Sunday, September 21, 2008

From The Ground Up: Southeast Names

The five markets with the most votes to be included in the Southeast Division of our fantasy hockey league are final. Over 4,000 individual votes were cast in the poll.

Here, I'm outlining those markets (alphabetically) along with the acceptable locators (listed below) for your team name nominations — which I'll begin accepting today by comment only.

  • ATLANTA, Georgia
    Georgia | Atlanta | Macon

  • BALTIMORE, Maryland
    Maryland | Baltimore | Columbia

  • CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
    North Carolina | Carolina | Charlotte | Asheville

  • TAMPA, Florida
    Florida | Tampa | Tampa Bay | St. Petersburg | Sarasota

  • WASHINGTON, District of Columbia
    D.C. | Washington | Chesapeake


Submit your team name nominations by leaving a comment below. Email submissions will be discarded. I will accept nominations for one week at which point new comments on this post will be closed. Up to 20 name submissions that fit within the following parameters will be included in the name selection process which will begin next weekend.

If you want your submission included, DO NOT:
• use any name that has already been selected for this project.
• use the name of any current or past NHL or WHA team.
• use the name of any current AHL or ECHL team.
• use the name or close variation of any current or past professional sports team within the same market or geographical area.
• use the name of any team from Project: IHA.
• use any name that would be considered vulgar, obscene or in any way inappropriate. (Sorry, this is my call.)

If you decide to use a locator not already on the list above, be prepared to have it discarded. I'm not setting that in stone as a restriction, but I'm also not guaranteeing I'll include anything not on the list. Sorry for all the restrictions but sometimes you have to "guide" originality.

It was suggested that when submitting names you also submit a short reasoning for that name. I won't require that but I will recommend it since it might help your submission get votes later on if folks know where you got your idea.

Don't forget to make your submissions for the South Division. You have until September 27.

Start submitting!


Unknown said...

Atlanta Cherokee
Baltimore Blizzards
Carolina Quakers
Sarasota Stingers
Washington Express

Canis said...

Atlanta Attack
Macon Mantis (Dude, they have HUGE Praying Mantis down there)

Baltimore Blue Crabs (local crab trade)
Baltimore Bayonets (get it? Bay-o-nets? HA!)
Chesapeake Claws (Crabs again..I got crabs!)
Maryland Mongrels

Carolina Calypso
Carolina Corsairs (Blackbeard's home)
Charlotte Shazam

Tampa Bay Tarpons
Tampa Bay Barracudas
Florida Tropix
St. Pete Sting rays

Washington Reps (aka, Representatives)
DC Domers
DC Devastators
Washington Monuments

Michael said...

Baltimore Blades(was a WHL Team)
Charlotte Speed(NASCAR)
Tampa Bay Warriors(Natives)
Washington Generals

Michael said...

or Maryland friends fantasy team

Unknown said...

Georgia Grinders
Maryland Monks (for the Catholic heritage)
Charlotte Checkers (for the races)
Tampa Tarpons
D.C. Crusaders (for everyone into politics...)

Cale Putnam said...

Midnight Trains of Georgia
Atlanta Heat
Atlanta Crunk

Baltimore Harborlights

Carolina Intimidators (Dale Earnhardt)

Tampa Bay Swashbucklers

DC Power
Washington Insiders

ben said...

Atlanta 96ers (96 olympics were in Atlanta)

Baltimore Railriders (named for B&O railroad)

Charlotte Storm Surge

Tampa Bay Tide

Washington Chiefs

another citi day said...

Atlanta Rhythm
Baltimore Blue Crabs
Carolina RPM's
Tampa Bay Burn
Washington Monuments

Anonymous said...

Atlanta Atomic

Baltimore Blaze

Carolina Cobras

Florida Phantoms

Washington Metro (after the subway lol)

napalmandsillyputty said...

Georgia Copperheads
Baltimore Lions
Carolina Cardinals
Tampa Bay Manatees
D.C. Memorials

Jeff Z. said...



