Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IHA Poll: New York Americans



The original post follows.

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. If you chose a non-finalist, tell us which one. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Tue Jul 29
Ends Fri Aug 1

As promised, below are a handful of the logos that were submitted but not selected as a finalist. If you think one of these should be the New York Americans logo, select "non-finalist" in the poll and tell us your pick in the comments.


Mike Shaw said...

I am really impressed with the first eagle in the non-finalists and also really like the fourth non-finalist eagle. Either one would be better than the finalists, I think.

If I had to pick a finalist, though, it would be the flying A design. That's not bad.

Devin said...

just like Atlanta, i think all of the finalists are awful
i'd have to go with that first eagle

Paul said...

Non-finalist, first eagle top left by far.

DaneykoIsGod said...

I went with the first one. To me, that logo would look better on a hockey jersey than any of the others, non-finalists included.

That first non-finalist eagle would look really cool on a football helmet, though. It already looks sorta like a cross betweent he Eagles and Patriots.

Marty said...

i like the first eagle non-finalist better than any others

John said...

Non-finalist: Eagle on top left. I felt it was the most creative out of the whole bunch.

Scott said...

Option two reminds me too much of 'American Gladiators' for some reason. I have to go with the top-left Eagle from the non-finalists.

Anonymous said...

I went with the eagle in the non-finalist group.

Anonymous said...

Non-Finalist, top left.

Susan said...

Non-finalist -- the first eagle.

Anonymous said...

I also chose the first eagle on the top left, it sort of makes an "n" shape which i think is cool.

Paul said...

scott you nailed it on the head! i thought the same about the american gladiators...

Nathan said...

Same as most posters (strangely not the voters though) I thought that the first non-finalist is best.

ecoulson1 said...

I voted for Finalist #3 on the assumption that I'd eventually be seeing a 2ndary logo for the Americans incorporating "NY" or "New York" somehow. It just doesn't seem right to have a team from New York without NY or the words New York somewhere on the jeresey.

Daniel said...

First Eagle, top-left

Anonymous said...

First eagle in teh non-finalists. That is a sick logo!

Sukhraj said...

the first eagle in the non finalists looks crazzyyy!! i picked that.

jdb said...

REally all the people liking that first eagle in the non finalists? REALLY?

All it is is a combination of the Patriots and the Eagles. It'd look TERRIBLE as a center crest on a hockey jersey. And the blue underside of it makes it look like it's an eagle with a giant neckbeard. It's not the NY Kyle Orton Eagles.

Terrible. I voted #1 as it's a great crest, simple, and a bit old school. I could see #3 as a secondary logo.

bruinbxr5791 said...

The first Non-Finalist is the best out of all the logos. that's what i voted for.

Raul said...

First Eagle, top-left

FlyingV4Life said...

wow,what can I say..I think they are all bad.

the first non finalist with the eagle head was the least worst.

Ogre39666 said...

Voted finalist #1. It's a great crest-logo that would look nice on a old school influenced jersey. Non-finalist top left would be a kick-ass secondary as would finalist #3 (but it wouldn't fit well at all on an alternate). Great art work hear on this team.

Anonymous said...

how is that eagle , the 1st of the non-finalists,
not a finalist?? i think it would get more votes if it werent in the non finalist catagory

JohnnyCanuck said...

The first eagle non finalist may be a good logo but it's too narrow to be on the front of a jersey. ie. The ducks. Maybe it'd be a good secondary.

Drew said...

The first eagle.

Anonymous said...

You can't call the first eagle too narrow considering finalist #3 is winning... its terrible and narrow. How is an A with some red and white lines coming out of it beating all of the others?

awildermode said...

non finalist. top left eagle, looks very nfl, but why should they have all the fun.

Rawhide said...

Voted for the top left eagle.

Kevin Y said...

Hey, American Gladiators is AWESOME!! There's only so many ways that "American" can be represented without red/white/blue and an eagle.

But the reason why I didn't go with the first non-finalist is it makes me think of Washington Capitals. That's not a bad thing; it's an awesome design, and an eagle should represent America, New York/Washington DC, et cetera. But it's not something that somebody just created on their own.

Granted, the first two chosen logos both incorporate the NY Rangers "shield" so I don't see the originality there, either. But seriously, there are only so many ways to depict "Americans" and "New York".

The Kyle said...

Chris, I don't think you should divide them into finalist and non-finalist categories. It seems like the the non-finalist eagle is getting screwed according to these comments. I like option #3 the most though.

Anonymous said...

Top left eagle all the way.

I agree that it would likely get more votes if it were in the top 3.

- 0 0 ) ) said...

non-finalist= Star, first row.middle

The eagle reminded me of Philly NFL.
I did the Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, way of chosing.

None of the logo's "felt" like hockey to me,
the eagle reminded me of Philly NFL.
the colors make me think of DC

Jason said...

First non-finalist for me.

Anonymous said...

The first non finalist eagle is a total ripoff of the NFL teams. It has the exact same colours and a similar shape to the Patriots and it has the Philadelphia Eagle's head. That's probably why Chris didn't put it in the top 3.

Unknown said...

The first eagle

Mike Shaw said...

The first non-finalist logo is actually very different from the Philadelphia Eagles logo. As an Eagles fan, I know the logo very, very well...this and that are both Eagles, that's where the similarity ends. While the shape might be vaguely similar to the New England Patriots logo, it's plenty different, IMO.

