke, they never even deserved the whalers thats why they left for the carolinas."

Ok, the Whalers were a great team and they never deserved to leave. their management made some bad decisions and that made them leave for Carolina. Carolina is also a great team, but the Whalers never deserved to leave. And besides, if you don't like the names and colors, just leave, it's not your blog, it's Chris's.

awildermode said...


Anonymous said...

Nicolas continues to baffle me with this project.

-Boston ROYALS (Do we know what the Boston Tea Party was about?) This makes no sense.

-Ottawa CAPITALS (Canadian National colors are not present..hmm)

Sometimes I wonder why this guy Nicolas is choosing the team names/colors...so many of them are so bad/real world inaccurate.

GBM said...

"Glaciers" maybe?

Also.. I echo the remarks regarding the Boston Royals. Where in the world does that come from? Even if it is different from Bruins history, which I think it should be, that makes no sense whatsoever. Ah well, I may still try my hand at Boston and maybe Hartford too.

asnowballschance said...

to all that complain, trust me, it's not worth to ridicule this fantasy league. it is just fictional and doesn't necessarily have to be meaningful. Take each city, nickname, colors at face value and run with it. Just to paraphrase a comment from a similar post, "are you going to complain to your employers about certain logos or colors"? of course not, unless you want to get fired.

TJ said...

Toronto doesn't need a team, as apparently, neither does Buffalo lol

AEK said...

I, for one, have been very impressed by the artwork so far. Sure, you could nitpick every little thing about the designs, names, colours and cities but i'm sure most everything posted in the coming weeks will be a step up from the Nashville Predators, among others.

Anonymous said...

"And besides, if you don't like the names and colors, just leave, it's not your blog, it's Chris's."

Why are you attacking me? the IHA project was not even made by Chris, its not his fault at all with these bad colors, names, and cities, its the other guys that made this league. Toronto and Buffalo definitely deserve a team before Hartford. Why does hartford keep the same colors but not ottawa lol, this still makes no sense, but its a fun project.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming toronto and buffalo will be in a different division

Kevin Z. said...

Not trying to jump on the complaint train too much with everyone else, but I'm very skeptical that anyone can make navy & black or red & maroon look good together.

Guilherme Calciolari said...

"Why does hartford keep the same colors but not ottawa"

well, try to imagine IHA as a real league. it makes a lot of sense that the Hartford people wants the team to resemble the good ol' Whalers, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

The division locations don't even make sense. The closer they are to each other makes them more likely to be in a division (that's the purpose of having them). Instead they're all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Love the Glaciers name even if there are no glaciers to be found any where near Quebec City. Like the Montreal Rouge, but even as a Leafs fan I find the lack of red and white in my nationals capital team to be wrong, and I also strongly agree with all those previous comments on the name royal for boston being wrong. Also.... Toronto? Buffalo? no teams? this is a joke.

asnowballschance said...

Here's a recommendation, once this is all said and done, Chris should develop an actual fantasy league for the blog with the option of the users to vote on the cities, nicknames, colors and designs for the league. don't we have enough time until the season starts?

Kevin Y said...

@ Kevin

I'm sure nobody thought that anybody could make burgundy and "steel blue" look good, but I think the Colorado Avalanche have done a nice job in their attempt. I personally won't rule out any color combination until I can see what somebody can do with it.

Leafers LP said...

I really like both team names and colours for the Quebec teams. Boston Royals, meh. I'm not going to complain about the names because that has nothing to do with the points. But, Chris, I'm sure people would rather create designs for original team names than something such as the Boston Royals.

I'm hoping the last Eastern Division invloves the Mid-east sid, because Toronto's the largest hockey market in North America. And if there is no Toronto team, it is clear this was made by a Habs/Sens fan.

vince said...

what is a rouge

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we will see Toronto, it actually makes more sense this way since all of these teams are a bit more northeast, and then another division with Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Detroit and maybe Chicago or Columbus or something would be a sort of... Middle-East division.

Lucas said...

To Vince:

Rouge means Red in French.

asnowballschance said...

@ Josh.

lol @ Middle East division. First thing that came to my mind was not TO, Detroit, etc. but Israel, Iran, and Iraq. Don'tcha mean the Central Division?

vince said...

thats stuipd if rouge means red the team is called the montreal red?

asnowballschance said...

@ Vince:

It's a spin-off of the Montreal Maroons:


Anonymous said...

Ya, I was referencing Anchorman, when Brick is doing weather and he does the Mid-West and the Middle-East...

In truth, it would be cool if it was called the Great Lakes division or something along those lines.

Unknown said...

Well, if it's going to be a 30 team league (which was stated in the initial post about the project) then there are going to be a number of NHL cities that aren't going to have IHA counterparts. With 3 divisions listed so far there are already 3 non-NHL cities; Houston, Hartford and Quebec. That means 3 NHL cities are out, maybe more if the other 3 divisions have more non-NHL cities in them. Looks like Buffalo's getting shafted, Long Island's out and someone out west since Houston's got a team. Toronto might pop up in a division with Detroit and Chicago, or they might be the other odd man out.

Anonymous said...

@ banzer

There isn't any possibility Toronto wouldn't have a team (its the most successful franchise in the NHL in terms of revenue), the cities that will "lose" teams are going to be places that don't deserve teams anyways. Hamilton will probably end up with team (since they have twice been promised one and been thwarted) and I'm assuming Phoenix, Nashville, Florida and maybe a few others (like Long Island since there is already a NY team) will be out.

Buffalo won't get shafted, its actually more likely that there will be a Buffalo and Hamilton team now that Toronto isn't in the east, since there will be a good geographical division located around the great lakes left.

Zack Micciche said...

Quebec Glacier = Bad ass.

Nolo said...

Quebec Glacier is a tuff one to come up with a logo!

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