First of all, Boston, St. Louis, Nashville, and Florida have all changed to the same yellow Pantone color. The sharks also changed their teal. I think that is all for color changes.
Now for the more exciting stuff...Boston: new wordmark in the same font as the B in the primary logo.
San Jose: Added a secondary logo with the letters SJ and the old unused shark fin logo from last year at the bottom.
Phoenix: Pretty much all new logos except for the primary, including a new full body coyote as a secondary.
Buffalo: Added a slightly redesigned version of the classic logo with the new navy blue. I looked at the two logos more closely together and it is pretty much the same with a Very minor tweak in the sword handle, and the addition of silver outlines around everything. It also has the red eye.
Vancouver: Added the Johnny Canuck logo with his head in the V back to their identity.
As with anything, I can't vouch for the information myself, but I read it and thought you guys might be interested — whether it ends up being true or not. However, my guess is most of it is on the level.
If I get any confirmations or looks at these logos, you can expect to see them posted right away.
Interestingly, but unrelated, in the same thread was an amazing concept logo I just had to post. You guys know how much I like the Canucks' new V logo. Well someone on that site created one that's even better! It's got a roughness and an edge to it that's lacking in the original logo.

credit: DaveyG @ Message Board
I'm sure most of the Canucks fans here have already seen that, but to anyone who hasn't, what do you think?
I like it more than the "Johny Canuck" I've previously seen. Definitely should be on a 3rd jersey in the future. I'd like to see that before another stick in rink logo.
finally, a vancouver logo that doesn't simply say "vancouver" or "Canucks" on it.
I'm not counting their Shamu-the-whale logo, obviously, because i still contend that a whale logo has got nothing to do with being a "Canuck" and everything to do with being a fan of the Whalers. Or the Tragically Hip.
man the canucks logo bothers me so much I've got to respond to my own post:
seriously: we should have just started calling them the "vancouver whales" when they picked up that logo in the late 90s.
So yes, I'm obviously a big fan of Johnny Canuck instead.
Love the Canucks logo, especially the hint of a mullet!
I hope the Sabres jerseys have the laces on the jerseys...
thought the original Johhny canuck logo looked good until this one came along. Sweet.
That being said I like how the NHL has stayed away from cartoonish logos. There is a reason why Montreal, Chicago, St. Louis and the like did so well in the poll.
The head of this Johnny Canuck logo was taken from a logo that is owned by the Canucks. It appeared in the Vancouver Sun and was designed by a local artist around the same time the whale logo became the team's primary design. The Canucks organization liked it so much that they purchased it from the artist to possibly use down the road as an alternate logo. However it has yet to emerge on any Canuck designs. The artist obviously used the Johnny's head from the original logo and added a "V" behind it. Overall I like it.
Peter Puck... I didn't know that. That's really cool information. Thanks for sharing!
Chris, actually if you go back to your concepts gallery, of the Canucks, you can find the full "bust" of this logo holding a hockey stick with the "C" behind it. This was the exact logo that was created in the mid-90's. I wish I had the artist's name! He used the same style of "C" as is found in the current Canucks whale logo as a backdrop.
Question: Do the Bruins even need a wordmark? Doesn't the secondary serve that purpose, too?
Nothing will ever top the hockey playing whale with the touque.
Now THAT was awesome and also uniquely Canucks (and doesn't remind people of a bakery logo.)
I'm a fan of the new logo, but there isn't really anything wrong with their logo they have now. Yes it is getting old and it may be time for a change I'll give you that. But to comment on comments about the "whale having nothing to do with the Canucks" is so off it's not even funny. The killer whale is very Canadian. West coast Canadian yes. The whale symbolizes a lot of the native culture in BC and using it in the shape of the C just stands for Canucks. Simple . The native culture in Canada is a big part of what makes us Canucks.
I agree with Woody that the there's nothing wrong with the orca in terms of its Canadian-ness. My problem with the uni and logo they have now is that it's confused--it doesn't know whether it's new or old, vintage or modern. That's not a problem in and of itself, but -- as many people have already pointed out -- the whale and the wordmark somehow just aren't really that effective.
My two cents ... but again, the johnny canuck logo is wicked.
I have to discount the info just a bit. When the Sharks redesigned themselves, they redid the fin logo as well. They would not use the one from last year, no matter how much we would like to see it.
Is it me or does johnny canuck look like henrik and daniel sedin with a bigger beard.
look closely!
I have to discount the info just a bit. When the Sharks redesigned themselves, they redid the fin logo as well. They would not use the one from last year, no matter how much we would like to see it.
Just to clarify, I believe the logo being discussed here is the new fin logo released last year — not the one from the old logo set two years ago.
Hi Chris & Peter Puck,
The artist who designed the updated Johnny Canuck logo in the current 'C' without the Orca is North Vancouver's Glen Green. He does OUTSTANDING work and his ability to do sports-related artwork is absolutely incredible. I still have the Vancouver Sun article regarding the logo. What happened was that the Canucks were going to use the Johnny Canuck C on their navy & maroon third sweaters. However, the typical arrogance and big ego of then-GM Brian Burke got in the way. He was angered by the columnist showing the new logo that he had decided that the corporate Orca be used on the third sweaters instead. Many Canuck fans, including myself were so looking forward to seeing the JCC on the third sweater.
As for the new V logo with Glen Green's Johnny Canuck, it looks awesome! However, I have not changed my mind about the Canucks' Johnny Canuck V. It is more simple and easy to draw. It is a combination of the original JC logo from the team's WHL days, and the V is designed like the Stick 'n Rink logo. If true blue Canucks fans really do appreciate the legend of Johnny Canuck, they will love any version of JC the Canucks choose for a primary crest.
I like this version much more than the one that the 'Nucks seem to be moving towards. This one doesn't have the corporate feel to it.
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