* CAROLINA Crusdaers

* TAMPA Torch

* WASHINGTON Wanderers

Anonymous said...

I like the crab connection for Baltimore. I do just love small defensless mascots.

For some reason, I dont know why, but I like Carolina Intimiditaors. I know...I Know, every ounce of blood in me is saying otherwise. Could you see it? The jerseys are black and red with the numbers in the same font as what he used on his car? Maybe the franchise could go ahead and retire #3. I'm no Nascar fan, but think of all the jersey sales!

Jeff Z. said...

Atlanta Inferno (reference to sherman's march)

Daniel said...

Atlanta Action
Atlanta Aqua
Atlanta Agony
Atlanta Army

Baltimore Battalion(s)
Baltimore Bombers
Baltimore Bastions

Carolina Cardinals
Carolina Corvettes
Carolina Calvary
Carolina Cannons

Florida Fire
Florida Flames
Florida Funnels
Florida Falcons

Washington Warriors
Washington Whites

Marty said...

Atlanta Surge (city motto is "resurgens")
Baltimore Ballmers (a local pronunciation of the city name)
Carolina Corsairs (alliterative, named after the pirates that once roamed the coast, such as Blackbeard)
Tampa Conquistadors (obvious)
Washington Reps (short for representatives)

andre said...

Atlanta Classics- Named after the return to classic coke which really rocks, and CLassics is a coolio name

North Carolina Tarboilers- they love their tar

Tampa Sea Wolves- another cool school name for pirates. yarr

Washinton Justice- woop justice!

Unknown said...

Atlanta Athletics
Baltimore Burners
Carolina Current
Tampa Bay Torrent
Washington Eagles

Anonymous said...

Macon Bacon (OK, yeah, this one's a joke.)
Georgia Peaches
Baltimore Bullets
Florida Suns
Chesapeake Crabs
Washington Cherry Blossoms
DC Taxation Without Representation (Also a joke. Except to people involved in the home rule debate.)
Washington Bullets
DC Riders (dual meaning, refers to both the Metro and the Congress)
Washington Patriots

Leafers LP said...

Atlanta Osprey

Baltimore Eclipse
Baltimore Saphire (Irish-language name for Blatimore is "Fort of the Jewels")

Charlotte Queens (Queen City)

Tampa Blue (Atlantic Ocean)

Washington Wings

Bleetch2 said...

Georgia Rebels
Baltimore Battalion
Carolina Pirates
Florida Storm
Washington Musketeers

jesse111 said...

Atlanta Ice
Baltimore Rough Riders
Tampa Bay Destroyers
Charrlotte Shock
Washington Wall

Anonymous said...

Tampa Surge

Atlanta Army

Baltimore Freeze

Washington Commandos

Charlotte Cyclones

Anonymous said...

Atlanta Burn (Sherman & Savannah and all that)
Atlanta Fever (more fiery references)
Atlanta Trappers (ATL is home of the "trap")
Atlanta Warriors (fighting spirit represented in the town)
Georgia Empire(s)/Emperors/Imperials (because Georgia is the Empire State of the South)
Georgia Knights (Rainy Night in Georgia)
Georgia Goliaths (sounds good)
Macon Bacon ("bacon" is slang for money, and it's a pun on "makin' bacon")
Macon History (another "makin'" pun)
Macon Legends (and another "makin'" pun)

Baltimore Battalion
Baltimore Blackbirds (Ravens/Orioles, etc.)
Baltimore Black Cats
Baltimore King Crabs
Baltimore Barons (nobility theme-named for Lord Baltimore)
Columbia Carnage
Columbia Cobras
Columbia Cougars
Maryland Night Riders (typical theme)

Asheville Dragons (their old hockey team, the Asheville Smoke, had a dragon as their mascot)
Asheville Steam (another Smoke reference)
Carolina Drive (motivation + NASCAR reference)
Carolina Racers (NASCAR reference)
Charlotte Crowns (Queen City)
Charlotte Shadow (alliteration)
Charlotte Shriek (more alliteration)
North Carolina Nighthawks (like the sound)
North Carolina Ninjas (original)

