Friday, August 8, 2008

IHA Poll: Houston Comets

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Fri Aug 8
Ends Mon Aug 11

Below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as finalists. If you think one of these should be the Houston Comets logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Unknown said...

Don't vote for option 3! It looks like a basketball going through a hoop! :)

asnowballschance said...

If it was a basketball, wouldn't the hoop be more vertical? Also, I don't think Chris would have placed it as Option #3. :-P

A said...

I would've picked Option#3 because I think it looks the best. But really, it does look just like a basketball logo turned horizontal (or possibly a reference to Fox's glowing puck). Picked option#1 b/c it's the most feasible on a jersey and it kind of has a NASA-patch reference.

Mike Phoenix said...

LOL yeah i was thinking the same thing. it looks like a cross between the Rockets and the Heat on on its side. But i still have to admit it works for me. I vote for #3.

Ms. Conduct said...

I don't really understand #3. I thought basketball when I saw it, too. I went for #2 though I would like the puck to look more like a puck and less like an Oreo cookie. Or maybe I'm just hungry...

Nathan said...

Looks like I am not the only one who thought #3 looked like a basketball logo. I went with #2.

Adam said...

But looks like the majority of people so far like #3. I concur.

Anonymous said...

I like number three, but I find it weird that there is the blue "hoop"... its totally uneccessary and only takes away from a solid logo by making it look basketballish. Maybe a hockey net or an H would have been better, or simply the stylized C on its own.

Michael said...

chris why did you take out non finalist 2 from the finalist?

Michael said...

(i voted for it)

MrDolomite said...

Another no vote. Would have voted for Finalist #2 if the tail of the comet/puck was used to make the horizontal line in an "H" instead of curling into a "C". Maybe even have used hockey sticks for the vertical H lines.

Anonymous said...

I voted #2. But this has got to be the best batch of logos so far, I was stuck between 1 and 2 for quite a while.

Nolo said...

I voted for #3. I would love to see a puck silhouette that makes the hole in the C, take out the blue hoop and incorporate the blue as another stroke or a part of the comet's tail. It's nicely done btw.

Unknown said...

Non finalist #1 takes the cake.

Leafers LP said...

MrDolomite, have you even voted yet? No offense, but if you're not even going to vote, then why bother commenting? We don't give a crap if you don't like these logos because it's clear this batch has the most potential.

Unknown said...

I voted for non-finalist #3. LOVE the Space Shuttle!

AJ said...

#3 Reminds Me Of The Miami Heat.... I voted Non Finalist one out of simplicity

Sukhraj said...

i agree with NHL News...#3 does kinda look like Miami Heat, so i went with #2.

Ogre39666 said...

voted finalist #3 (I didn't see the "basketballness" of it) but finalist #2 and non-finalist top row, middle are nice too.

some of the best work so far imo.

Emo said...

The third finalist is definitely the most aesthetically pleasing, but it also looks like a horseshoe crab.

Pas said...

voted for non finalist no 1
i really like it,
clean and simple like a hockey logo should be

Susan said...

I like the spaceship in the non-finalist one the best.

ryanmiles said...

voted other - top row, in the star type logo

Anonymous said...

I voted non finalist number 1 cause i think the NHL needs more retro style logos. Clean and simple.

Ryan said...

Option 1 is clearly the best, in fact I'd even go as far as to say it's the best logo created for the tourney so far. 3 looks like a basketball logo rotated 90 degrees as has been said, and option 2 wouldn't look good on a jersey I don't think.

I like the idea of this tournament, I think some of the team names have been utterly cringeworthy and some of the colourschemes are weak (really, green and blue for a team named the Seahawks? genius...), but still there's been some good stuff drawn up. I've dabbled, but not come up with anything I'd be happy submitting.

One thing I would say is that a lot of these logos seem far more feasible as a secondary logo or sleeve patch than a team's main identity.

Unknown said...

I went with Non-Finalist #1. It has a simple elegance that seems to be lacking in most logos today.

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