The IHA is a fantasy hockey league that exists only in cyberspace created by an Icethetics reader named Nicolas. I'm collaborating with him to get logos designed by you guys for his league. We'll get into more details of what's involved with this league at some point in the future. But right now, what you need to know is that it has 30 teams, each with a name and color scheme chosen by its "hometown fans" — but no logo.
The assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to design logos for these teams — if for no other reason than as an exercise in graphic design. This will be a cool project, something to have fun with. Challenge yourself! Do something different!
The IHA is structured like the NHL with two conferences made up of three divisions each. And each division includes five teams. Over the next several weeks, I'll be unveiling the team names one division at a time along with their colors. I'd do it all at once but I don't want to overwhelm anybody.
Today I'm unveiling the first five teams — the Atlantic Division. You can pick one team and focus all of your creative energy on it — or you can try your hand at all five! But it's not as simple as one logo per team. You're creating an identity from scratch!
You need to design a primary logo (usually the jersey crest), a secondary logo (usually the shoulder patches), and a wordmark for use in promotional materials. You may design additional logos to be included in the package but you must have at least these three: primary, secondary and wordmark.
There really aren't any restrictions on you aside from team name and colors as far as the designs go. The "fans" chose those and you need to stick with them. But you do need to give them a unique identity. I'm not going to list ideas because I don't want to taint anyone's creativity.
Without further ado, let the games begin...

ATLANTA FIRE / Atlanta, Georgia
orange (E68700), red (A81212) and charcoal (202020)

red (C80231), blue (131B87) and white (F0F0F0)

PHILADELPHIA TITANS / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
gold (CF9B1F), teal (27577B) and white (F0F0F0)

PITTSBURGH MINERS / Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
steel (999999), yellow (D9BB13) and black (202020)

blue (30316C), red (980404) and white (F0F0F0)
I've supplied colors in hexadecimal format. Should you need RGB conversion, here's a decent resource. By the way, you aren't tied to the exact colors here. Feel free to alter them a little if need be. But please shy away from the standard colors like total black or total white or total red. Remember, be different! As similar as it is to the NHL, it's not the NHL!
To sum up, follow these guidelines when submitting IHA artwork:
- Submit three (3) logos: primary, secondary and wordmark. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think Lightning or Capitals), then use a gray background with the white outline included.
- Submit vector art if possible. I will accept .ai, .psd and .pdf files. If you cannot submit vector art, you must be able to provide high quality raster art in .jpg or .png files. No .bmp files, please.
- Try to stick to the assigned colors. Change them only if you deem it necessary and then explain why you made the change. Remember, the "fans" chose these colors and they're who you're working for in the end.
- Email them to nhllogos@gmail.com with IHA in the subject line. Please include your first and last name (it will not be posted). Please also submit your nickname which will be public if you don't want your real first name used.
- By submitting your own original artwork to the email address above, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos or they will not be considered.
- And finally, be prepared to accept feedback and criticism of all kinds!
It may seem like I'm asking a lot and while I am looking for highly-talented artists here, don't be discouraged if you feel you don't fit that category. If you have a good idea that you can't translate into a good graphic on your own, submit it anyway as best you can and it's possible someone more skilled might be able to give it a boost.
I'm sure a lot of you still have questions as well. Post them in the comments area. I'll be monitoring that so I can get all your questions answered. One question I know will be when will I announce the next division? It depends on the response I get for this one. If a lot of folks submit art, it'll be sooner rather than later.
Having said that, get to work and be creative! Put some real effort in! Start designing your logos getting them submitted. I can't wait to see them and show them off!