Sarasota Suns (catchy)
Sarasota Solar Bears (tribute to IHL Orlando team)
St. Pete Privateers (more nautical naming)
Tampa Bay Sea Dogs (nautical theme)
Tampa Bay Tropics (more nauticalness)
Tampa Bay Torrent (even more seafaringness)

D.C. Metros (rail line)
Washington Donkeys (if the Democrats have their way)
Washington Elephants (if the Republicans have their way)
Washington Eagles (national bird)
Washington Warlords (Pentagon reference)
Washington Whips (a "whip" makes sure a political party's Representatives & Senators stay within their party lines)
Washington Executives (the President is the Chief Executives)
Washington Chiefs (need I say more?)

Michael said...

Leafers LP...Tampa Blue (Atlantic Ocean)

Tampa's on the Gulf of mexico

and dilbert719
Macon Bacon, if a minor league baseball team ever moved there, that would be what i would name it

Anonymous said...

Atlanta Arrowheads

Maryland Majors

Charlotte Warclaws

Tampa Bay Outbacks

Washington Baroques

Anonymous said...

Macon Bacon
Maryland Muskets
Charlotte Harlots
Tampa Bay Trilobytes
D.C. Battalion

Anonymous said...

Atlanta Arsenal

Baltimore Blue Jays

Carolina Cougers

Tampa Bay Tribe

Washington Warriors

Anonymous said...

So Chris, are you feeling a bit like Sisyphus with this project yet? :P

Canis said...

LOL, he's not even halfway to the end...I give him two more weeks before the greek tragedy kicks in.

Anonymous said...

D.C. Pursuit
Washington Pursuit

Unknown said...

Atlanta Olympians
Atlanta Confederates
Balitmore Bats
Carolina Barbarians
Tampa Bay Sharks
Washington Wolves

Jefferi said...

As a DMV (DC, MD, VA area) native. I feel the need to dispel some of the team names chosen for both DC and B'more.

Impulse83 - Express was used in the IHA project (San Jose)
Mykl and Kevin - Washington Generals (The team the globetrotters beat all the time)
Bulldogx2010 - Metro was used in IHA
dilbert719 - Baltimore/Washington Bullets (the wizards were first the bullets)
Also, patriots was used in IHA
umfan3915 - Washington Commandos were an Arena football team

And for all of those people choosing chiefs...I think the Redskins work just fine here.

Sorry for the call outs, but I wanna see my area well represented.
Now, my suggestions...

Atlanta Phoenix (Rising out of the ashes, keeps wit the city bird theme)

Baltimore Claws (Blue Crabs of MD)
Baltimore Wire (Based off the HBO show, The Wire)
Baltimore Hons (A play on baltimore speech

Carolina Lackies (From Carolina's nickname of cackalacky)

Tampa Torrent (although I really feel Chris should just get to choose Tampa altogether)

Washington Go-Go
D.C. Bounce
(Both homage to the music out of DC, Go-Go)
Washington Wolves (politicians are known as wolves)
D.C. Crows (Sometimes known as the murder capital, and a bunch of crows is called a murder)
Washington Power (The Most powerful city in the Nation)

Erik G. said...

Notes/Comments on others' comments:
In the format of [to the person who said... ".."]:
Charlotte Checkers: already the name of the ECHL team there.
Atlanta Inferno: already the name of the Columbia Inferno in Columbia, SC, which was also burned by Sherman's march.
Tampa Conquistadors: the title of conquistador is more commonly associated with Spanish conquerors who actually conquered empires, not just peoples, i.e. the Aztecs or Inca. I've never heard the term 'conquistador' in reference to Spanish occupation of Florida in general use.

