You've seen the Atlantic, West, Northeast and Pacific Divisions. Now the one you've all been waiting for — the Great Lakes! Yes, that includes Buffalo, Toronto and even Detroit. Remember, your job is to take the name and colors and create an identity for a hockey team from scratch. Have fun with it!
You guys have been coming up with some great logos as you've seen with the first few divisions. This week we're voting on Northeast Division logos. The week after will be this division so that gives you about two weeks to work on your concept designs.
Now here are the new teams!

BUFFALO BISON / Buffalo, New York
white (F0F0F0), red (A70303) and black (202020)

orange (F26F03), blue (202272) and white (F0F0F0)

DETROIT LEGIONS / Detroit, Michigan
grey (B8C8C6), blue (1F83F3) and black (202020)

HAMILTON GENERALS / Hamilton, Ontario
tan (CDBE70), gold (907C20) and black (202020)

TORONTO KNIGHTS / Toronto, Ontario
red (D91313), grey (CECFB9) and black (202020)
I've supplied colors in hexadecimal format. Should you need RGB conversion, here's a decent resource. By the way, you aren't tied to the exact colors here. Feel free to alter them a little if need be. But please shy away from the standard colors like total black or total white or total red. Remember, be different! As similar as it might be to the NHL, it's not the NHL!
Once again, follow these guidelines when submitting your original IHA artwork:
- Don't steal artwork. I'm still surprised I have to say this but a number of people submitted logos from professional teams. This is supposed to be where you let your own creativity shine through. Send in something original!
- Submit three (3) logos: primary, secondary and wordmark. Use a white background. If your logo requires a white outline (think Lightning or Capitals), then use a gray background with the white outline included.
- Submit vector art if possible. I will accept .ai, .psd and .pdf files. If you cannot submit vector art, you must be able to provide high quality raster art in .jpg or .png files. No .bmp files, please.
- Try to stick to the assigned colors. Change them only if you deem it necessary and then explain why you made the change. Remember, the "fans" chose these colors and they're who you're working for in the end.
- Email them to with IHA in the subject line. Please include your first and last name (it will not be posted). Please also submit your nickname which will be public if you don't want your real first name used.
- By submitting your own original artwork to the email address above, you agree to grant permission of its use for online or print publication by Icethetics. Do not watermark your logos or they will not be considered.
- And finally, be prepared to accept feedback and criticism of all kinds!
As always, you can email me questions directly or post them in the comments area. Start designing your logos! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
personally i dont like hamilton having a team
i would prefer minnesota
but w//e not my decision
like the other names
I feel like a lot of people complain to Chris about the team locations, names, and colors.
Chris, correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't you getting these from a third party with a pre-established fantasy league? If so, you might want to make that clearer in each of these posts so people stop blaming it on you. Just trying to help, if I'm wrong, then continue on, haha.
Keeping up with the trend of no creativity and originality with obviously no research on the team names of cities.
Yea, why does Minnesota not have a team, they have had nearly the highest average attendance for any USA NHL team since they were first added to the league.
I don't think anyone has been blaming Chris. Its all directed at the other guy obviously because nobody would be that mean to Chris.
why is it the great lakes division when there are really only teams on lake ontario and lake erie
what bout chicago
lansing green bay ann abour duluth minnioapolis cinncinati ottawa madison
those my not be on the great lakes but if your gonna have columbus that is not on then you might as well have a few of those
Is there any website established for this fantasy hockey league? It intrigues me.
Come on, Midwest Division is most likely to include: Chicago, St. Louis, Minnesota, Kansas City, and Oklahoma City/Nashville/Memphis
which hamilton is it hamilton U.S or hamilton canada?
it says Hamilton, Ontario right below the Generals' image.
AHH Buffalo and Toronto have the same color!! EEEK :]
Even though I normally hate non-plural team nicknames, I think Legions should be changed to just Legion. It's like Brigade. Otherwise, it should be Legionnaires.
Any one feel the War theme here ?
