Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Starts Fri Sep 12
Ends Mon Sep 15
This is the final IHA logo poll. It closes on Monday so sometime in the middle of next week I'll post all the winners and this project will be complete.
Happy voting!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sabres' Jersey Leak The Real Deal?
Just to be clear, I don't consider anything "official" until it comes directly from a team, but I do trust journalists and John Vogl of The Buffalo News wrote in his blog Sabres Edge that it has been confirmed — I'm assuming he means by the team. He also had a couple more tidbits we didn't previously know about.
This jersey photo that has been leaked is, in fact, the actual third jersey, The News has learned. Two other things have been cleared up:
1) The logo is the same color as the jersey, the darker blue. It only looks different because the different fabrics aren't reflecting the same.
2) It will have numbers on the front shoulder.
In case you forgot what it looks like, here's the jersey we're talking about.

The Sabres are scheduled to officially unveil their new third jersey next Saturday, September 20 at Puck Drop 2008. I'll have complete coverage at that point right here on Icethetics.
Thanks to Mike for the heads-up on this!