Notes/comments to EVERYONE:
Please stop with all the blatant abuse of alliteration (i.e. Tampa Torrent, Carolina Current). It's annoying when EVERY team is named like that.

Erik G. said...

And, before anyone goes to say it, I know that de Soto was in the Tampa area for a brief while, but he didn't stay there nor did he conquer anyone there, so I don't think 'conquistador' is appropriate. That should have been added to the previous comment to clarify since no reasonable text considers the area to have been conquered by conquistadors.

Erik G. said...

Atlanta Tridents
-Tridents sort of plays off the Atlantica-Pacifica / Atlantis theme.
-I liked the previous suggestion of the Atlanta Classics.

Baltimore Potters
-A potter is a slang term for one who catches crabs. 'Potting' is the act of catching a crab with a cagelike vessel made of metal, wire, etc.

Carolina or D.C.
-I also liked the suggestion of Carolina Crusaders given the area's Bible-thumping side. Moreover, I think Crusaders is the best sports team name not commonly used in America (it's much used overseas in rugby, such as with the Canterbury/Christchurch Crusaders in NZ) and would work well in D.C. too for the reasons stated by the person who proposed that as well.

Tampa Bay Rough Riders
-If I recall correctly, Teddy Roosevelt's troops were stationed in this area prior to their invasion of Cuba.

Washington Sentinels
-A rarely used sports team name that also isn't cheesily associative of 'all-American' themes as D.C. suggestions often are. A sentinel is one who stands guard to protect and serve.

Matt said...

Atlanta River- the Chattahoochee River runs through Atlanta and provides residents with alot of their water.

Asheville Mountains- Asheville NC has a very mountanious terrain.

Maryland Anthem- the scene that inspired the Star Spangled Banner took place in Maryland.

St. Petersburg Greyhounds- named for the Greyhound racing at Derby Lane in St. Petersburg. Very well known track and even used as a setting in Oceans 11.

St. Petersburg Demons - a change in spelling for a tribute to one of the city founders Peter Demens. (Also shoving it in the face of the PC former Devil Rays, lol.)

Washington D.C. Red White and Blue- maybe too long of a name, but just something different than the other names and the colors of our flag.

Anonymous said...

# ATLANTA, Georgia
Georgia | Atlanta | Macon

(the Georgia Peaches, the Macon Masticators)

# BALTIMORE, Maryland
Maryland | Baltimore | Columbia
(the Maryland-mayhem, the Columbia Lords, the Baltimore syphilis', The Baltimore Burn)

# CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
North Carolina | Carolina | Charlotte | Asheville
(the Carolina-crush, the ashville- asholes?)

# TAMPA, Florida
Florida | Tampa | Tampa Bay | St. Petersburg | Sarasota
(the Florida melted ice, the St. Petersburg Czars, the Sarasota sunburn, the Tampa Bays)

# WASHINGTON, District of Columbia
D.C. | Washington | Chesapeake

(the chesapeake cheapskates, the D.C. crooks, The Washington hope, the Shesapeake Swamp, the DC monuments)

Anonymous said...

oops, just read the no vulgar rule. Sorry

Anders Åke Albin Sandström said...

Atlanta Ravens

Georgia Thundercats

Baltimore Pirates

Maryland Monsters

Charlotte Cagefighters

Tampa Icefighters

D.C Defence

Washington P51's

Anonymous said...

# ATLANTA, Georgia
Georgia | Atlanta | Macon

the macon moononites
the georgia julips
the georgia gentlemen
the atlanta colonels
the macon ants

# BALTIMORE, Maryland
Maryland | Baltimore | Columbia

the baltimore easterner
the maryland chowder
the columbia crusaders
the Baltimore Independants
the Baltimore Lords
the Baltimore Keys

# CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
North Carolina | Carolina | Charlotte | Asheville

the Carolina collaborators
the Charlotte palmettos/palmetto bugs
the carolina smokers

# TAMPA, Florida
Florida | Tampa | Tampa Bay | St. Petersburg | Sarasota

the Tampa rats
the st. petersburg soviets
the sarasota swim
the florida timeshares
the tampa old people driving (what could be more scary?)
the sarasota sandfleas/sand dollars?

