We'll start the week the same way we started the project — with the Atlantic Division. Below are the logos you selected for the IHA. On the left is the team's primary logo. To the right is the secondary and the wordmark is beneath it. Under the graphic is the designer's credit.


Sigma Kappa



To all the winning designers: If you would like your credit changed or a link added, please don't hesitate to let me know. Since you aren't being compensated monetarily for your hard work, the least I can do is offer a link to your web site, blog or online portfolio — just in case certain eyes are looking. You never know.
However, if you would like to remain anonymous, that's fine too.
Tomorrow I'll unveil the final logo designs for the West Division.
Wow, overall the Atlanta Fire is the best, but the Americans wordmark is perfect.
I have to say that these all look pretty nice all grouped together. Congratulations to the designers who created these nice works of art.
great work guys. the atlanta one is imo the best of them all. simple and clean
hmm i still think atlanta look too much like the old atlanta flames logo,
other then that i really like the other logos
the Miners is the best of the bunch for me,
Americans and Miners are the best, Titans is the worst. Overall, though, decent work by most.
The only complaint I have from this is that the Titans primary and secondary should be switched. The secondary is just way cooler.
Good stuff all around...congrats folks!!!
nice logos and very well displayed Chris.
wow! those Miners logos are great
i don't really like the stars alt.
looks forced
love the miners though!
as great of a name and logo new york has, it doesnt fit the city well. Maybe New York should be the royals because of the place Queens, New York. Just trying to help out.
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