Friday, August 1, 2008

IHA Poll: Washington Stars

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Fri Aug 1
Ends Mon Aug 4

As promised, below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as a finalist. If you think one of these should be the Washington Stars logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Anonymous said...

All three finalists are pretty solid, but I'm going with #3.

The non-finalist at top-middle would be a good secondary too.

llp02 said...

Bottom-Right of the non-finalists gets my vote.

Unknown said...

I'll have to pass on voting for this round...that first logo feels too similar to what the Caps are currently using. The idea of the Capitol and the W doesn't seem original and that third option is something Captain Kirk wears.

RFrancis741 said...

OK, I know I have seen Option #3 before. Just not sure where. Plus it reminds me of the Dallas Star's Mooterus.

Anonymous said...

I had a tough time deciding but, i chose finalist 2. I like how the stars create a silhouette of the Capital Building. The bottom right finalist is very good too, taking 2 major monuments of the area. They're all good, the best batch overall yet; but they aren't suitable for a primary logo in my opinion. They would make great secondary logos or shoulder patches. Also, i think finalist 3 looks too much like a Star Trek communication device.

Ms. Conduct said...

None of these move me, but I like the W of the middle bottom row of non-finalists. I'd just do something different with the stars so it doesn't look like a mini-menorah or something.

Andrea said...

Bottom left non-finalist for me. The red star with the red W

SeekingSunrise said...

Non-finalist #6 (bottom-right) for me.

Jason New Era said...

I have picked a Non-finalist for every one of these polls except for the Miners logo. This is getting annoying.

Paul said...

i like that bottom-right non finalist as well, but after looking at it for a bit, the shape of it reminds me of a mrs. buttersworth bottle, anyone else see it???

Raul said...

non-finalist bottom right, logo #6

B19 said...

I voted non finalist.

The W with the 2 stars.

vince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Couldn't cast a vote as I don't think any of them are good enough to be a primary mark.

kevin4peace said...

The first one I think is the best, but its so off centered...

Jason New Era said...
I have picked a Non-finalist for every one of these polls except for the Miners logo. This is getting annoying.


Nathan said...

None of these are very impressive actually. I do actually like the design of #2 but I don't see it looking good on a jersey. I guess I will go with non-finalist #1

asnowballschance said...

non-finalist bottom right #6.

after the Caps introduced the "Weagle", logos with the capitol building silhouette are unoriginal.

Brian Walden said...

I voted for #2, the circle with a bunch of stars slightly resembling the capital dome. I wasn't really thrilled with any of the choices. I can see why designers don't like teams with the name Stars - it's hard to make something original.

I appreciated the way non-finalist #5 worked in the stars of the DC flag, much like the current caps logo does and how #6 used the Washington monument and Pentagon. They were more original than the slightly overused capital dome.

All this got me wondering what the big statue of Lincoln from the Lincoln monument would look like on a hockey jersey.

vince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bruinbxr5791 said...

I'm not even voting. I don't like any of the logos at all. Great idea though, Chris, with the IHA.

Darrell Sharpe said...

Not sure i'm extremely fond of any of them, however, i went with logo number 3.

Vince: i've seen you repeatedly spam that comment about your logo. Take everything past blows out of the sentence and that's about my opinion on it. hah.

John said...

I'm not a big fan of any of these, but I do appreciate the incorporation of the Capitol Building in the logo of the first finalist- so I went with that one.

Susan said...

Non Finalist -- bottom row on the right side

FlyingV4Life said...

Option #1 looked the best,but they were all pretty horrible in my opinion.

id never buy a jersey,hat,tee shirt,etc with any of those type logos on it.

Whiter Mage said...

If any of these were the logo of the Washington Stars, this DC native would be rooting for the Hartford Bears.

Unknown said...

Voting for the first non-finalist. That would look amazing going all the way across the front of a jersey...

Ogre39666 said...

Voted non-finalist middle, bottom row. I don't feel any others are really primary logo material. I do however think non-finalist middle, top row would be a real nice secondary logo and non-finalist top left would make a nice helmet and pant-patch logo.

ecoulson1 said...

That bottom right non-finalist looks like a phallic symbol. I'm not voting at all for this team. Don't particularly care for any of the options.

jondp_83 said...

I thought that this was about the worst batch so far; as one person said, its really hard to do something original with "stars" in red, white and blue. Bottom-right is probably the best; it does remind me of a phallic symbol; then again the Wash. monument is a giant phallic symbol. I also like top middle as a shoulder patch or pant-patch logo.

Anonymous said...

None of these logos are all that great, but since I should vote for one, I chose the first option.
"Stars" in general isn't a great nickname.

DaneykoIsGod said...

Voted for the bottom right Non-Finalist. Very clever, combining the Washington Monument, the Pentagon and a star to form a "W". With a little polishing, the bottom left Non-Finalist would be a very sharp crest on a sweater, but bottom right gets my vote.

Kusmission said...

Non-finalist #2 (top-middle), please.

- 0 0 ) ) said...

I voted with Kus....

I think its the least "cluttered" one there. Very easy on the eyes.

GBM said...

I honestly don't think any of these are half professional-worthy, no offense to anyone.

Mike Phoenix said...

Where are the ones that i sent in ? are you keeping them?

Vortican said...

I vote for non-finalist bottom-right. I love the use of the washington monument. Brings some city-specific identity to a rather generic name.

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