Just wanted to update everyone on the status of the IceHL project. As you've seen, the final names for the South Division have been posted. You've got the next three weeks to design and submit your logos for that division.
Which brings me to why I'm writing tonight. I expected to have the logo ratings pages posted for the Pacific Division this weekend. Obviously that hasn't happened. The trouble is figuring out the best way to present and rate the logos that have been submitted. The idea I had in mind fell through.
Ideally, you'd be presented with a slideshow which would display each logo set one at a time. You'd rate it and move to the next one. Unfortunately, without some sort of automated process, that is going to take me quite a while to build and I just don't have the free time for it.
So I'm exploring new ideas. That means the logo rating process will not begin this week. It may be next week or later. But in the meantime, we've still got other things to do. Keep the logo submissions coming for the three divisions that are open. I'll be posting the name ratings pages for the Southeast Division tomorrow at some point — haven't had time to build those pages this weekend.
If anyone out there has any ideas for me, I'm all ears. Just drop me a line.
And tomorrow I'll be offering a preview of the logos available for the Central Division. Surprisingly, there were a lot fewer submissions for this division. There were 42 submissions for the Pacific Division yet only 24 for the Central. They're quality designs for the most part but it just means you won't have as much to choose from.
While I'm here, I thought I'd address a minor issue that seems to have popped up regarding team names. I mentioned earlier not using the Houston Apollos because there was an old Central Hockey League team with that name. Others have asked why I didn't disqualify the Montreal Olympiques for a similar reason — the Gatineau Olympiques of the QMJHL. The answer is in the city. It's that simple.
I'd prefer not to use the same identity of a team that already exists whether it be pro or semi-pro — especially in the hockey world. You can complain all you want about how the rules don't seem to be evenly applied — and I know there are those of you that will, but I don't look at things as black and white. I look at what's relevant to a situation.
I hope that helps explain things. I'd be happy to answer any other questions by email.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
IceHL South: Final Names
The final names for the IceHL's South Division are in! Hundreds of you made your voice heard by rating the finalists for each franchise. So here are the winners.
I would like to point out that the Houston name with the highest rating was actually the Apollos but upon further research I discovered a couple of teams, including a past Central Hockey League team with the same name. Hellcats was the second highest rated.
Based on these names, your task — should you choose to accept it — is to brand the franchise. You choose the color scheme and design primary, secondary and script logos around that. Additional logos may or may not be included in the voting process.
Submit your logo art by email to me at icethetics@gmail.com. Do not post links to artwork in the comments. They will be deleted and not considered for use in this project. I'm also outlining guidelines for submissions below. If you don't follow them, your work will probably not be included.
South logo submission deadline: November 8
If you want your submission included, follow these instructions:
I tried to be specific here but I'm happy to answer any additional questions you may have via email. I was very clear about this but keep in mind that if you do not properly follow the instructions above, your work will likely be disqualified. So read them carefully.
Just so everyone is aware, when it comes time to choose a logo for each team, the process will work basically the same as the name ratings. Logo rating pages will be posted for each team and up to 20 logo submissions will be available to rate. I'm sorry I can't include more but this assures that all worthy submissions will get a fair shake.
The difference here is that once the rating period has ended, there will be a vote on Icethetics of the top 3 rated logos for each team. This assures that we choose the logo everyone wants.
Start submitting your logos!
- Boulder BEASTS
average rating 3.19/5 by 305 people - Dallas OUTLAWS
average rating 3.53/5 by 368 people - Houston HELLCATS
average rating 2.84/5 by 371 people - New Orleans GATORS
average rating 3.51/5 by 309 people - Salt Lake City SCORPIONS
average rating 2.96/5 by 347 people
I would like to point out that the Houston name with the highest rating was actually the Apollos but upon further research I discovered a couple of teams, including a past Central Hockey League team with the same name. Hellcats was the second highest rated.
Based on these names, your task — should you choose to accept it — is to brand the franchise. You choose the color scheme and design primary, secondary and script logos around that. Additional logos may or may not be included in the voting process.
Submit your logo art by email to me at icethetics@gmail.com. Do not post links to artwork in the comments. They will be deleted and not considered for use in this project. I'm also outlining guidelines for submissions below. If you don't follow them, your work will probably not be included.
South logo submission deadline: November 8
If you want your submission included, follow these instructions:
- DO NOT STEAL ARTWORK. Logos copied or adapted from professional trademarked logos will not be permitted.
- Submit three (3) logos: primary, secondary and script. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think Lightning or Capitals), then use a gray background with the white outline included. ALL 3 LOGOS will be used in the voting process. If you leave out one, your work may be disqualified.
- Submit vector art if possible. I will accept .ai, .psd and .pdf files. If you cannot submit vector art, you must be able to provide high quality images in .jpg or .png files ONLY. All other file types may be disqualified.
- You must include your credit within the graphic itself as well as the email. This can be your real name or a pseudonym. I need them in both places so I can easily search my email to find your artwork and email address. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
- By submitting your own original artwork to any Icethetics email address, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos or they will be disqualified.
- No jersey concepts, please. That will be a later step in this process.
I tried to be specific here but I'm happy to answer any additional questions you may have via email. I was very clear about this but keep in mind that if you do not properly follow the instructions above, your work will likely be disqualified. So read them carefully.
Just so everyone is aware, when it comes time to choose a logo for each team, the process will work basically the same as the name ratings. Logo rating pages will be posted for each team and up to 20 logo submissions will be available to rate. I'm sorry I can't include more but this assures that all worthy submissions will get a fair shake.
The difference here is that once the rating period has ended, there will be a vote on Icethetics of the top 3 rated logos for each team. This assures that we choose the logo everyone wants.
Start submitting your logos!
Phunny Photos
I was going through photo galleries from last night's games and came across some pictures that, while not all that relevant to Icethetics, were pretty funny so I thought I'd share them anyway.
This one looks normal enough.

Now enlarge the picture and look just above Mike Richards at the woman wearing green.
Miikka Kiprusoff appears a little vulnerable.

His eyes don't show it.
The Oilers' web site credits Steve MacIntyre's fight last night with changing the momentum of the game.

I wonder if his facial expression helped at all.
I got a kick out of those. Hopefully you did too.
This one looks normal enough.

Now enlarge the picture and look just above Mike Richards at the woman wearing green.
Miikka Kiprusoff appears a little vulnerable.

His eyes don't show it.
The Oilers' web site credits Steve MacIntyre's fight last night with changing the momentum of the game.

I wonder if his facial expression helped at all.
I got a kick out of those. Hopefully you did too.