We even did a live blog today here at Icethetics.

As you can see from the picture, the new sweater is black with the team's secondary logo with the storm flag on the front. It features thick red and silver stripes around the arms and a red stripe around the waist. Above that red stripe is a stripe of storm flags similar to the ones on the regular home and road sweaters. The difference being the flags are black with silver outlining and a silver square in the middle. On the shoulders is the primary logo in black and grey.
These images are from the live video stream of the event.

The team made the following image available on their site so you can see the complete look.

It was announced that the jerseys would go on sale to the public at the Caniac Carnival next weekend. And on their official web site, there's a fact sheet outlining some interesting information.
The team began development on this jersey in October 2003. The release states, "With the popularity of the secondary logo and the way in which the Triangle is represented in that symbol, it made sense for it to serve as the focal point. Since our primary team colors are red, black and white, and our other sweaters are red and white, it made sense to choose black as the main color of this new look."
The release also confirms the new sweater will make its on-ice debut on October 13 when the 'Canes play the Red Wings. They also list the dates of 14 other home games when the jersey will be worn. Check out their official site for more information.
By the way, a reader who attended the event sent in some pictures from his cell phone.

All in all it was a short event but to the point. They brought out the players, talked a little bit about the design and development and said goodbye.
The jerseys look great and it's nice to finally see them. Up next: the Buffalo Sabres on September 20!
UPDATE (9/11 12:10 AM): Just like I did last year with the Rbk EDGE jerseys, I'm keeping galleries for each new third jersey that gets released.
You can now find photos of the Hurricanes' alternate sweater by clicking here. Check out the slideshow on the right.
But wait, there's more. In case you missed it, the Hurricanes posted the video from the unveiling on their web site. You can watch it there or on YouTube.
I think that about does it for the coverage of Carolina. Moving on to Boston next.
These are some nice uniforms. I think Carolina can pull off the black jersey.
thats a really cool looking jersey
Love them! Buying one September 21st!!
i really wished they would add the second flag on there since the one flag is a tropical storm warning and 2 flags is the hurricane warning... i mean if you're gonna have a logo make it right
easily the best third jersey in the NHL currently!
It's a very cool jersey... so cool, I may have to think about purchasing one and getting Staal lettered on the back.
unoriginal design, but the jersey looks good on the players.
i wish that shoulder patch would be bigger. the primary logo in black is excellent.
however, the blown up secondary has way too much white. only the outside should be in white, not the interior items (flag and stick).
it would be interesting if an icethetics reader could redesigh the primary without the white inside the logo.
Personally, I think they are brutal. The black on black shoulder patch is dumb and I hate the grey flags around the bottom of the jersey, red (like on the home and away sweaters) would have been much better. I do like the sleeve stripes and socks.
Not too bad. I don't see the reason for using a black patch on a black jersey, though.
Not sure about the socks either. Better than the downward-sloping ones, but I don't like the weird angles on socks that have been showing up lately. Must everything be messed with?
Red pants with this uniform might be interesting. That's a lot of black as is.
I'm with Mike on this. Their name is the Carolina Hurricanes, not the Carolina Tropical Storms.
My guess is that the Canes will make the stick and flag log their primary in a couple seasons. Going the route of the Blue Jackets last year.
Not bad overall, I agree that the logo should be two flags. I can't stand the angled stripes, especially on the socks. I like that black unis but I'm afraid they'll become too common among 3rd jerseys.
these are so sick!
Enough with the Black 3rd's. Sorry but I hate the fact that teams MUST have a 3rd uniform(yea yea I know, more money) BUT does it need to be BLACK!! Let's see, Boston has had a black uniform since the league came to be, my Penguins have had a black uniform since 1980. Philly changed from the Orange jersey to a black jersey(I hate the fact that they got rid of the Orange jersey...Bring back the Orange away jersey). Chicago, why do you need a 3rd? and it's black to boot! San Jose(black 3rd).Kings have been done before(Gretzky blk/silver years). Tampa Bay(blk 3rd). Phoenix(blk 3rd). Ottawa(blk 3rd)Now Carolina. How about giving all the teams 2 uni's...one Black and one White. Or you could shoot the game in blk/wht and have everyone buy a blk/wht tv.
A solid B effort for the Carolina Tropical Storms.
Are the socks the same as the Flames?
I like the jerseys but the overall looks would be much nicer with contrasting red gloves and pants.
The last 2 images on this article, i thought the cameraman was waving a large flag.
