Thursday, October 23, 2008

Isles Prep For New Jersey

Hmm, that would've been a better pun if the New York Islanders had a game against the Devils in the next week or so. Instead, it's not even a pun. I'm obviously talking about their new alternate uniform.

First thing I have to address is the countdown in the sidebar. Surprisingly, I've gotten more than a few emails asking why Icethetics has a countdown of 4 days while the Isles' official web site has a countdown of 9 days to the new third jersey. The answer is simple. I'm counting down to the day the jersey will be unveiled to fans. The team's site is counting down to the day the sweater makes its game debut — five days later. Hope that clears some things up.

Speaking of which, Newsday's Greg Logan is reminding us that the Islanders will in fact unveil their new sweaters on Monday and he got a look a new royal blue helmet.

The Islanders are going to unveil their third jersey on Monday. First to see it will be the members of the Islanders Business Club who attend the meeting scheduled that evening before the Isles meet the Rangers for the first time this season at the Coliseum. Then, the jersey will be displayed for fans during the course of that game.

The first time the Islanders actually wear their new uniforms will be on Saturday, Nov. 1 against Montreal. They will wear them at all subsequent Saturday home games. Including the Canadiens game, there are 13 such dates.

I happened to see the helmet yesterday, and it’s a switch back to the traditional royal blue of the classic Islanders jersey. In the past, I heard the third jersey would be the same as the ones the team wore two seasons ago that had orange numbers. But that might not be the case. The Isles might go all the way back to their roots to wear the original blue jersey with white numerals. That was the “road” jersey way back when. But we’ll have to wait a couple days to find out for sure.

If you recall, last week I pointed out that the team's web site was saying the thirds will be entirely new which seems to indicate they won't be rehashing the past. However, everything I've read and seen seems to indicate Logan is on the money here.

I'm betting on a classic vintage look with the same logo and everything. But like he says, we'll find out for sure in a few days.

By the way, I've got some possible Winter Classic and Penguins third jersey scoop. I'll do some more research and get back to you.


Anonymous said...

Hey. Just a word to tell you that this rocks, it's incredible. News after news of third jersey's. Am I the only one completely addicted?

Anonymous said...

Haha no Sephiroth, I'm addicted too. Just made Icethetics my home page on Firefox :) can't wait to see what this Islanders jerseys will look like

Anonymous said...

I've been with Icethetics since the days of NHLToL, when it was intended to be a tournament site, and what has happened ever nothing short of spectacular, chris, you have done an amazing job making this site a sort of cult icon in the hockey world. KEEP IT UP! :D

The Kyle said...

I swear that has to be the best opening you've ever had XD. I actually lol'd.

Abdul Ahmad said...

The inaugural jersey WAS the one with the orange numbers... this guy is describing the dynasty era jerseys which don't look nearly as good. My guess is they switched over to the dynasty look because of TV concerns more than anything.

Leafers LP said...

Sounds like either way it goes, it'll be a solid jersey. Not a bad position to be in at all.

Post after post. Good job Chris. It seemed like just the other day that October 27th seemed so far away. Hopefully the same will happen while waiting for news on the Sharks'.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually in rehab to cure my Icethetics's not going to well. This close to be kicked out. lol!

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