Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Project: IHA Pacific

First, if you have no idea what the Icethetics IHA Project is then click here to get caught up.

You've seen the Atlantic, West and Northeast Divisions. Now we're headed to the Pacific. Remember, your job is to take the name and colors and create an identity for a hockey team from scratch. You can do it!

As I said last week, the response from artists has been phenomenal. You guys have come up with some great logos as you've seen with the first two divisions. This week we're voting on West Division logos. The week after will be this division so that gives you about two weeks to work on your concept designs.

Now here are the new teams!


LOS ANGELES SAINTS / Los Angeles, California
gold (C3AD49), green (388C38) and black (202020)

PORTLAND REBELS / Portland, Oregon
green (066641), orange (EE780E) and white (F0F0F0)

SAN JOSE EXPRESS / San Jose, California
red (BE1B1B), yellow (E5CF17) and black (202020)

purple (65009A), blue (135791) and white (F0F0F0)

VANCOUVER DYNAMO / Vancouver, British Columbia
blue (7093DB), grey (999999) and black (202020)

I've supplied colors in hexadecimal format. Should you need RGB conversion, here's a decent resource. By the way, you aren't tied to the exact colors here. Feel free to alter them a little if need be. But please shy away from the standard colors like total black or total white or total red. Remember, be different! As similar as it might be to the NHL, it's not the NHL!

Once again, follow these guidelines when submitting your original IHA artwork:
  • Don't steal artwork. I'm still surprised I have to say this but a number of people submitted logos from professional teams. This is supposed to be where you let your own creativity shine through. Send in something original!

  • Submit three (3) logos: primary, secondary and wordmark. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think Lightning or Capitals), then use a gray background with the white outline included.

  • Submit vector art if possible. I will accept .ai, .psd and .pdf files. If you cannot submit vector art, you must be able to provide high quality raster art in .jpg or .png files. No .bmp files, please.

  • Try to stick to the assigned colors. Change them only if you deem it necessary and then explain why you made the change. Remember, the "fans" chose these colors and they're who you're working for in the end.

  • Email them to nhllogos@gmail.com with IHA in the subject line. Please include your first and last name (it will not be posted). Please also submit your nickname which will be public if you don't want your real first name used.

  • By submitting your own original artwork to the email address above, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos or they will not be considered.

  • And finally, be prepared to accept feedback and criticism of all kinds!

As always, you can email me questions directly or post them in the comments area. Start designing your logos! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!


Unknown said...

those last three teams should generate some interesting logos

Leafers LP said...

Interesting choices of cities and names. I like the colours for all of them, but I love the colours for the Vancouver Dynamo. I don't understand the meanings to any of the teams if there is any meaning behind the names.

Should be great to see some logos.

Mike Phoenix said...

WOW man i cant keep up with all of this. this is all coming to fast.

asnowballschance said...


I think the city and nicknames are quite amusing:

The City of Angels Saints: Very religious name.

Seattle Metropolitans: Hockey team in the 1910s - 1925s. 1st American team to win the Stanley Cup

Portland Rebels: Possibly drawing inspiration from the "54 40 or Fight" slogan.

San Jose Express: SJ has many expressways, railways, etc. and is the largest city in the country not served by a primary, "two-digit" interstate.

Vancouver Dynamo: Possible nod to the strength and success of the Dynamo Moscow hockey team in Russia.

Just my $0.02

awildermode said...

a team in san jose, but no team in toronto???

Baller Blog said...

I agree with awildermode. What gives? I know this is just for fun, but it's still a bummer not to see your city represented in this contest.

I'd choose San Diego, San Francisco, Anaheim, Oakland or Sacramento over San Jose for this division. That being said, I like that Seattle and Portland have teams in this fictional league, as I believe they should be represented in the NHL.

Michael said...

awildermode: toronto will deff get a team, have you noticed how detroit, ohio, chicago, and possibly winipeg dont have teams yet? There all probilly going to be in like the lakes division or something

overall i like the names here,but i dont like seattles colours, or the dynamo

Hockey Week said...

Dynamo will be VERY tough. My high school's nickname is actually The Dynamos, and we always make top 100 weirdest names lists, especially in PA. i'll be extremely curious to see what people come up with.

i'm liking the names of this division

bruinbxr5791 said...

ummm.... San Jose express? Sounds like a train company. but whatever, all the other names are awesome.

Anonymous said...

im hoping that Toronto is going to be in a devision with like Buffalo and Cleveland or something

Silver said...

Were you guys actually expecting Toronto to be in the Pacific division?

Doogie2K said...

I think the LA team was inspired by "Saints of Los Angeles," possibly.

Totally Not Ryan Krasman said...

Why do vancouver teams have meaningless names?

asnowballschance said...

I'm calling this now for the geographically impaired.

Great Lakes/Central Division:

Chicago, Detroit, Minnesota, Toronto and Winnipeg.

Baller Blog said...

I gotta tip my hat to Chris. In an earlier post, he responded to complaints on team names by saying that he intentionally came up with lame/ridiculous team nicknames to challenge the artists that submit work on this blog. I like it.

That being said, I think the quality of logos thus far in this contest is much poorer than those of current team redesigns and re-branding seen on here.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Seattle has a team, and you decided to bring back the Metropolitans. Can't wait to see the logos for this team :)

Unknown said...

Dynamo's kind of a cool name...it's abstract but provides a great sense of motion when you try visualizing it. The only issue I have is that the colors for it are a real downer. They're completely at odds with the name.

Sukhraj said...

I wish the team name would of been millionaires for my Vancouver. It would of been cool to bring back the Millionaires.

John said...

Great idea with the shoutout to the Metropolitans. As far as the rest go, I think this may be the best batch as far as names are concerned. They've all got a lot of logo possibilities, especially the Dynamo. I'm really looking forward to this division being done.

asnowballschance said...

I agree John, this has to be the strongest set of names so far.

Anonymous said...

Saints of Los Angeles is Motley Crue's new song!

Anonymous said...

Are there gonna be international teams too?

Anonymous said...

why does san jose have to get shafted with germany colors?? i dont like that association...

Doogie2K said...

Random question: Will logos that shorten it to "Mets" (a la the New York team) be accepted?

Unknown said...

I'm hoping the Portland logos will be awesome... I can see lots of possibilities with the Irish flag colors and the name Rebels. Wish I was better at designing!

Unknown said...

Dynamo wtf!!!!!!! maby dynamite?????????

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