# WASHINGTON, District of Columbia
D.C. | Washington | Chesapeake

the washington lobbyists
the D.C. Pundits
the washington crooks
the DC founders
the dc corruption
the beltway bribes
the D. C. Districts
the D. C. potomacs
the DC duelers
the DC sprawl
the Washington colonials

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drew said...

- Atlanta Grays

- Asheville Mountaineers
- Charlotte Monarchs
- North Carolina Nighthawks

- Baltimore Blue Crabs

- Tampa Mangroves
- Sarasota Seminoles

- Washington Warlords
- Washington Plutocrats

Vortican said...

(sorry I couldn't resist)

-Carolina Greys
(like the civil war, they can be rivals to the columbus blue jackets)

-Florida Fountain(s)
(for the fountain of youth)

-Cheasapeake Bays or Retrievers
(named for the dog, I have one and she's a beast!)

asnowballschance said...

Georgia Whale Sharks (aquarium inhabitants)
Baltimore Regiments
Baltimore Bombardiers
Carolina Devil Dogs (usmc population and bases)
D.C. Eternals
Tampa Navigators (sailing?)

Gasps And Giggles said...

Atlanta Iceburners

Baltimore Beasts / Brutes / Blades / Blackbirds
Baltimore Beastily Brutish Bladed Blackbird Battalion
Maryland Monsters
Bodymore, Murdaland

Charlotte Fightin' Rednecks
Charlotte Champions
Carolina Intimidators
Carolina Rubberburners
North Carolina Nighthawks
Carolina Cannons / Cannoneers

Tampa Bay Stormbreakers
Sarasota Sunburn
Florida Not The Heat The Humidity That Kills You

DC Dominators
Washington Elite / Powerbrokers / Lawmakers /Flagbearers

Anonymous said...

For Baltimore-

Baltimore Bohemians (Natty Boh, aka National Bohemian, does way back with Baltimore...and we could call the team the Natty Bohs)

And I liked the earlier suggestion of Bayonets...BAY-onets.

Just for clarification, I think the Chesapeake has more relevance to Baltimore than DC. The Potomac and Anacostia rivers are more DC-related bodies of water...just sayin.

Washington War Eages. (Hey, if Auburn wants to shun an awesome name like that and use 'tigers' instead, SOMEONE should put the name to use!)

BK said...

Atlanta Phoenix (I know Jefferi already suggested it, but I like it too. Its one of the cities unofficial nicknames since it too rose from the ashes)
Atlanta Embers (Different take on flames)
Atlanta Termites

Baltimore Snappers (isn't a Terp a turtle?)

Carolina Commanders

Florida Ice Gators (sounds like ice skaters when said fast and, yes I know it was a former ECHL team in LA)

Washington Patriots
D.C. Power (Direct Current anyone?)
D.C. Electric

Now the non serious ones that I should be shot for even suggesting:

Macon Whoopee! (My favorite minor league team name ever, but ruled out probably due to 'vulgarity')

Baltimore Ace of Cakes

Charlotte Russe

Lakeland (FL) Publix' (hey if albany had a team named after a grocery store (Choppers) why not FL?)

D.C. / A.C.

Anonymous said...

Washington Commanders

Leafers LP said...

Mykl and Kevin... "Leafers LP...Tampa Blue (Atlantic Ocean)

Tampa's on the Gulf of mexico

LOL HAHA. Omg, does it really make a difference? Whatever, water's blue. And it sounds like a classic name. A perfect logo would be a whale fin thing. Whatever those are called.

Anonymous said...

Florida Rockets
Tampa Palms

DC Brigade

Baltimore Sea Dogs

Carolina Demons

Anonymous said...

sarasota rays
charlotte miners
baltimore baysox
washington warriors
atlanta express

Matt in NYS said...