The angled stripes on the socks are giving me flashbacks to the Canucks Flying V's....
i love those, i'd get one immediately if i was a Canes fan, but A effort, they will look bad-ass on the ice
man those are atrocious.
those silver cubes going all across the bottom make me want to puke, and what kind of stripes are those on the arms? haha, well it's going to be fun watching them miss the playoffs again, and they'll look even dumber this year.
horrible, ugly, brutal jerseys.
Don't love em, don't hate em.
The silver and black storm flags across the bottom seem like they would be a bad idea, but with a silver and black logo on the shoulder, they're not that bad.
It looks way too plain to me. I don't understand the flags on the bottom of the jersey being in gray, and I don't exactly understand why put them on the current home/away set either.
In my opinion, only the Kings can pull off a black-and-gray look (see: Gretzky-era). That's what this is, except for the red stripes. Heck, even using the colored primary logo as the secondary would look better. But this looks absolutely plain to me.
That being said, I'm not disappointed about this jersey. Why you may ask? Well, because that's what we all knew it was gonna look like for the past couple months. We weren't surprised here.
The only good thing about the jersey: the logo. Even if it is one flag too few, that logo looks absolutely sick and I hope the Hurricanes do go the Blue Jackets route and make that the primary in a couple years. Although they'd need to do some work for it to look good on a jersey. It looks great in front of the black background here, but the devastating lack of red and the '' on the bottom kills it for me.
Again, they look great!! You can't see the shoulder patch on that graphic though.
I like the way it looks on the players and the matching angle of the stripes on jersey and socks is nice - NO PIPING...yeah!
Flag was explained during the unveiling: It is a hurricane watch, two is a warning.
From somebody on the hurricanes boards refering to what hurricanes management said: "
And for those who keep going on about one flag instead of two, it should finally be put to rest (thanks to the answer by the Canes at the press conference, and I just verified the answer at Wikipedia) - one flag still does signify a hurricane. One flag is a hurricane watch (meaning a hurricane can hit within 36 hours), and two flags is a hurricane warning (can hit within 24 hours). So yes, doubters, the one flag is still a hurricane."
Last team to wear Different pants with an alt was the Canucks in 03-06- they had a light blue pair for the retro- nothing this dramatic. Before that set it was rangers in 03-04 with a blue pair for their 70's throwbacks. Before that the last time was the rockies from 76-80, and the Kings from 70-79, both with home/away pants.
That's not a common thing.
Sorry, Uniwatch is closed today...
Interesting that they deviated from their normal pant color just for the thirds. I can't think of any team that's done that in the last 30 years. I wonder if other teams will follow since it's easier to do with the Edge pullover shells...
For all of you that keep complaining about the one-flag logo, one flag is still a hurricane watch and the logo would look kind of awkward with the two flags on it. i personally think the mostly black look looks sharp but i am against the gray boxes on the bottom since they are technically supposed to be storm flags. But i guess they were trying to incoporate the whole zephyr look into they jersey.
The 1-flag 2-flag thing is a bit nit-picky imho... it's just a sports logo...
Arrowcat, I'm in complete agreement. I'm sick and tired of black sweaters. Pittburgh and Boston obviously get a pass on this. I loved the Orange Flyers sweaters (even tho I don't particularly care for the team itself). It's bad enough that when you go see a live game it's always (for me) Blues in Blue against road team in white, but to make it black vs white 50% of the time is dull, uninspired, lazy, and played-out.
sorry to post a second comment today, but i just saw the new images on the canes' website. and it actually does not look good on a player.
the white in the logo is an obvious problem, but the grey squares are just so big and useless, you wonder how this was allowed by the league.
i agree too that red gloves and pants would help a lot.
I'm not a fan of using the secondary Flag Logo as the primary, but the black and gray primary logo on the shoulders are slick.
Hell, put that on the chest.
I actually think it looks better on a player, but more red accents (ie, red helmets, pants, helmets and gloves) would look better.
Black's only okay in my book if it's part of the team color scheme. It is in the Hurricanes Case. In San Jose, not so much. It used to be, but it's not anymore.
I agree with you Resist The Flames, the socks do resemble the Flames a tad, I'm glad we can finally buy RBK hockey socks now, they fit a lot better than the old socks with pads on (off topic haha).
Anyways, I am indeed a hardcore Blues fan but I'm sure I'll be buying this third when it is for sale to the public. I think it is very sharp, it'll probably beat out the Blues third since they are not known for their thirds. ;)
They look awesome. Far better than I expected.
