Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Habs To Wear Shoulder Patches?

The guys over at Hockey Bums wrote up a bit about possible uniform alterations for the Canadiens to celebrate their 100th year. They included this image from NHL 09.

It shows two different 100th anniversary shoulder patches. No word on whether this was created for the game or is an official design for the Habs. It was noted that these screen shots were taken while the game was in a special mode that allows the user to choose the players' equipment.

It's also been reported that the Habs will have a number of the special vintage sweaters throughout the season to mark the centennial event. I'll keep you updated as I learn more.

UPDATE (8/14 12:40 AM): Here's a funny irony that just hit me. This post about the 100th anniversary of the Canadiens... is my 100th post at Icethetics! Things like that just crack me up.


Nolo said...

It would be nice to see that goalie mask a comeback! killer!!!

Unknown said...

That's not even RBK Edge

Anonymous said...

interesting that the habs aren't using Rbk Edge sweaters in NHL 09..

Rob Rowe said...

There is a logo on Wikipedia quite similar to the patch on the left. Here is a link to the Habs Page:

Anonymous said...

the video where these screens was taken is availible on ign.com's NHL 09 videos. It's part of their MMO feature where you can design your own team. While the shoulder patches seem like they could be legit, it seems strange that they would appear on a non-rbk edge.

Unknown said...

If NHL 09 is anything like NHL 08, it would give you the option to play in vintage (pre-EDGE) uniforms.

Zahid said...

Wait a minute, Can u use those goalie masks (as shown)??

Unknown said...

Yes, just watch the video, it says alot, and you have a choice for RBK Edge or not when you create the team.

snyperp said...

In NHL 09 the online league mode consists off single online players who customize there own player with gear from the thhe most high-tech to old-school Gretzky player helmets and Jason-like goalie masks.

Jerm Deeks said...

Anyone know if that's PS3 or XBOX? Becuase, uh, PS3's 08 was lacking a lot, such as those goalie masks, non-RBK EDGE jerseys, vintage stuff, and so on.

Hockey Week said...

wait, is it just my internet, or are there no comments on the Montreal Rouge poll? Chris, what am i supposed to do with my down time at work?! I can't actually DO my job! that's why websites like this exist! lol

Anonymous said...

I concur with Hockey Week, what will I do at work if I can't read and make comments on hockey logo blog posts?

Where did they go?

Susan said...

Since I can't comment on the next post, I voted Non-finalist and I pick the fleur-de-lis with Montreal written on it.

Warrior19 said...

i know there were some people doing some serious complaining on the comments of the rouge post this morning. perhaps it got out of hand and chris closed the comments???

Anonymous said...

When he's done that in the past he's always said so though in the blog entry.

Ogre39666 said...

Whatever happened I'm sure Chris will address it soon.

And I voted F #1 but I think NF 2nd row, middle would be a great secondary and NF 2nd row, right would be an awesome alternate logo (or even a wordmark).

I don't know what all the complaining Warrior19 mentioned was about 'cause imo these have by far been the best logos. The quality of the NFs is on par with finalists from other teams (and probably better).

Unknown said...

The more airy logo with the 100 on an angle has already been announced as the official 100th anniversary logo- a while back actually. I would not be surprised seeing them wear that.

Why they would need two different logos I don't get though.

Warrior19 said...

well someone took it a little too seriously that their logo didnt make the final cut...

asnowballschance said...

I know it was touched on the NHLToL blog, but this is a closer view of the 100th anniversary logo:


After an extensive search, I cannot find the other '100' logo...

There's My Chippy! said...

Quoted from an IGN article posted in June:

"We will have lots of retro jerseys in the game (Seals, North Stars, etc) and we are doing something even more special with one of the NHL franchises."

Just a little potential foreshadowing.

Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia NHL 09 will feature a team of all time Canadian's greats to celebrate the franchise's 100th anniversary. I'd be willing to bet this screen capture is of that team.

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