Like last time, I've left off credits here for a couple of reasons which I won't get into. However, if your logo is featured here and you would like a credit, drop me a line via email and let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Otherwise, I plan to wait and credit the logos that win for each team.
Also like the last division, polls will be posted throughout the week to decide which logo should be used for each team. Along with each poll, I'll show some of the logos that were submitted but didn't make the final cut for one reason or another. So if you sent in a logo that wasn't selected as a finalist, it should be there. If it's not, the image you sent was probably somehow unusable.
By the way, I've tried to weed out any logos with elements stolen from actual professional sports team logos, but if I've missed anything be sure to let me know. I've got backups to put in for most teams as far as the polls go.
Post your comments and critiques below!
My problem with this project is that very few of the logos look like a hockey logo. There are so many that I just can't imagine on the front of a hockey jersey.
...what about the third Patriots logo?
Just found this site (Thanks Pensblog)
I really like this batch...Great work artists!
Nice catch Slavomir! I knew there was something familiar about that logo.
I removed the Patriots logo that was mentioned. Thanks for letting me know. It's really annoying that people still send in stolen logos. I wish these folks would learn to read or at least stay out of this project.
Anyway, the trouble with Dallas is that I literally got three submissions. If anyone else wants to toss their hat in the ring, please do. Otherwise the Patriots poll will only have two logos.
The only ones I like are the Comets middle one and the Seahawks first logo. But a big improvement from the first conference.
Chris, the second mavs logo is a ripoff of the calgary stampeders CFL logo : (
I think that third Mountaineers logo could have worked much better without the antennae, and if the inner purple "M" was removed, placing the snow caps on the main "M."
That Mavs logo isn't a ripoff. Both logos are horses, sure, but they're obviously drawn differently.
I stand corrected on the stamps logo Max, as for my DP was designed as a secondary and never meant to be voted on as a primary.
lol... patriots logo... that made me laugh... but im sure it was an accident.
"Anyway, the trouble with Dallas is that I literally got three submissions."
hey chris i sent in a patriots logo that isnt up there, did you not get it?
I was going to say the same thing about the middle Mavericks logo resembling the Stampeders. The horses are drawn differently, but it's definitely the firs thing that comes to mind.
The designer of the second Mavericks logo felt bad about its resemblance to the CFL team and has made some adjustments. These are represented in the current graphic.
that looks waaaay better!
There's some amazing logos up there, in my opinion. What you guys seem to forget (And myself sometimes) is that some of the logos that are in the NHL now are so much simpler, and a few come to mind that are so complex but drawn poorly but still work as great logos (NYIsles and Avalanche kinda come to mind, and I wouldn't tell a nords fan he should change his logo). There's a few up there that aren't 100% the best in my opinion, but hey - they're finalists, not the actual new uniforms of a hockey league. BTW, Chris, I think this whole jersey thing is awesome, and if there's a way you could make it so we could steal these teams with their logos on jerseys when you're done to put in NHL 2009 or something, like the other fellow (name escapes me) for the new uniforms ideas, that'd be amazing. I would make the IHA in my game.
most of these are great. good job, folks
Chris how long do I have to make a Dallas Patriots logo? I would love to toss my design in but I'd need to know if I can send it to you Tomorrow?
I can take Dallas Patriots logos until Tuesday morning at the latest. That's when the poll is scheduled to be posted.
i think all of them look great! Way better then the last division.
Sounds good Chris, I'm currently working on mine
how does that "import into NHL 2009" stuff work? i haven't had a hockey game on the computer in a while, it can't be THAT easy to change all of the teams, can it?
i mean, you could create your own leagues with it if that were true, right?
can anybody help me out with how that works?
It was a long process, and I had to use a site on my laptop I don't have on my desktop to get it done.
Almost all of the non-executable files are editable, and I remember downloading a few "Editting Programs" and jerseys, and one arena skin that let me play on the old Hartford Mall.
Someone else might know more.
PS. Listen to Chris.......please.
well i see the dreaded letters are here at this section.
I thought my voodoo curse had gotten rid of them.
ewriy - word verification.
Wait a second... the Edmonton Seahawks???
What Sea?
What about the Edmonton SludgeDucks?
i dont no but something bout these logos make everyone of them look like they could be excellent secondary logos and not primary but thats just me
Great to see such a variety of concepts! Not sure how marketable some would be, you know hats, shirts, mascots, but they are a good start to building a team identity.
TheHurricane is right, Even the logo's that I created for the Dallas Patriots, all of them came out as AWESOME.....secondary logos, Primary Logo's are difficult to design.
I've been trying to make one with a Patriot Missile, but am not very good at it-Hopefully somebody will come up with a cool design involving that!
Option #1 for the Denver Mountaineers looks a vaguely similar to the Denver Nuggets alternate logo:
Nice work on these logos... my favorite is the second Calgary Mavericks logo.
Interestingly regarding one of the team names, the Houston Comets is actually is the most successful WNBA team by winning the first four championships in league history.
Resist the Machine.....they are not even close to being the same.
Bill, it's why i said VAGUELY.
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