I'm not sure how newsworthy this is, but the NHL.com Shop is now advertising third jerseys. The unveiled sweaters have been available for pre-order for a little while already but now they're actually being advertised.

Smart, putting the two best ones in the ad.
The Sabres looks great! And once that Vancouver jersey is unveiled, they need to slap that one on the ad as well.
I still feel the Blues third is the best ... We have already seen both of those logos in the past ... The Blues bring something new.
i agree with charlie...once vancouver officailly unveils theirs, carolina gets the boot on that ad...
i'll take it a step further and say that when the other (and if they are better) 3rds are unveiled, BOTH jerseys will get the boot :-)
I was in a jersey store in my hometown, London, Ontario, yesterday and the store already had the "new" Leafs third jersey. I asked the guy when they got them in and they had them on Saturday, two days after they wore them for the first time against Detroit. I was very surprised that they had them so fast, but was very happy being a Leaf fan and all.
Wonder why the Bruins third is not for sale?
because the bruins 3rd hasn't been officially unvailed
And of Rival teams, ironically enough.
The Thrashers 3rd doesn't look quite as horrific without the huge numbers on the front.
That hurricanes one looks great since it's not on the ice. Also the Blues one is terrible. Their currents - better.
saw this on uniwatch today, the stars helmet decal no longer has green. perhaps a sign of things to come???
I noticed during the Stars/Predators game last night that on the helmet, the inside of the star was colored gold, like the rest of the decal. I didn't realize that past years, they've had green on the helmet decal.
But maybe this could be a sign of things to come. We know that they obviously don't believe in having green on their jersey.
you really think the carolina jersey is one of the best? very mediocre in my opinion.. sabres.. done before. The blues is original. by far the best of the crop
I would have to say that the Oilers definitely have the best third by far, don't see how you could possibly think the Canes is better. And the Sabres just took their vintage and made it worse. Still looks pretty good, but definitely not as sharp has the standard vintage.
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