The original post follows.
Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Starts Wed Jul 30
Ends Sat Aug 2
As promised, below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as a finalist. If you think one of these should be the Philadelphia Titans logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.
Hey, it's Marvin the Martian!
I really like the last non-finalist, but I have to go with option #2 because it's about time a Liberty Bell logo gets used for a Philly team.
I like the bottom middle non-finalist
Also, is it me or are all the finalists simply the ones made by the people with the best programs for graphic designing? Most of the best NHL logos (like the canadiens, who won the tol) are the simplest ones, yet the finalists seem to be the ones with the most shadowing, depth etc.
It looks to me like he adds a slight bevel/emboss to the ones that make the final three, and also slaps the background in behind. No matter which ones make the finals, I'm sure they'd get the same treatment..... just look at all of the other logos that get placed on the striped backgrounds to right (in the third jersey area - they get the same treatment as well.
If anything, maybe all images should get the same treatment just for the sake of equal opportunity, but that's about it.
Hmm, I picked #2 because I liked the Liberty Bell, but just the plain T doesn't do much for me. For all I know, it could be for the Turkeys or Tomcats or Tumors. Ok, ok, it's not a tumor. :)
I like the bottom row, middle logo. I'm not a big fan of the liberty bell shapes of finalists 2 and 3.
I wonder how it would look with the more stylized T of the first one, on the bell of the second one (though really, shouldn't there be a crack in that bell?)
i think the first one looks like the titletown logo
"T-bell"is the best logo of the IHA...so far.
I like the bottom middle non-finalist the best, and I think it would lock sweet without the shield in the background and be replaced with the liberty bell.
I like the Last logo on bottom right. It would look awesome on a jersey.
The three you picked are bland or overdoing it. Like the first one is too much. The bell head is dumb, and the Bell with the "T" in it is over doing the whole, "LIBERTY BELL OMG!!1!"
Just my opinion...
i agree
I voted for the fist holding the lightning bolt
The T bell is an awful primary logo to represent the titans. It is a great secondary logo, but come on it doesn't represent titans at all it is just a T on a bell (it only represents philly). #3 gets the vote for me for using a titan and the liberty bell, plus its the best drawn and most creative.
The 3 finalists are all *shrug*, I like the rock and the bottom middle. the T with a bolts is too close to Tampa. So all said and done. I'm goin with rocky the hand!
the last two logos are stolen logo's and have been circulating around the internet for some time now...
Pretty much all terrible. I'm voting for the 2nd non-finalist, although none of them impress me much.
these suck
T-Bell and Terrible sound pretty similar for a reason. The guy that posted some desktop designs a while back had one that I thought was pretty good. Shame we didn't get to see that one here.
the non finalist "Spartan head" was the best looking one.
very simple.
would look great on a teal colored or black jersey.
I like number 1, the non finalist. So far for every team the non finalists look better than the actual finalists!
#1 non finalist looks like marvin the martian from looney toons, all entries were terrible, but #2 option is the best.
#1 non finalist is best. I like how they included the T as part of the helmet.
I like bottom middle non-finalist. Finalist #2 would be a nice secondary. And finalist #1 isn't bad either.
How is #2 winning its the worst representation of a titan out of all the logos. It represents philly and therefore makes it at best a secondary.
The final two are just horrible. They look like a kindergarten drew them in class. It looks like Santa added a bit of colour. The other one is just plain bland. Chris just made it look better. The first one actually looks professionally. It's a shame that it's either the bad ones are winning, or the non-finalists are excellent but don't have a chance.
I meant the final two finalists, by the way. The final two non-finalists are excellent.
LOL @ Hey, it's Marvin the Martian!
I went back and forth between Option #1 and #2, i can't remember which one i picked but, it was one of them :P..............
Lookin at them again.
Definitely #1
Most of them are unfit, once again, for real use as a logo but my pick goes to the Marvin the Martian looking one from the non-finalists.
The "Marvin the Martian" logo looks like it was based off of the design for the New York Titans:
Not the strongest batch on concepts so far, but they're still pretty good. I went with Option #2.
i definately think that the last finalist is the best out of the finalist, it incorpurates the liberity bell with the titans theme and i think it is a pretty good design
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