The even takes place from 6 to 9 PM so the unveiling will happen somewhere in that timeframe. The announcement also lists the 14 games during which the new third jersey will be worn. In addition, the Thrashers will take this opportunity to publicly name their alternate captains.
But you don't think I'd leave you with so little, do you? Think back to the day before the St. Louis Blues unveiled their new third jersey. Remember the sneak peek pic that turned out to be right on the money?
My friend, the Reebok mole, has more to share. Behold what may well be the new third jersey for the Atlanta Thrashers.

This is a sharp jersey if you can forgive the front of it.
For what it's worth, this graphic is of slightly better quality than the Blues one was. But of course there's nothing like looking at pictures of the actual jersey over a rendering like this. I'll wait and make final judgments when I see photos tomorrow night.
By the way, I'm rescheduling the Live Chat for tomorrow to 11:30 PM EDT if you feel like dropping in. (This is 12 hours later than I previously said.) This way we can talk about all of the third jerseys unveiled this week as well as what's to come.
Not bad. I personally am a fan of the font, but I do agree that the number on the front is way too big. It's a good size on the Stars' jersey, but here they just went overboard.
But that's what I think based on the pictures. You know that I always think they look so much better in person.
Not thrilled. What I am amazed at is how they are able to keep coming up with something worse than what they've already had.
They will also be naming Kovalchuk captain tomorrow, according to my source with the team. I am not sure this is going to get him to re-sign though. This team needs to win and not worry about creepy 3rd jerseys.
Those would be better as falcons jerseys. Oh God no.
Like the symmetrical nature of the jersey compared to their hideous blue ones. But I absolutely hate the basketball-inspired team name and player number scheme that Dallas introduced last season. Give me a logo instead of a lazy wordmark!
Yeah the numbers could be better. It looks a bit like a football jersey. But I am glad to see a return of the maroon. The Thrashers old maroon "t-bird" jersey was hands down the best color scheme. But I agree that the logo on the shoulders is pretty cool.
Overall, I like it. It's way better than the misguided "blueland" jerseys. I will be glad when that bit of marketing cheese has run it's course and we can move on. I still think the Thrashers need to go brown. It's an original color in the log. Actual thrashers are brown, and there are not too many brown teams. It would be a good way for Atlanta to carve out a pretty unique identity in the NHL. It would go well with UPS as corporate sponsors. But until then, the maroon is a nice step in the right direction.
For those of you dissing the Stars' and Thrashers' wordmark, wouldn't you agree that it still is better than what the Sens and "Bolts" are introducing?
Hey, I like this wordmark. It has a lot more interesting a design then DALLAS in block caps. While I don't like the Football and basketball inspired designs that much, if you're goint to do it, do it right. This is the way to do if you have to.
Best part though? Those socks are pretty sweet. Nothing quite like that has been done before. In fact, northing's really close.
By the way, there is something else I noticed while recently looking at a post from July:
Why is the 'S' a different size than the "hrasher"? It looks.. awkward.
Just awful. I don't even know where to start. Way to busy looking, I hate the numbers on the front trend, the multicolored side panels, socks should have horizontal stripes only. With that ugly blue jersey with writing down the sleeve, it's like they're the Oregon Ducks of the NHL. With the picture, I can't really tell if I like the font, but at this point, what's the difference.
Thumbs down.
I'm going to need to see someone wearing that thing before I pass judgment. I've always liked Atlanta's unconventional approach to jersey designs, but I'm unsure about this one.
Ugh. It looks too much like a bad football jersey. The shoulder logos remind me of the 1996 New England Patriots.
Ugh. That is about all that can be said, and this is from a Thrasher fan. We need to ditch this and the "swirly-bird" logo and just use the Thrasher head logo on our current blue and white unis. Then get rid of the silly stripes down the sides and replace them with traditional waist stripes...
these are OOOoooOOoogly
These jerseys with all the lines will go down in history the same way the Ducks and Blues third jerseys have - as utter mistakes. Very few teams with newer concept jerseys succeeded, San Jose and the Hurricanes are the exception. Even Vancouver screwed up.
Down with the RBK edge jerseys, they are seriously ruining the hockey. What happened to
I like how it's only NOW that people are deciding that the whole football-jersey trend is starting to get ugly. Where were you people when Dallas' jersey was unveiled? Hell, where were you when Buffalo decided to unleash jersey-front numbers upon the league? I knew the moment I saw those numbers on the Sabres jerseys that a very slippery slope was being established, and sure enough we're not (supposedly) going to have these visual abortions on the ice.