I still think this division could have worked well with:
Chicago, Detroit, Minnesota, Toronto and Winnipeg.
On the plus side, one more division remains and 5 days left to start an actual Icethetics Fantasy Hockey League.
Sure... Use Ottawas colours for Buffalo! AARGH! Whoevers coming up with these colours, Chris... YOU SHOULD FIRE HIM!
Ew, I don't like Columbus as a hockey town. Should've went to Cincinnati or Cleveland if you want to stay within Ohio.
o and Chicago definately needs a team
or there IS another division
Chicago, Minnesota, St.Louis, Nashville? Winnepeg?
who knows
whoever came up with that Washington Stars design that couldn't make the vote NEEDS to tweak his design and resubmit it for hamilton.
no doubt about it.
oh, and Ottawa has blue and white, and Toronto has red and black??? seriously??? whoever chose these colors is simply fucking with the fans of both teams on this one.
can't wait for the icethetics-built league...
ahhahah nice point on the team colours hockey week
Bison was only selected because you knew that everybody would submit buffalo logos. At least now, when the designers submit Buffalo logos, it will fit with the nickname, not just the city.
But seriously, how the heck does Ontario get three IHA teams (Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton)?
Yeah definitely a war theme.
Also, these suck. I don't like any of them.
Hopefully the final batch will spark my creativity.
Buffalo Bison are a Minor League Baseball team in the International League (Triple-A Baseball) They are the Triple-A Affiliate of the Indianapolis Indians. Just thought I should let you know in case some people create logos similar to them
Clever idea for a division, I like it. Though Great Lakes Divison sounds a bit too long, maybe it could be the Lake Division, or the Ontario-Erie Division or even the Borderline Division. But then again Great Lakes sounds okay.
So We've got Atlantic, Northeast, Great Lakes, Pacific and West. I can only Assume the Central Division is the last one.
I see teams in...
St. Louis
and Nashville
Buffalo Bison are a Minor League Baseball team in the International League (Triple-A Baseball) They are the Triple-A Affiliate of the Indianapolis Indians. Just thought I should let you know in case some people create logos similar to them
It's the Cleveland Indians, not the Indianapolis Indians. I was going to make the same remark. Also, to sens go sens, Buffalo has already had those colors, so I don't really know what your point is.
"Also, to sens go sens, Buffalo has already had toose colors, so I don't really know what your point is."
The point is that the use of those colours in Ottawa sports predates it's use in Buffalo sports by about 100 years.
Great Plains Division:
Winnipeg, Minnesota, Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City.
Alternates: Saskatoon and Nashville.
war theme eh... ya why does toronto have ottawas colours and ottawa have toronotos
i think that ottawa shoudl be red and white not blue cuz those are pretty much canadas colours
i think toronto knights should not be red maybe green like london knights
should have new names and different colours
Please no one submit Buster Bison for this one.... The Bisons keep screwing up their looks in baseball. What are the colors now? Green, Orange and Salmon?????? I'm just being an ass but you get my drift.
And everyone stop your belly aching already. This is supposed to be a thing of fun entertainment, not some serious crap that is going to revolutionize the world. babies......
It's the Cleveland Indians, not the Indianapolis Indians. I was going to make the same remark. Also, to sens go sens, Buffalo has already had those colors, so I don't really know what your point is.
Sorry about the Indianapolis Indians, I meant the Cleveland Indians. I work in Triple-A Baseball and we have Indianapolis coming to town soon
Very nice to see The Hammer get a team. But, the point I'd like to make is, could there be any chance I could change your mind on the Detroit team name? Legions is okay, but Legion (no 's'), that's just wicked. Think of it, Detroit beats some team brutally, and the other teams asks "wh- who are you?" and the Detroit captain just skates up and says "I am Legion: for we are many". How awesome is that? C'mon, really now.
@ Jerm Deeks
Team names are not Chris' decision.
He is merely posting a third parties existing team names, locations, and colors. I know you think you're just giving some constructive criticism (which I happen to agree with) but Chris can't/isn't going to do anything about it; he's said this before. This is the sort of "not paying attention to posts" (along w/ other things) that has pushed Chris to take his respite.
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