Monday, August 4, 2008

IHA Poll: Calgary Mavericks

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Mon Aug 4
Ends Thu Aug 7

As promised, below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as a finalist. If you think one of these should be the Calgary Mavericks logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Andrea said...

I vote for the non-finalist big C with the hat

Ms. Conduct said...

Why does the horsey have parentheses around it?

I like the idea of #3 but I think it needs to be simplified a bit.

Nolo said...

ohhh i like the #3 logo the way it is!! superb!!

MrDolomite said...

Voted for #2 but get rid of the side swooshes.

Kevin Y said...

I'm surprised that there are so few non-finalists.. I assume that means that there either weren't a lot of submissions or there were a lot of crappy ones.

Either way, I have to say that I'm not very impressed with the six logos I see here, so I actually didn't cast a vote at all.

Wozniak said...

to me, the logos with the spade would make great secondary logos, especially the first one.

the second one, although nice, looks like it would be for a football team due to the shape and spacing of the objects. every hockey logo i can think of at this moment all have very very little negative space (minus the capitals because theirs is technically a word mark). i think if the horseshoe (which im assuming that to be, was filled out and made into a circle it would look more hockey to me.

i ended up voting for the third because of the design quality, and the incorporation of the C and M in the middle of the spade.

Susan said...

Non-finalist -- C wearing the hat.

bruinbxr5791 said...

Chris, it says "If you think one of these logos should be the Washington Stars logo,", not Calgary Mavericks.

Anonymous said...

I picked #1, it seemed the best one in my mind because it was more simple. #3 is way too detailed and #2 would be great without those side swooshes.

Vortican said...

I really like option #3. Great use of colors and symbols to create that old west style!

Chris said...

Chris, it says "If you think one of these logos should be the Washington Stars logo,", not Calgary Mavericks.

You caught me. I'm a copy/pasting bastard. Fixed, thanks.

RFrancis741 said...

I liked #2 of the finalist the best and voted that way. The C with the cowboy hat reminds me alot of the WHA Calgary Cowboys(formerly of Miami, Philadelphia, and Vancouver)

xyleph said...

This might be the best batch of logos yet. I went with #2, just a cool logo. I think the spade is a great idea, but #3 needs to have the inside simplified a bit, IMO.

Paul said...

non-finalist, the middle bull logo. It's the best of the bunch, could use some touchups but it's still the most "logo-istic" of them all. Any of the finalists would make wonderful secondary logos, but they don't work as a main crest.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I've got a finalist and a non-finalist in here (#1 & #1). Guess submissions were pretty slim for this one.

(then again, I don't blame people for not wanting to do a Cowtown logo :P ... coming from an Oilers fan)

jondp_83 said...

I love logo #3. It's beautiful. It's more majestic than the sistine chapel, and more splendid than Michelangelo's David. It gave my blind friend back his sight and grew back my severed leg because it's just that wonderful . . . really . . . I promise.

You should vote for it.

Cameron said...

im not really sure what one to vote on, im not really sure if i like or dislike any of them they doent really represent what i would of looked for i like the first two non finalist

Cameron said...

the only thing is is that isnt a maverikc a horse not a bull

Anonymous said... it some sort of secret Calgary thing? Whats with the spades?

Anonymous said...

a maverick is an unbranded cow/bull/calf that's gotten away from the herd.

Ethan Pelton said... your logo is a non-discript horse? I could have grabbed some clip art and made the top three of this contest? Wow. Anyway, the 3rd one is pretty sweet. That one got my vote.

Anonymous said...

Non Finalist - #2

John said...

I personally liked non-finalist #1 the best. Either the 1st or 3rd finalist would make a pretty nice secondary logo for it though.

Anonymous said...

While #3 is really well executed, it's just too complicated to be the main logo mark for a team. It would make an excellent side patch, or even a front patch adjacent to a "C" or "A". A logo should be simple without being stale, easy to reproduce, and iconic. I went with #2.

Hockey Week said...

so when are we going to hear officially what logos are going to be that team's "official" primary, secondary, and wordmark?

jondp_83 said...

" it some sort of secret Calgary thing? Whats with the spades?"

"a maverick is an unbranded cow/bull/calf that's gotten away from the herd."

By extension, a maverick is also any independent person, unaffiliated with any social group. All in all it's a very southwestern cowboy word. What do cowboy's play in their spare time? Poker.

Also, Maverick is a western movie in which the main character is in a poker tournament. The Ace of Spades ends up being the key card in his final hand.

Chris said...

so when are we going to hear officially what logos are going to be that team's "official" primary, secondary, and wordmark?

Tuesday (tomorrow), when all five polls have been completed. The Stars poll closes tonight. Go vote!

HockeyKnight said...

I voted for the second option, but I do have my concerns that it resembles the Calgary Stamps logo. I would settle for the middle and right logos in the "runner up" category for Calgary's alternate logo.

Anonymous said...

Ok I just think it's odd that 2 different people sent in logo's with spades.Plus I'm very aware as to what Websters says a maverick is (besides a crappy car). Hello.....Dallas Maverick fan here.Went to UT-Arlington, also the Mavericks. I thought to myself " Surely it isnt related to the movie." Thats a bit of a stretch. Does Canada use F-14's? Thats a better Maverick movie.

I bet it's some secret that only YOU know about.

Anyway, I hope you guys are picking up the humor. I still think it's odd though.

The #2 looks like SMU's helmet with it's head turned at an un natural angle. Maybe he fell on the ice? That what I'd say if I was their rival.

Sorry for the long's 112 degrees here.

Anonymous said...

I went with the bull because of the Calgary Stampede that the city hosts which is world renowned, and bull riding is always the "heavy weight division" of a rodeo event.

As for the spades, it's the whole wild west/saloon/poker playing thing I guess.

Nathan said...

Second non-finalist by a long shot. I can't see any of the others on the front of a jersey.

Tony said...

the bull, if rendered properly, would be the best. But its not so I went with the horse.

Jason said...

First non-finalist, I guess.

Mike Phoenix said...

Non finalist 1

DaneykoIsGod said...

Option #3. It's a little busy, but I like it better than the rest.

jondp_83 said...

where'd the hand of cards come from? it wasn't there yesterday was it?

Chris said...

where'd the hand of cards come from? it wasn't there yesterday was it?

Late submission.

bruinbxr5791 said...

man, i already voted for the 2nd one. If that hand of cards was there before i would have voted for it.

FlyingV4Life said...

why is it the non finalists always look the best?

who votes on which are the top 3?

the first 2 non finalists are absolutly killer!!!

the spade logos are horrible,what does this have to do with a "maverick" anyway?? am I missing something? card playing???

A maverick is a person who shows independence of thought or action, a non-conformist or rebel.

TX_Flame said...

Count one for the C with the hat. As a Calgary hockey fan, I hate the name and the colours, though.

TX_Flame said...


SMU uses that logo by permission of the Calgary Stampeders, as do several High School "Mustangs". North Shore-Houston comes to mind.

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