Thursday, August 7, 2008

IHA Poll: Edmonton Seahawks

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Thu Aug 7
Ends Sun Aug 10

Below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as finalists. If you think one of these should be the Edmonton Seahawks logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Ms. Conduct said...

Finally a clear favorite for me in the #2 logo. Really nice.

Jefferi said...

I really like the 3rd one because of its duality. If you look at it one way it forms and E and if you look at it the other way it forms an S. If it's not the primary is should def be the secondary

Nolo said...

#1 for me! I don't know about #2. It's bold and it might look like a killer whale. My 2nd choice is N/F #2.

capouel said...

I vote for the Copter in the non-finalist. The weakest batch of finalist in my opinion but I wouldn't have done better.

Vortican said...

I vote for finalist #1, although the use of the helo in non-finalist #4 is interesting. It would create a completely different team identity than the traditional native american seahawk concept, but I think it needs to be a litle more dynamic.

Raul said...

non-finalist #3 for me, the E with the feathers looks pretty crisp and classy.

MrDolomite said...

Another no voter. Finalist #2 looks like a hybrid of the Buffaslug and the Canucks.

Mike Phoenix said...

I vote for the Non finalist #3 Its simple and the feathers just hanging there looks good as well. That #2 finalist dont look like a (Opsrey) AKA SeaHawk. Its got the colour seam in the right way but it looks more like a Killer Whale.

Andrea said...

Who can explain me what #2 represents?
I see that lot's of people voted for it, but I can't really understand what is..

Unknown said...

Yuck. These logos are atrocious. I can't blame the artists though... the colors are puke and the name is meaningless. BORING. And I'm with Andrea... WTF is #2? Can someone who voted for it tell us why you did?

Anonymous said...

#2 finalist is the slug of the IHA and people are voting for it lol. Some team had to be it...

Dennis said...

I'm kinda disappointed with the way this contest has gone. It appears to be an issue where the contest author's lack of geographic or cultural knowledge for certain cities seems to be obvious.

In the long run, it's all for fun, so it really doesn't matter. Perhaps asking people from various candidate cities to give nicknames some thought may have avoided this.

For example, with Edmonton, no one from the city would ever have endorsed Seahawks. Rather, names like Riggers, Drillers, Roughnecks (although, taken by Lacrosse team), Roustabouts, Pushers (all oil rig terms), Trappers, Gretzkies (hehe), Klondikes, Twisters (memorial to the great 87 tornado)... I mean, if you know even a little about the city, the options become way more realistic.

Does this resonate with anyone?


Kovy said...

Voted for #3, it's simple and I can totally see it being a real logo. I can't envision #2 on the front of a jersey, and #1 would look better as the secondary logo. Of course this is just my opinion, and the criteria I am voting by.

Unknown said...

I think this is the first time I'm not going to vote in a poll on here. I cannot honestly endorse any of the logos. I'm from Edmonton and I would not want to see a jersey with any of them on it.

asnowballschance said...

The quality of these fantasy logos have been consistently declining from team to team. Can't really tell if Option #2 should be a bird, a fish, slug, or whatever; just disgusting. Option #1 is a repetition of various Thunderbird logos, not a Seahawk. Don't know what Option #3 is, but it's better to vote than post saying I won't vote.....Non-Finalist #2

Anonymous said...

I think this is an excellent contest, very much in the spirit of the blog, but if nothing else, it's shown us all that designing a visual identity for a team is not an easy task. Graphic designers are charged with not only making something aesthetically pleasing and simplistic, but also iconic, conceptually sound in relation to the subject matter, and acceptable to the majority of the target audience.

Everyone who's even attempted to tackle this project deserves all the credit in the world, but I think we've all learned that a designer's job is a lot more complicated that most people realized. Remember, it doesn't take much effort to criticize.

Whiter Mage said...

Rather than embrace this as a hypothetical fantasy tournament, let's bash the choice of cities and team names! Yay! Seriously? No one cares about the location, it's just a way to make it look more "Real". Would you have rather he not included Edmonton? If Edmonton's citizens are gonna complain that much about the team's name, move the team to Juneau. Who cares if there's no Seahawks in Edmonton? Make up your own league if you don't like it.

Even beyond that, the "contest author" has said to be considering and even WANTING to do a full tournament, completely customized by voters(colors/names/logos/jerseys/secondaries), where each team got voted on by his readers from the beginning. I'd link to it, but I don't know how to work HTML in comment posts. Give the guy a break.

That said, would want finalist two as a main logo and finalist three as a shoulder patch.

John said...

Nice suggestion, Ogre. I could definitely see that combination working out. They flow nicely together, since the lines curve similarly.

I voted for Finalist 2, and I've got to say, this is the best batch for this division. In my opinion, this was the roughest division to create an original identity stystem for.

