Saturday, October 18, 2008

Coyotes Third Jersey Leaked!

The leaks just keep coming. Now we're getting our first glimpse at the new third jersey for the Phoenix Coyotes. I revealed the leaked image during tonight's Live Chat but not before first giving readers a 30-minute history lesson on the uniforms of the Coyotes franchise.

We went all the way back to 1972 and the Winnipeg Jets. But I won't bother with that here. If you're interested in it, check out the replay of the Live Chat. But first, here's the picture.

Just like we suspected, it's got the previously leaked logos featuring the leaping coyote and the coyote paw.

It's also got an unusual striping pattern around the sleeves which I'll have to see on a player before I form any opinions about. But otherwise, I think it looks great. The black works. It's got a clean, simple look and fits in well with the Coyotes home and road sweaters. And that's really all you can ask for.

What do you think? Leave a comment.


Kevin Y said...

That history lesson and the prelude was absolutely, pure torture. But it was definitely worth it. This jersey looks amazing. I'd like to see the logo enlarged a bit, but I love the two different shoulder patches, an element only shared by the Flames (who didn't do a great job with it).

Unknown said...

Do you have a close-up of the right (our left) shoulder patch?

Kevin Y said...

Do you have a close-up of the right (our left) shoulder patch?

The other shoulder patch is, I believe, the same as the present primary logo.

The Kyle said...

That's just the Coyotes primary on the left Emily.
And Ksy92003 I loved the build-up for the 3rd jersey. If you went to a game would you want them to just show you the final score? Or show you the game that lead to the final score? I rest my case.

ANYWAY... Great jersey and it looks even better the 2nd time around. Love that logo and it's a good secondary, but I hope they don't get any ideas about having it replace their current logo.

The Kyle said...

Sorry for posting twice but how do you do italics like that Ksy?

Dennis said...

Hmmm, Hmmmm,

Needs some finish. How about making it larger, then adding a large pale yellow moon (with the wheat-yellow color of the shoulder patch) in behind?

Kevin Y said...

And Ksy92003 I loved the build-up for the 3rd jersey. If you went to a game would you want them to just show you the final score? Or show you the game that lead to the final score? I rest my case.

As long as the Kings win the game, I could care less if I actually see it. Except last night's game. That was really something. But I see your point, and agree with it.

And to do the italics, ignoring the spaces in between the characters, put "< i >" and "< / i >" surrounding the text.

asnowballschance said...

Wonder if they'll put numbers underneath the leaping coyote.

Anonymous said...

it looks good excpet for the mis-matching shoulder patches... wonder who thought of that...

b said...

I like the Coyotes third jersey. The only knock I have against it is the size of the logo on the chest. I think it'll look better slightly bigger.

I'm also hoping that they aren't thinking of placing numbers below the leaping coyote on the front. However, I'm curious to see what the font style is going to be like.

Anonymous said...

i'm getting sick of these basketball jerseys. this trend needs to end. now.

Nathan said...

Its not bad. But there is no way it comes even close to their regular jersey. It is in my opinion the best in the league.

Pawscal said...

i dont like it, i think they should have used the " paws " shoulder patch logo instead,
i find the logo on this jersey a bit small,
not a fan at all,hmm

~Kilza~ said...

Awww man. I forgot all about the chat.

Anyways, that 3rd jersey is SICK. I'm loving it.

nogoodbye said...

I'm interested in seeing the whole package. Will the 'pants' and 'socks' be primarly red or black? Either one creates a whole different look.

Curtle said...

Compared to what they have, I don't know if it's an upgrade or a downgrade...So I guess it's an ???grade.

Leaping Coyote: Should strictly be a third jersey logo. I'd like to see this logo on a jersey similar to the Thrashers third, maybe with the shoulder logo on the front.

Shoulder Logo: Could go either way. It might make a decent first logo.

Verdict: Kind of like what happens when the RBK Edge Jerseys Mate with the original Third Jerseys. One thing I'd change, have the wrist stripes match the waist. But in my opinion the Coyotes are a team that have yet to find "The Logo"

Overall: 3/5

Anonymous said...

nice jersey clean lines and clean logo!

bit off topic here what ever happened to this logo:

chris had posted a while back

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant the logo that incorporates both the leaping coyote and that logo

Unknown said...

Awesome Greyhound bus jerseys ....

Kyle J Silva said...

I like it a lot... except the neck, but then I hate all of the ones that the NHL shield is underneath rather than tucked behind.

jeff chapman said...


