Wednesday, August 20, 2008

IHA Poll: San Jose Express

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Starts Wed Aug 20
Ends Sat Aug 23


Jason New Era said...

I voted for #1 cause it looks pretty cool.

I also liked #3 since it has the shape of a shield.

#2 looks a little too boring for my taste.

Anonymous said...

I really liked all of these logos, it was very hard to choose. I ended up voting for #3.

Anonymous said...

I voted for number one. I was surprised nobody else used my idea/that mine wasn't a finalist: basically a FedEx logo with SJ instead of Fed.

Endless Mike said...

I love #1 for a primary and #3 for secondary shoulder patch. I would be into number 2 a lot more if it didn't use an X in a manner befitting the XFL. Express starts with an E not an X.

asnowballschance said...

I see #3 as the primary and #1 as the shoulder patch.

#3 has a little more finer details than the bullet train. Either or, both are quite solid.

Unknown said...

Just a little info on #3, because I designed it. The image in the background is of Downtown San Jose. The building in front is the HP Pavillion, where the San Jose Sharks play. And, of course, there's an express highway leading to the building. Hope you guys like it.

asnowballschance said...

Very intricate Bach. Maybe that'll help it in the polls.

roccot said...

Way too much detail on #3 for a hockey logo. Good luck embroidering that on a hat. Good logo for something else though.

#1 is good, looks like a 'Phoenix' job to me. Could use some white to break up the colours a bit. Not sure it needed the star points to make the overall X shape.

I did #2 and it is boring now that I look at it up here. Looks pretty cool on the Bruin type jersey I did. Part of me wishes Chris posted the complete package on these. Sometimes the logos don't make as much sense without their secondary logo or how they look on a mocked up jersey.

It is great to see what logos people come up with. The new league should be something else!

Nolo said...

#3 is very nice! I like the shape of it!

Anonymous said...

I am the only one that is really bothered by the bevel and embossing done to the logos?

Unknown said...

I am the only one that is really bothered by the bevel and embossing done to the logos?

No, but at least it's consistent.

Also, maybe it's just me, but #1 reminds me a little bit too much of goatse.

holmes.brodnik said...

two is definitly the best

Hockey Week said...

if we actually get to build our own league from the ground up, we ought to just have the original logos posted, instead of making Chris go through and edit each one individually, creating backgrounds and converting to vector images. i think it'd be easier for everyone

Unknown said...

All three of these are great. I almost didn't vote because I liked all of them too much to pick one over the others.

I ultimately voted for #2. The tiebreaker is that if this team existed they would probably use either red or black "away" (I'm old school) jerseys. The other two have too much black and red; from a distance it would bleed into the jersey (look at the Carolina Hurricanes' home and away jerseys in a smallish picture and you'll see what I'm talking about). Logo #2, with its predominant colors, wouldn't suffer from this.

@Endless Mike: Granted, the "X" for "Express" is a bit much, but with the train in front it's not so bad.

@Ryan: Ewwwww....

Unknown said...

#3 is a nice logo bach with lots of local details (I can see that road as Highway 87 already),
but not sure how it would turn out on a jersey. the thought of it turning out like the old Denver Nuggets haunts me.

Mike Phoenix said...

@Roccot. Sorry man i didnt do anything for this division. I wish i had but some times you just get a little bored of this. and thats where im at right now. But Ill jump back on i think for the Ground Up Leauge. i do have one for the Next Division though.

Mike Phoenix said...

Number 3 is kind neat, and i think it looks like a train at the same time. with the road at the cattle grill. and the city in the back as the stack. I think if the SJ where put just above the arena in white it would be like the head light. Anyone else see that?

roccot said...

I hear ya Mike P... I know that you do some fine work and I like to see it. What team did you do for the next round?

I've tried to do one per division and any extras where an idea comes to mind quickly. This project would be perfect if I was unemployed and had some free time. Fun stuff.

asnowballschance said...

Good catch Mike P. Wish there was more votes for #3.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys for the support of my design option #3.

@Washington. As for it turning into a jersey, I made an jersey design that can be seen here:

I think it looks pretty neat. Thoughts?

roccot said...


not keen on the hockey logo as mentioned but the rest on your site are very good!

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