I think whoever did this design did a really great job and I'd love to see his/her other work.

Mike Phoenix said...

Non finalits 1 for me

Jason New Era said...

Wow for all the people saying the first Eagle, (Myself included) there sure are no votes for it...

Darrell Sharpe said...

while i had the flying a pegged as my choice, i couldnt resist choosing the first eage in the other options.

Anonymous said...

Non finalist, top left, 1st eagle

Unknown said...

Like just about everyone else posting, I am totally digging the top left non-finalist.

IMO the first one would look a lot better if the stripes went red-white-red-white-red instead of just red-white-red-white. As it is, it looks imbalanced because red is a much stronger color than white.

Ogre39666 said...

Finalist #3 is nice but is anybody who is voting for it even considering how it would look on a jersey? The tail end goes upward in such a way that it would end where the "C" or "A" would be. And if you were to move the logo placement down, then it would look awkward having the A part so low. The only way to fix this problem would be to rotate the logo about 20-25 degrees clockwise. Because of this, in its current state, I can only see it being a secondary logo at best, maybe a tertiary.

Whiter Mage said...

That old US Fighter plane star should have been a Washington logo, and I'd have voted for it.

Unknown said...

Non finalist #1

AtSixesandSevens said...

top left "nonfinalist," without a doubt.

Jerm Deeks said...

I'd absolutely love option 2 on a football kit, but a hockey jersey.... I've got to go with that first non-finalist myself.

Anonymous said...

How is the eagle resembling the Philly logo?????

I think some people need a reminder of what the Eagles logo actually looks like: http://www.sportslogos.net/team.php?id=167

Unknown said...

I voted for the first eagle logo in the non-finalist option.

jdb said...

Remember people, you're not just voting for a "cool logo". You have to imagine what you are voting for as the front crest on a hockey jersey.

that first non-finalist eagle is just too damn narrow to look good on a hockey jersey.

And for all the noise in the comments about it, "non-finalist" is getting its ass kicked in the voting. The loudest group isn't always the biggest.

Anonymous said...

Once again, I dont understand how the first eagle is too narrow and the third finalist isnt... Its just a freaking "A" with some lines coming off of it and its brutal.

Maybe if it were a NY with some lines coming off of it, it would make sense (NY representing the city and the lines symbolizing america) but this logo has NOTHING to do with anything. It reminds me more of a sesame street sponsor than a hockey team.

Anonymous said...

Hey chris, any chance we can get a tiered voting system? As it stands, the third logo has the most votes but nowhere near a majority. Maybe you could cut it down from 4 options to 2 after the first round? That way people who voted for one of the first two (similar) logos could rethink their options when it is only one shield logo vs. the flying A.

Chris said...

Josh: I'm not going to force anyone to "rethink" their decision. We don't need a majority. The logo with the most votes wins.

By the way, the only way we would do another vote for the same teams is if the "non-finalist" option won the most votes. Then we'd obviously hold a vote of non-finalists.

capouel said...

I vote for a non-finalist and it's the eagle, really sharp by the way !

Anonymous said...

K cool. I only said anything because as a political science student these things just come natural; most democracies in the world actually use a tiered voting system now.

I just thought that since the first two logos were so similar, they are probably "splitting the vote", kind of like what would happen if Hilary AND Obama were allowed to be separate democratic candidates, and they both took on mccain on their own (i bet they'd like that). It would probably be something like Hilary 25%, Obama 30%, Mccain 40%, Others 5%... therefore a republican would be in power despite democrats having the majority. Thank god for primaries.

Chris said...

K cool. I only said anything because as a political science student these things just come natural; most democracies in the world actually use a tiered voting system now.

Josh, I couldn't agree with you more. But I would consider the United States presidential election to be of considerable more importance than a vote on some random blog about a bunch of logos that will have no effect on the world. I'm trying to get through this process as quickly as possibly without going into overload.

We're going to do this again in the future where you guys will vote on the cities, colors, names, logos... the whole nine. I'll take my time with that one. For now, just rock and roll.

And for whatever it's worth, Icethetics merely offers the illusion of democracy. :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I can't wait to see all of these logos on jerseys with their secondarys and wordmarks.

(secondarys or secondaries? not a common plural)

Anonymous said...

Voted for the first shield, but I think that the first non-finalist eagle would make a WICKED secondary shoulder patch, while the #3 finalist would make a cool helmet logo, or pantleg(crest on the thigh) logo.

Ogre39666 said...

@ kerrsil

I agree with you completely

Jefferi said...

I know each person who submitted had to also sumbit a secondary and wordmark. But from the looks of things could we mix and match.
In other words option 3 looks like it's gonna be the winner, so is that secondary logo gonna be used or can the popular eagle head be made the secondary.
Also, Chris, did you judge the logos individually or the package as a whole (primary, secondary, wordmark) to choose the finalists?

TX_Flame said...

Count one vote for the eagle with the flag incorporated into it. (The 1st non-finalist). BTW, if the artists are not supposed to copy actual logos to show their originality, why did the inventor of this project show such a lack of originality in the names? The New York Americans, for instance, are an actual historical NHL franchise and the Houston Comets are a WNBA team.

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