Baltimore Banners (birthplace of "The Star-Spangled Banner")

Florida Elephants (Sarasota is winter home to Ringling Bros.)

Atlanta Celestials

Carolina Meteors

Washington Pharaohs

Unknown said...

D.C Smash
Washington/D.C. Law
Georgia Blaze

Tampa Bay Tridents
Tampa Bay Tropics

Baltimore Lords
Maryland Mammoths

Raul said...

The Great Blue Heron is the bird on some Maryland license plate. It is a pretty cool looking bird. It is a symbol of the Chesapeake Bay. A bird name for a Maryland sports team would also follow the current pattern(Orioles, Ravens). With that said, any of the following could work:

Chesapeake Herons
Baltimore Herons

Chesapeake Blue Herons
Baltimore Blue Herons

Chesapeake Great Herons
Baltimore Great Herons

Great Blue Heron facts:
-The largest heron in North America.
-As it takes off from a perch, a great blue heron holds its neck in an S-shaped position and flies with slow, deep wingbeats.

more facts:


Big Papa said...

Atlanta Arrows

Baltimore Bombers
Baltimore Barons

Charlotte Crickets
Charlotte Flight

Tampa Bay Black Jacks (pirate flag)
Florida Flamingoes (pink identity!)

Washington Warblers
Washington Monuments

Troz32 said...

Atlanta Blazers
Atlanta Rebels
Baltimore Bayriders
Baltimore Red Tides
Charlotte Spiders
Washington Americans
Washington Judges
Tampa Bay Thunder
Tampa Bay Deluge

Booker said...

Atlanta Air Dogs
Atlanta Cannons

Baltimore Bilge Rats
Baltimore Blasters

Carolina Colonists
Carolina Eighty Niners

Tampa Bay Big Tops
Tampa Fruit Pickers

Washington Insiders
DC Privateers

The Otts said...

Atlanta Phoenix
Atlanta Firebirds
Atlanta Turbulence
Atlanta Smokies

Baltimore Cruise
Baltimore Seagulls
Baltimore Tide

Charlotte Royals
Carolina Crescents

Tampa Seadogs
Tampa Manatees
Tampa Bay Mutiny
Tampa Sandies

Washington Monuments
D.C. Americans
Washington Patriots
D.C. Statesmen

Adam said...

* ATLANTA, Georgia
Georgia | Atlanta | Macon

Atlanta Alleycats

* BALTIMORE, Maryland
Maryland | Baltimore | Columbia

Maryland Crushers (logo crab-related)

* CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
North Carolina | Carolina | Charlotte | Asheville

Asheville Eruption

* TAMPA, Florida
Florida | Tampa | Tampa Bay | St. Petersburg | Sarasota

Florida Orange

* WASHINGTON, District of Columbia
D.C. | Washington | Chesapeake

Washington Colonials

Anonymous said...

***The key to a good team name is for a strong, powerful name that instills an intimidating image in your opponents' heads***

-Atlanta Sentinels

-Baltimore Blitzkrieg

-Charlotte Tempest

-Tampa Hammers

-Washington Locusts

Kevin Z. said...

Washington Knights

Would have a sweet logo, gets away from the played out Capitals/Monuments/Political/Eagles/Patriotic names that always get thrown to DC

buffalohockeyguy said...

Georgia Spiders

Baltimore Bluecrabs

Carolina Crush

St. Pete Storm

D.C. Destroyers

Anonymous said...

Georgia Pine(s)

Inspired in part by the Ray Charles song Georgia on My Mind, i think the lyrics is, "moonlight through the pines..." Lots of Pine trees in Ga. Plus its completely unique, except for Stanford, can't think of any other plant related team. Colors might be green and light brown and white or some variation like that

Anonymous said...

Washington Sentinels
Charlotte Independents
Tampa Riptide
Baltimore Foxes
Atlanta Dragons

eRay said...