Dallas's jersey was one thing. It's not that bad at all. Front numbers? Another. Numbers that look the same size on the front and back, no. Big difference, Matthew.
A change in font size to me dosen't equate a 'big difference'. At the end of the day, it's an exceedingly bland and unimaginative way to spit out a jersey design. You'd have to be an idiot not to see the common, embarrassingly obvious inspiration used for the two. Wordmarks as logos universally suck. It sucks for Anaheim. It sucks for Vancouver (which is a shame because their uniforms would look GREAT without it). It REALLY sucks for Dallas. And you better believe that it's going to suck for Atlanta, Ottawa, and Tampa. If anything, this Thrashers leak is better than Dallas' exclusively on the merit of being a third jersey and ergo is limited in how often it'll be used on-ice. The Stars go out on the ice wearing reject Cowboys jerseys half the entire season. I almost - ALMOST - wish they went back to the Mooterus.
Matthew, i agree completely. i've been bitching about this since the 10-template package with numbers on the pants was introduced before the lockout. so many people thought it was nothing, and now that it's everything, i hope the revolt begins.
vote with your wallets! i cringe every time i see someone wearing an edge jersey
Should have the old "T" logo on it, stupid american teams with the name and # on their unis to make the "football" or "basketball" fans tune in. If you want them to watch, oh wait, they don't want to watch.
I think putting the bird head shoulder logo on the chest as the main crest would have been the best thing. That Hulkamania logotype is terrible.
"vote with your wallets!"
Believe me, I am. Thankfully as a Wings fan I get the advantage of uniforms that have remained untouched by the EDGE conversion so it's not like there's anything particularly different for me to go out and get. The upcoming Winter Classic has me nervous though since it's almost certain that vintage jerseys are going to be used.
The unveiling has been made official and oh god they're true TO THE LEAKS OH GOD HOW AM I GOING TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE THRASHERS AND THE FALCONS NOW?!
they are fugly! those are the most hideous things that i have ever seen.
So the jersey has just been released. I personally don't think it looks all that bad. The color is great, and it's not like the Rangers or Maple Leafs never put their name on their jersey.
well... i like it better than both of their current jerseys... and that is not saying much.
they should have re-visited the original dark thrashers jersey, i liked it alot and still own one.
"they should have re-visited the original dark thrashers jersey"
That was a GREAT jersey. The team colours were a bit too similar to the Panthers but it proved that *gasp* you don't NEED to put wordmarks in strange and, frankly, ridiculous places to make a successfully interesting design.
Worst third jerseys this season so far. Hate the big number and word mark on the front. That, combined with the placement of the white on the sleeves, no strips on the bottom, and the side panels, make this sweater look way too much like a basketball jersey. The big shoulder patches remind me of a football jersey.
Hey Thrashers, you're in the NHL!!!
I didn't like the bluelands when they came out but sadly, even those are better than this.
Wait... are there player numbers on the GLOVES? Is that something normal I've completely missed?
Honestly, the way the mauve is cut off by the white sleeves kinda reminds me of some kind of rustic tunic.
"And the LORD said 'Go forth and depend entirely on Kovalchuk for thine offense'..."
Wait... are there player numbers on the GLOVES? Is that something normal I've completely missed?
Yeah, pretty much. Most guys have personalized gear now. Name, number or both.
So this is the results of the Falcons and Hawks vomiting or leaving a huge pile of bird stink all over the ATL. Congrats Thrashers for continuing this trend.
Hey Chris, the Thrashers have already posted pics of their new 3rds on their website. That other low resolution pic you posted here is on the money, except for the black. Otherwise, the Reebok Mole's design is very accurate.
nice website can't wait to see jerseys
Man am I glad I am not a Thrasher fan ...... their jerseys are terrible
Jerseys are up on, I did not know the Baltimore Ravens were playing hockey?
In retrospect, this might actually be a twisted way to draw in more attendance. People will come and buy seats mistakenly believing they're at a Hawks game.
In retrospect, this might actually be a twisted way to draw in more attendance. People will come and buy seats mistakenly believing they're at a Hawks game.
I didn't know the Hawks were a big ticket in Atlanta, either. With the Falcons, Hawks, Thrashers, and Braves, Atlanta is a pathetic pro sports city.
If the Thrashers really wanna put butts in the seats, they have to introduce a jersey to make people think they're seeing a Georgia Bulldogs game. They also have to make people think the Georgia Bulldogs play hockey.
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