The man with all the info — allegedly — Howard Berger had the following to say on his Hockey Buzz blog tonight.
Fans attending games at the Air Canada Centre this season will notice a pair of significant changes. The centre-ice design will now feature a giant Leafs logo enveloping the entire circle, rather than the two smaller logos that previously flanked the checkered red line. I saw the updated art-work earlier today and it looks sharp.
For those with short term memory loss, here's what was entered into the competition for the Leafs.

Yeah, not surprisingly they saw a first-round exit from the tournament at the hands of the Blue Jackets. Should be interesting to see what they do this year. But don't count on Berger to provide pictures though. He's industrious enough to "see" things but can't quite show them to us. Ah, but he is a radio man after all, right?
Tip of the hat to Alan for the link. He's asked that anyone interested throw together a concept of what this new ice design might look like. My inbox awaits.
I imagine it'll look very similar to how the center ice was back in Maple Leaf Gardens. One simple giant leaf with the face-off circle in the middle.
I don't agree with these huge team crests taking up the entire space in the centre circle. It looks far too busy. This is just another marketing move in the Gary Bettman Hockey League. The Leafs were one of the few teams to have it right until now. It's bad enough to have advertising on the ice. Let's spare some white space so we fans can see the puck. Also too, fans at games who are sitting on the opposite side of the TV play-by-play side can have one of the team crests face them.
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