The original post follows.
Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Starts Mon Jul 28
Ends Thu Jul 31
As promised, below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as a finalist. If you think one of these should be the Atlanta Fire logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.
I didn't vote for it, but I actually kinda like the flaming puck idea (though the execution needs a good bit of refinement).
IMO, #3 seems like the best one for a primary logo.
Here's the Non-finalist that I vote for
yay mine made it to the non-finalists!
I voted for the Dragon logo which is inexplicably not a finalist (it's a good concept and a pretty decent design and worlds better than the finalists).
I also like the Fire Ant design in the non-finalist group. With a little work, that could work really well as a logo and it's a different approach than most everyone else took.
My own non-contender is the 3rd non-finalist option, so, no, I'm definitely not voting for myself here. I wasn't pleased with my own designs for the logo for this team.
I voted for non finalist dragon. I think that it is a very good design and someone is making a real attempt at making a logo with some detail. I'm tired of just losing the creative ideas and simply making ideas that don't stir the imagination.
I like all three finalists quite a bit, despite the fact that the first two clearly just expand on the original Atlanta Flames logo. That said, does anyone else see Football goal-posts in the second one?? I can't see past it now...
The second one I think is a little too derivative of the Atlanta Flames logo. If a pro team tried to use that in real life I'm guessing they'd be hearing from Calgary's lawyers. I like the idea of the fireman and shield, (which is similar to the Chicago Fire MLS logo, but different enough that I think it would fly). I guess I'd vote for that.
I like the retro look of the second option. Now, obviously it isn't 100% original, but it's still the one I like the best! That being said, I think all of those designs are awesome and that whoever made them have some reeeeeal talent. Great job guys!
i picked the flaming puck
I like the two that involve fire fighters. It was a nice take on "Fire" that for some reason did not even occur to me as a possibility.
I really like that first one. It's so simple and yet it clearly represents Atlanta and Fire. The dragon one looks great too but is a little too busy for a logo, IMO. All in all, great work by everybody!
i like the non finalists #1 and #2.. it was hard to decide, but i went with non finalists #2 with the puck.
This is definitely the best way you could have done this Chris, really gives people the feeling that they have full choice, doesn't force them to vote for logos they don't like, and probably won't skew the voting too much. very nice!
I also think that the dragon logo should have been a finalist, it is a great idea.
My pick is the dragon logo, though I don't think any of the entire batch would be worthy of use in anything more than a beer league. Hopefully the logos for the upcoming teams will be better.
The dragon logo is nicely done... but frankly way too busy.
My pick is the fire fighter...Their fan club can be "ATL's Bravest"
I really like the fire ant logo. I think it's unique among the finalists, kind of a different interpretation of the name.
I voted for the AF of the non finalists
voted non finalists, either one of the "Flaming A's.
I also voted for the A where the flames make an F
I really like the ant logo! Like Michael said, with a little work, that logo could kick some butts! And it's a different approach!
#3 reminds me too much of the Hurricanes logo, which is one of my least favourites in the NHL. I voted for #1 because I could actually see that on a jersey, but I also really like the "AF" non-finalist logo.
I voted for the flaming puck (picture b). For some reason it just stood out for me as being the best, most straightforward way of symbolizing the team. The flaming A's just don't do it for me, don't ask me to put words to it, because I can't.
flaming puck is the best
First one is hands down most original of the three first choices. The second one is a complete Flames ripoff and the artist didn't even stick to the color scheme. there is no charcoal in his/her design, wtf? someone breaks the rules twice and they make the finals, and you leave out an awesome flaming puck logo??
Third looks like kfc spicy chicken or something.
First gets my vote, simple and modern-looking. great work!
First is the best easily, and the third one looks like it stole the F from the Flyers concept by sigma kappa, same with that awful F logo not chosen.
#5 (the fireman logo) is my choice.
I made the flaming puck logo, and if I could I would go back and clean it up a little but its too late now...
I voted for the fireman's shield (left column, second row). To be honest it's not that great, but to be honest I wasn't impressed by any of them. I might have voted for finalist #2 if it were original, but I can't bring myself to vote for anything so aggressively derivative.
I think the third fire logo is just the old logo for the fire flavored hot sauce at Taco Bell :x.
I voted for the first. Simple but still nice. I think the 5th non finalist (fireman in yellow sheild) would make the best secondary mark.
I think the first option is the only one of the final three I'd like to see on a jersey IMO... but that's not to take anything away from anyone else. The second option is really slick as well and very well done, but it's just way too close to the old Flames logo to get my vote.
Thanks for the votes on my dragon logo. Looking at it now, especially compared to the simpler, cleaner logos, I'm not surprised it got bumped, but I really wanted to stay away from any kind of flaming A since I felt it had already been done.
I'd vote for the fireman if he were holding a hockey stick instead of an axe.
It's a shame, the thumbnail of the Fire Ant just doesn't do it jutice. It looks far more detailed and a lot better if you click on the thumbnail. It's definitely growing on me as a great concept for either a primary or secondary logo.
One of those non finalists looks ripped off.
How about the team name itself being ripped off?
hey my logo made a non-finalist. it's the one that is in the shape of an af flame. plus i don't think any of the finalist logos are not as good as some non-finalist logos
I voted for option #2,because it had the closest look to the old Atlanta Flames vintage 70s style logo.
as for the entries that didnt make it...the "fire ant" logo was absolutly hideous...it reminded me of the movie "them".
The fire ant non-finalist logo reminds me of the symbol the band Alien Ant Farm used. And anyways, why would you want the symbol of a hockey team in what some would call a poor hockey market to be something that the community most likely hates (Red Imported Fire Ants are invasive and terrorize agriculture an livestock businesses, not to mention $$ spent to try and control them)...
Sounds Mean to Me. that makes a good reason to use a Fire Ant. beside its thinking out side of the box. and not totalk comformed by the typical meaning of the work FIRE.
Oh and if you look at the AAF Logo you would notice they dont have anything in common othere then facing foward.
I just said it reminds me of it, not that it IS it. And I do respect the out-of-the-box thinking but I just don't see it quite working here.
I really like the Fire Ant logo. I predict it would be a big seller as well. The finalists are all very well put together, but are a little pedestrian. If you want to really stand out, the fire ant is the way to go. Nice job.
So what's the accompanying Wordmark?
IMO the dragon and the fire-ant are the best ideas! But the dragon prob'ly doesn't need the word 'fire' on it.
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