What are you talking about Ryan.. oh, the crazy jersey that Keenan refused to allow to see the light of day. God that was awful.
But I wouldn't mind to see it actually used today, since all the jersey have the same pattern.. thanks RBK!!
I'm surprised they're going with a totally separate helmets, gloves and shell/pants for this. It would probably look better with the red, and that was what I expected to see.
i like the jersey overall, good use of their colors. the only thing im not crazay 'bout is the primary logo patch, it's hard to see, maybe it's just the picture...who knows, but overall well done!
I was there and those are my pictures. I love those jerseys to be honest. For those complaining about the jerseys being black, what other color were we gonna do? Silver? The only real problem I have with the jerseys are the socks. I wish they kept with the same style and just changed the colors. Also why so many people complaining about the flags on the bottom? They are hurricane gales, they are there because its a pattern that can repeat itself and still signify itself with the team. Overall I am satisfied and may buy one of them when they go on sale.
I actually like those, which is rather annoying because I fall into the "This team should still be in Hartford" camp, and therefore don't really care for them.
not bad could be worse
it wasn't enough for the socks to have a fricking charlie brown stripe pattern on it, it had to have a break in the back. wtf.
great effort, and a good jersey...except for those socks!!!!!
NO Reebok!!!!! That is NOT the way hockey socks are supposed to look!!
Otherwise it looks ok, not sure about the monochromatic look, but for a black sweater it looks fine. Ottawa, Tampa, Calgary really need to can this ugly sock design pronto... It is uncalled for.
Arrowcat & Kirby,
There are even more red jerseys in the NHL than black ones, so the 'Canes were screwed either way. The league really needs to get away from blue and red... but that's another story for another day.
Anyway... I like this jersey. The design is interesting without being overly wild. I like the silver squares at the bottom, and, while the black-on-black shoulder logo does seem kind of absurd, it's something different that we've never seen before, and I'm always up for new design ideas.
Overall, I give this one a solid thumbs-up.
I sent this to Chris, but thought it would be worth posting here as well. Here's another high quality image of the jersey hidden on the Hurricanes' website
Overall, I like the jerseys, but think there's some room for improvement. Check out my blog post (linked in my name, above) for more thoughts!
I like 'em... a lot. Although I do agree with everyone on the 'flag ring' on the bottom. If there storm flags are red, why not keep them that way?
I think the black shoulder patch is the true kicker. It's almost like an inside joke. It didn't know it was there, you'd never look for it.
Gray would have been cool. Why not? Gray with red and black trim. Georgetown Hoyas pull of the gray. Why not CAR? Something original.
Much better than I expected! Thought they would look terrible but I actually like them.
I read online that goalies might be having problems seeing pucks shot with everyone in black. Very interested if any complaints will come.
It's a really nice and clean design. The secondary logo is definitely working well, and I like the angled stripes on the jersey. The socks are ok. I'm sure they're phasing out the original logo by making it blend in with the jersey color. I just hope that the simplicity of this jersey doesn't make it boring and outdated in a year or two. Otherwise, fantastic job.
mike, during the press conference Cam Ward was asked about that. He said it would be fine as long as they don't have a blackout when they wear the jerseys, because they pick up the puck against the people in the front row.
hope they have a blackout when the Caps go down there.
i like everything, but i dont like the black logo on the shoulders. it would look better if they left it alone.
otherwise, great jersey
still waiting for the rangers
I don't see why people are so down on black jerseys, in an overcrowded league of 30 teams it's getting harder and harder to find a color scheme that hasn't been taken (although a green or orange jersey might be nice, yes I mean you philly and dallas) besides, this is a third jersey, it's not like it's a permenant change.
however, I really don't see the point in a shoulder logo if it's the same color as the jersey, but that's really my only problem with it. overall these are very sharp.
meh, I could do without the black.
the logo is OK
but I love the flag border thing. Glad they kept it
I really don't like these, as soon as I saw them skate on the ice for the release, they looked awkward. It just seems like they are trying to do too many things all at once with the angled stripes, squared line bottom trim, black on black, new logo; and when the 'A' or 'C' is there, its almost touching the logo. But That's just being picky and it seems like Canes fans like it. I'm just glad the Pens aren't messing around like this.
You know, the more I look at these jerseys the more I like them. I especially like the black primary Hurricanes logo on the shoulders.
I have to chime in too and say that the jerseys and socks really aren't all that bad, but they would look SO much better with the red helmets, red/black gloves and red pants. I think that would add a lot to the look and not make them appear black like so many other teams in the league.
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