Just look at those eyes staring back at you. Scary stuff.
We've been talking a lot about the Dallas Stars lately. Anybody want a real Old West theme for the uniforms?

If you did, I'm sure you don't anymore.

Stripes for the Sharks?

You know you'd buy that jersey. Don't try to deny it.
Here's a somewhat less freaky Wild concept sweater.

A new series within a series I started to FOFs ago showcased the infamous Mighty Ducks third jersey with the logos of other teams from around the league. We've done the Atlantic Pacific Divisions and today we've got the Southeast.

And while we're on this topic, under the heading of Other Things That Just Won't Die, the Iowa Chops are back for another round of mockery.

I don't think I need to say anything more. Just try to enjoy your weekend now that you've been freaked out.
That Sen's jersey would look even freakier if it was like Marvin the Martian as a Roman, (like Patrick Lalime's goalie mask during his time with the Sens).
That San Jose jersey looks like the Freddy Kruger sweater!
The Sens jersey looks like something out of the MLB "Turn Ahead the Clock" promotion back in 1999.
I actually would buy that sharks jersey... it's so horrible it's actually kind of cool
Those Dallas jerseys look pretty good. I would not consider it a 'freak out'.
ahahahahhahaha omg the iowa chops thing looks tooo funnyyy!!
i actually laughe dwhen i saw the chops thing, hahahah great stuff.
If that striped Sharks jersey was cleaned up...like a LOT...i would consider purchasing it lol
the chops is freaking hilarious, i want to see that on their jersey!
I'm not gonna lie. I like the Home Dallas jerseys. Could use some tweaks logo, but its a good start.
Some of those concepts actually look pretty good to me.. I'll let you know which ones as soon as I stop hallucinating from the striped Sharks jersey.
I would love to see those Dallas jersey's on the ice. Brown was THE default colour of most teams back in the day (in place of black. SEE: pants) and I've been wishing a team would uphold that glorious vintage torch once again. I am not sure why brown is such a disliked colour but I think it would work really well on certain teams. I think the Wild could pull it off easily what with their already pseudo-rustic identity. I would take brown any day of the week before I would take that god-awful black and purple monstrosity LA has created.
XFD @ the Iowa Chops one. Until we get an Iowa Chops wallpaper, I'm using that.
That Wild shirt is actually pretty good. Same with the Sharks. Anyone who knows anything about soccer, wouldn't it be good to see some hoops on the ice? It would be interesting to at least see the brown Stars jerseys on the ice...it's certainly something different.
Brown is disliked, ESPECIALLY for pants.......because it reeks of Super Heroes In Training
I must be crazy, because I actually like the Sens jersey. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it isn't bad.
The Dallas one is actually really sharp...get rid of the wordmark, and I think it's great.
Oh and I like the Sharks jersey, but it makes me dizzy..I feel like the lines are moving.
I guess I would like that Sharks jersey more if I had a belt fetish or something.
The Stars sweater actually kind of works for me. And the Chops image is, to say the least, inspired.
Ya know, the Iowa Chops have gotten so much notice here because of the.. well, for lack of a better word, "unusual" name and jersey, we haven't talked about any other AHL/ECHL team. I wonder if we should have a Chop-dedicated blog:
I'll start it myself if I have to..
THe Stars jerseys are most certainly not ok. That third jersey ought to be their TURD jersey. (rimshot) The home jersey could be the start of something but the only problem is that brown isnt one of their colors. Lets try it in green, black and gold.
That Chops logo....oh man. Why is the Duck called Wild Wing when he doesnt have wings? Why does the duck have fingers? How did he get under frozen ice? Why upon freeing himself from a water grave did he decide he would play hockey? Is that ice or some sort of radioactive nuclear gelatanous goo? Whoever designed the original logo..... I'm at a loss here. We should go find the guys mother and slap her. She has a bad son.
Hey, modify that chops logo so that he's jumping out of applesauce! Mmmmmmm!
The logos/wordmarks on the Stars jerseys could use some work, but the jerseys and colours (aside from the white helmet) are great. I'd like to see some brown used. The Bruins had the perfect chance when they went with the old-style secondary for their third jersey. I wish they'd have done it. They already have the best look in the league, but that would have made them stupidly great.
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