Dennis said...

Ogre: Just because I do not prefer the name for some of the cities, does not mean I don't enjoy the contest. Part of the reason I posted was because I can see it being more than it currently is. Citing a shortcoming is one of the reasons these comments exist. As is your taking exception to my critique.

I am not from Edmonton. I am from Vancouver and live in Calgary, for the record.

I also applaud those who are creating the graphics. Most are better than my abilities, and it's fun to see the ideas.

Chris has turned this site into way more than I ever imagined, and I continue to visit daily or more often.


Check5ive said...

I dare someone to make a seahawks logo that is OK
It can't be done

Tony said...

I made finalist number 3, and yes, I did design it as a secondary logo.

Nathan said...

This was a hard one to vote on. None stood out. I voted for #1 because ... well, I don't know why. Just because. Its not great, but at least it could possibly look OK on a jersey. I like the look of #3, but I cannot see the fricken E. I know it is supposed to be there, but I can just see the S. It would still look good as a secondary logo.

AJ said...

Finalist #2 Would look AWESOME on a jersey, And Finalist #1 Would be an AWESOME Shoulder Patch.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else have the feeling that Chris is tricking us, and this is actually a vote for secondary logos?

From what people have said so far it's been their secondaries that have made it to the finalists, maybe this is some sort of trick. hmmmmmm.

adtthosa said...

I personally like the first, third and fourth runner ups better than all three finalists. I voted for the third runner up, it would look the best on a jersey.

All I can think of when I see that first logo is Space Invaders.

asnowballschance said...

@ Ogre,

Would the author's fantasy league include a live or auto draft?

Hockey Week said...

yeah, there's an amazing amount of secondary logos in these.

i think part of the problem is the vector imaging. do that many people really have Adobe Illustrator? that's the only program that i know of that can do those images.

i bet a lot of these logos looked a lot different in photoshop. it loses a certain grit and realism when it's converted. that's why, imo, a lot of these logos look so cartoony.

the name is pretty darn bad, the colors are horrendous, i voted for #1, but the feathered E is by far the best one...but it has no chance of winning, so i shan't waste my vote

Grinch said...

I vote for the black E with the two feathers hanging

A said...

Voted for #2, I can understand why people don't quite see the hawk in this logo but I guess it's a matter of perspective. I saw and immediately identified it as the head of a hawk. Those who see a whale are looking it an entire body.

Anonymous said...

#2 is clearly the slug of the IHA.

Anonymous said...

#2 is the hands-down leader right now? Wow.
Being from Edmonton, I'd never buy a jersey... but then again, we'd never have a team named the Seahawks either.

I made the E with the feathers as secondary, just as Tony made his logo.

Lucas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

These are lousy. All of them.

Anonymous said...

Being from Seattle and having a sports team named the Seahawks in town, you have to be a fan of the team to really enjoy the logo, I guess. I love the Seattle Seahawks logo, but it's hard to love for people who aren't fans of the team.

I chose #2, and #1 would make a great alternate.

Sukhraj said...

I like the non finalists #3. The finalists #1 doesnt even look like a seahawk.

Andrea said...

@ chuck

Thank you! Finally I can see it! I zoomed it and now I see the head of the seahawk. It's not bad, I like it. As it looks with normal zoom, it was impossible for me to understand..

Unknown said...

the black e for me

Anonymous said...

This tournament is a great idea, and I praise the guy who came up with it for that, but it seems to me that you should at least look at a map of where the cities are in the country. If you had, you would see that Edmonton is nowhere near the ocean or even a lake.

Unknown said...

SeahawksSam: I'm not a fan of Seattle's football team, but I've always thought they had one of the best logos in the NFL. In fact, I went with non-finalist number two, and I think a large part of it is that it reminded me of Seattle's logo.

That being said, I have to agree with all the people who don't get the "Edmonton Seahawks" name. It reminds me of those oh-so-appropriate names from the NBA, the L.A. Lakers and the Utah Jazz.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who got the 408 Edmonton Tactical Helicopter Squadron connection...The Seahawk doesn't have to be a bird people.

Unknown said...

Think OUTSIDE the box critics!

Jason said...

Third non-finalist.

I'm not sure what the third finalist is supposed to be. I'm hoping it's just an "S" because that's what I'm seeing, but I'm not sure.

JimH said...

Yeah, I was going to use the helicopter Seahawk myself, rather than the bird, but I couldn't find a decent way to work it into a logo.

CBJFanGirl said...

I went with the second of the non-finalist. It has a very coastal indigenous feel to it. (Though I am not sure if the concept of the team name is not a great fit for Edmonton. Vancouver, sure, but not really Edmonton.)

Cameron said...

who chose the name seahawks edmonton isnt even beside a lake let alone a ocean its beside a riveer

holmes.brodnik said...


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