It features a beautiful new sleek look and feel. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on it looking around today.

They've even introduced new logo graphics which even have me a little impressed.

You can get a complete look at them on the Standings page.
I wonder if this look will be made available to the individual teams for web site revamps. Certainly would help. The template handed down by the league last year was— is pitiful.
I want to know what you guys think, but first, call me crazy or a little full of myself, but don't some of the design elements of the new site remind you a little of Icethetics? The glassy look to the logo graphics — a staple of the old NHLToL... even the small area behind the NHL logo with the diagonal lines.
I'm probably just seeing what I want to see, but it's kind of interesting to me because the look of it is right up my alley. Comment away!
Amazing logo set! Looks like I gotta update my personal Capitals schedule.
Very slick, much more professional than before. I like it a lot!
Looks great. Takes a bit of getting used to finding a few things. I am not using a fan of all black website but this works well. It feels rich.
The old site always had a Wallpaper of the Day area. I found this in the "Photos" section however it is now a Flash widget. I cannot figure out how to download the great Wallpaper images they posted.
If anyone finds out a way to download the source hi-res images, I would appreciate your help!
Look on the standings page, the CHL logo used is the logo for the Canadian Hockey League, yet it links you to the Central Hockey League's page.
Not sure about Calgary and Washington's little logo blocks (look at 2007-08 3 Stars), but other than that, OMG! HUUUUGE improvement for the site! Simple, yet a lot of info and very easy to navigate.
Props to the Webmaster over there.
One thing I would have liked to see is the logos update on the standings page as you go farther back in time (i.e.- if you look at the 1992-93 standings, the logos should reflect the time period). Maybe it's just me. Besides that though, I'm a big fan of the redesign.
... after attempts of updating my schedule, the logos are too pixelated to use.
Don't like frozen moments cause I can't make them wallpapers anymore! :(
Looks very nice. But my question is, what's with never just using full pictures of team logos (well okay, not never, but...)?
It is seriously about time. The old site really made the NHL look like a sub-par pro sports league, compared to other league sites.
I mean no disrespect, but the "glassy/buttonized look" is and has been EVERYWHERE. That and the blue/green combination that seems to also be everyone's new logo redesign, the surface reflection trick, and the usage of plain fonts for new word marks (Walmart, K-Mart, Applebee's) that are stepping away from the goofy, unique fonts.
I never understood the point of minimizing the logo. It does NOT look good. It looks horrible. Why crop the top and bottom off? It looks like a mistake. The artists and teams don't want their designs chopped in half.
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