A picture I found at LetsGoKings.com shows an outline has been added to the numbers stitched onto the back and sleeves of the black sweaters.

credit: Wile E. @ LetsGoKings.com
It's small but I guess it adds a little something to the jerseys. And it's different so I suppose that makes it news.
By the way, it's worth noting that teams tend to do all sorts of weird stuff for those rookie jerseys this time of year so it's hard to say for sure if this is a permanent change or just something that made it easier to throw together a bunch of sweaters for guys who won't see real NHL ice for a few more years.
That being said, this particular change seems like it'll stick. We'll know for sure soon. The season's right around the corner.
Thanks to Steven for the tip on this change.
As small a change as it is, I like it
me too. i noticed it last night while i watched their rookie game online. nice touch
Yep, teams do quite a few different things during training camp and the exhibition season. The number of people who are convinced that the Wings are changing their letting from an arched font to a straight one for good are in the thousands...every year.
I was watching it but didn't notice the change. It's a subtle difference, and it's nicely done. Now if only they could make the freaking jersey purple!!
The Kings have had the outline on their away jerseys for a while, but not on their home jerseys. I think it's a nice change and harkens back to the black and silver era where the numbers were outlined in a similar fashion.
I hope they go with the change. It is just what the jersey's needed.
The Outline is not black but actually purple. It looks terrible up close.
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