Wednesday, August 6, 2008

IHA Poll: Denver Mountaineers

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Wed Aug 6
Ends Sat Aug 9

Below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as finalists. If you think one of these should be the Denver Mountaineers logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Mike Phoenix said...

I vote # 2 Finalist. But with some polishing up i would have liked non finalist #4 for the Rugged look. that looks more like a mountianeer to me. I like the way it looks like moutians at well. But this is a bit of a art challenge, and #2 is made simple and brings out the meaning and is very polished.

To the person that made Non Finalist #4 keep at it you had a great i idea and thought it out very well.

Nathan said...

These are all quite weak logos. I will have to go with the non-finalist second row middle. It is simple, clean and would look good on a jersey. Also, I like the subtle D.

Anonymous said...

I voted for #2, though I really like the second non-finalist and the second row third one, if they were a bit more polished they would look awesome.

capouel said...

I love the #2, really complex and detailled. Ok maybe too much detailled but it's really nice.

sam said...

I vote non-finalist #4, the artist of that one is going in the right direction. Good idea of the face in the mountain, i think if it was put on a backround and cleaned up like the finalists in would be a winner.

Anonymous said...

Why is mine not even posted as a non-finalist, I think its better than at least 4 of the others.

Chris said...

Why is mine not even posted as a non-finalist, I think its better than at least 4 of the others.

I get this question a lot but you guys have to be more specific. I'm happy to answer the question but if you don't include the nickname you use to post here in your email to me, I have no way of figuring out what's yours.

Anonymous said...

They honestly all suck.

MrDolomite said...

No vote this time. Finalist #1 - too "A" shaped. Finalist #2 - The hole in the "D" doesn't look right. Finalist #3 - Like the "M" but the hockeysticks in the background need to go. Nonfinalist #2 - best of the litter, turn it into a double-peaked mountain for the "M" and you would have had my vote. Nonfinalist #6 - too much like the PHX alternate logo.

Unknown said...

Chris, will those logos in the current poll be recycled for the secondary contest? So far three of my secondaries have been either finalists or non-finalists...all of them were designed as shoulder logos. Seriously though, I freakin' love this project! GO TITANS!

FlyingV4Life said...

I voted for option #1.

although I also liked non finalist opions #3 and #4.The M over the circle crest and the moutainman face(because its different)

either would make cool looking shoulder patches.

Vortican said...

I voted finalist #1! Love the use of the ice axes and the use of the logo colors.

asnowballschance said...

Ya know what really grinds my gears,

People who post saying that they won't vote b/c of A,B, C and so on.

As for me, I like the rugged/man in the mountain non finalist #4. It seems unique and exquisite.

Too bad they weren't the New Hampshire Mountaineers:

Brian Walden said...

For some reason I think non-finalist #6 (the mountain with sky and sun rays in the background has potential it just needs to be touched up.

But I voted for finalist #1.

Mike Shaw said...

I like how the snow peak on non-finalist #2 makes an M. For that reason alone, it gets my vote.

roccot said...

hey flyersfan018... thanks for the input!

Lucas said...

I vote for non-finalist #3. Extremely plain and simple.

Ogre39666 said...

I voted finalist #1 but non-finalist top row, middle was close. It could work as an alternate jersey logo.

Non-finalist second row, right would make a mice secondary.

And non-finalist second row, left had a great idea, it just needs to be cleaned up a little and maybe some simplification.

Ogre39666 said...

mice = nice

Unknown said...

Non finalist #6, 2nd row right. A bit of finishing and it'd be a classic: simple and memorable that would work on a jersey.

Whiter Mage said...

I voted Finalist C. I just could see it on a hockey jersey, and I love how it looks. Wow.

Unknown said...

I voted Finalist #2. It's too busy, but somehow it works anyway. I think it's a combination of the jagged lines and the dramatic perspective of the mountaineer.

But can I go on record as saying that I despise the teal-and-magenta color scheme? Obviously I can't blame any of the logo designers for that, but man was I glad when that trend went away in the minors!

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