Last night's Lightning-Thrashers game was littered with an assortment of Saw V promotions, not the least of which included some special — and I do hope temporary — goalie masks for Olaf Kolzig and Mike Smith.

Smith played and wore this mask.

But apparently one has been designed for Kolzig as well — my thanks to Puck Daddy for finding a picture.

I'm just a bit disappointed. I'm not a fan of the movies so I guess I'm biased. But I do have to admit he's not an idiot. Koules and his marketing team sure know how to take advantage of what they've got.
But seriously, what's next? Charlie Sheen wearing a Lightning jersey?
One more thing and totally unrelated. I can say this because my team is sucking just as bad. What's up with the Flyers? You put six tallies on the board and you still can't win a game. You're the only team left. Get it together.