* ATLANTA, Georgia
Georgia | Atlanta | Macon

Georgia Hounds

* BALTIMORE, Maryland
Maryland | Baltimore | Columbia

Baltimore Rockfish

* CHARLOTTE, North Carolina
North Carolina | Carolina | Charlotte | Asheville

North Carolina Gem Miners

* TAMPA, Florida
Florida | Tampa | Tampa Bay | St. Petersburg | Sarasota

Tampa Mutineers

* WASHINGTON, District of Columbia
D.C. | Washington | Chesapeake

D.C. Birds of Prey

Anonymous said...

Georgia Appalachians

Baltimore Defenders
Baltimore Battalion
Baltimore Cannons

Carolina Confederates

Pace said...

ATLANTA Copperheads

BALTIMORE Bugeyes (boat used for fishing in the Chesapeake Bay)




Unknown said...

Jeez, if Georgia becomes the Peaches, I'm going to laugh.

Atlanta Murder
Reasons: Murder means a group of crows and it goes with the bird imagery of the city with the Falcons, Thrashers and Hawks.

Washington Liberty=duh.
Washington Revolution=also duh.

Florida Torrents

Tampa Takeover

Washington Nationals (I know there's a baseball team named that, but I figure the IceHL team won't suck.)

But to clarify the last one is a joke name.

Carolina Wildcats (cat imagery Panthers/Wildcats)

Carolina Palmettos (One of those Carolinas is the Palmetto states)

Canis said...

I hadn't seen this one yet and thought it appropriate for the military base in Tampa


Unknown said...

Tampa Bay Submarines
Tampa Bay Radar
Tampa Bay Stealth
Tampa Bay Battleships

Just outta curiosity, even though the locator is for Tampa, Florida (b/c Tampa Bay isn't a city), does any sport team just say Tampa? I think they all go Tampa Bay.

Canis said...

It's cause they don't want to disenfranchise the Pinellas County folks ;)

Anonymous said...

Haven't read any of the other comments...

Atlanta Aces
Atlanta Fire

Baltimore Mob
Baltimore Bullies

Charlotte Trax (i.e. race tracks)
Carolina Crushers

Tampa Bay Sun
Tampa Bay Waves

Can't think of anything for Washington...

Anonymous said...

Atlanta Chiefs (Cherokee Tribe of Georgia)

Baltimore Fleet (Port of Baltimore and US Naval Academy even though it is Annapolis so you can make it the Maryland Fleet)

Charlotte Flight (First Flight was in NC)

Tampa Bay Bolts (Lightning in Florida)

Washington Eagles (American symbol)

Kevin Y said...

St. Pete Sting Rays is too similar to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Tampa Bay Torrent is too similar to the Tampa Bay Storm.
Tampa Bay Sharks is already an NHL team (San Jose Sharks).
Tampa Bay Bolts, Thunder are too similar to the Tampa Bay Lightning
Tampa Bay Mutiny was a former MLS team.
Atlanta Heat, Inferno, Burn, Fire are too similar to the Atlanta Flames.
Washington Bullets was an NBA team, currently the Washington Wizards.
Washington Eagles is too similar to the Washington Capitals, who have recently used an eagle as their logo and currently use it as their alternate

QuackQuack1993 said...

Atlanta Admirals.

Tampa Bay Titlewave.

Washington Pride.

Baltimore Seadogs.

Charlotte Cannons.

Florida Sun.

Anonymous said...

For Atlanta: Stone Mountain Confederates (if it's okay, if not, Georgia Peaches)
Baltimore: Maryland Bayonets
Raleigh: Charlotte Motors
Tampa: Florida Sunshine
Washington: DC Politicals

AJ said...

Sarasota Small Sunny Bunnies

Bryan said...

Atlanta Poppers OR Pop- Coca-cola factory here
Baltimore Crush- fercious team, they will crush you
Carolina Cottonmouths- the snake and the old cotton picking days
Sarasota Scorch- its hot here
Washington Power- washington is powerful