Unknown said...

I like it a lot personally. I like the plain, simple, open feel. It echoes the character of their location. The desert is a pretty empty and open place. The jersey looks to me like night in the desert, while their others look open and desert like too.

Coyotes have one of the nicest uniform sets in the NHL IMO.

But what would have been really cool? A larger leaping coyote in shilluete. Just the body shape in the red they use.

Unknown said...

Here's what it would look like: here
If that doesn't work,

Anonymous said...

bring back the tribal coyote i miss those jerseys, minus that disgusting third green thing they had, except the lizard was kinda cool, their original coyotes jerseys were way cooler then their current set

tomstoroniak said...

i like their classic jerseys and this doesnt fit with the great ones they already have, plus where are they black from? its a nice simple jersey but black is overdone

Whiter Mage said...

I like 'em, I'd just like them a TON more with the sand color instead of the Black.

ryanhxc said...

I don't think they are bad at all, simple and effective. I thought surely by now some idiot would complain about the "piping".

Moosehabs said...

Hi, idiot complaining about the "piping" signing in!

It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Having said that, not thrilled about yet another black jersey in the NHL.

Would this be the only jersey in the NHL with three different logos on it? (not including the Habs with the 100th logo and all-star logo)

The Coyotes jerseys pre-RBK (when there were stripes around the bottom) were the best jerseys that team has had so far, not including the Jets days.

Kevin Y said...

Would this be the only jersey in the NHL with three different logos on it? (not including the Habs with the 100th logo and all-star logo)

As I said earlier, can't ignore the Calgary Flames' jersey with the Calgary Flames logo, Alberta provincial logo, Canada national logo, and Atlanta Flames' logo for the alternate captains.

MN Trojan 56 said...

I think they did a great job with this third. The only thing that I would change would be the size of the chest logo. If I had more money I would for sure get one of these!

Leafers LP said...

I was expecting a bit more with such a great logo, they could've done better. I think it doesn't fit well with their home and away jerseys. The height of that logo is scaring me. That would just be terror. A logo with numbers. I think I need too hold my full judgement until I see the front of the sleeves.

I'm actually pretty interested in what the number font will be on these, as well as San Jose's.

Moosehabs said...

As I said earlier, can't ignore the Calgary Flames' jersey with the Calgary Flames logo, Alberta provincial logo, Canada national logo, and Atlanta Flames' logo for the alternate captains.

I didn't count Calgary because I consider the symbols representing Alberta and Canada to be flags, not logos.

I haven't noticed that Calgary still uses the Atlanta A for alternate captains. I wouldn't consider that an official logo either.

Jason said...

Hard to judge it with the sleeves covering the side panels. Where and how do they end? As for what can be seen, it's not terrible but it's not nearly as good as their regular set.

Mattstro Disastro said...

That is a sexy, sexy jersey. Nice work, Phoenix!

Unknown said...

The jersey template itself is good, but I find there to be a lot of negative empty space in the logo region.
Would probably have fit better with a circle around it, either inclusive ala Minnesota or St Louis, or exclusive like Tampa Bay or NJ

Ogre39666 said...

this just popped into my head, but could all the empty space be because they want to put #'s in the top right chest (our left)??

Dalen Coolio said...

Wow. I'm impressed. The coloring looks great. The primary and secondary logos look great. Awesome job on this one!

Anonymous said...

I may go off topic but the only reason is I need somewhere to post these thoughts and I thought this is the easiest solution.

I am very impressed. I fell in love with the Coyotes but I was very sad when they moved from Winnipeg. Although I'm not from there I have a lot of friends who are and they miss their team. I actully bought a Jets Bobby Hull jersey on eBay and I get compliments every Panthers game I go to. They have not lost when I where it. (Knock on Wood)

I actually got offered $450.00 for it but this jersey is priceless. It is the one from 1973.

I also have a Whalers Jersey, Nordiques. I have the Blue Jackets, Avalanche, Flyers(Hate it) Rangers (Hate it) a yellow Blues practice jersey, Bridgeport Sound Tigers, San Antonio Rampage, Calgary Flames, 1 Blue red and yellow Panther Jerseys. I'm still trying to find a North Stars, Rockies Golden Seals, Montreal Maroons and finnaly the KC Scouts.

As for Current jerseys I want to aquire these include the Wild, Thrashers 3rd Buffalo and Pittsburgh 3rd Blackhawks winter Classic and Bruins 3rd. I have a looong way to go.

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