That is one fierce logo. As with most of his designs, the logo is based off of the original to some extent but it's a rather unique take. In the secondary logo, the cat is calmer but no less fierce.

And below are the jersey designs he came up with.

Overall, it's outstanding work and I love it when I can post such an excellent concept. What do you think of it? Sound off in the comments.
i love it, especially the secondary logo and the alternate jersey. great work
I could almost respect them if they took that stupid palm tree off their shoulder, ditched the loud color scheme, and went with a logo as sleek as this. Really nice work.
Just really great work here. It's quite an improvement over their current identity system (easily one of the most boring in pro sports).
as a serious florida fan this is a solid replacement to an already tremendous logo
I really like the secondary logo. My high school hockey team would've looked killer in that (they were the Cougars, not the Panthers, but looks pretty close to a Cougar).
in one word: WOW! if the panthers would dress in those jerseys with those logos they would go from almost worst-looking to one of the best looking teams in the entire NHL... some of the best makeovers i've seen on this blog, no doubt! great work!
that logo is terriable it looks like a buffalo with a milk mustache thier logo now is the best in the nhl
Are you on drugs Vince?
The primary logo does have a bit of a mustache looking thing going on there. I'd rather see the secondary as the primary, but both are really nice.
I agree with Vince, that primary logo is just awful.
It looks like a messed up cat...
Florida's current logo is much, much better.
The designs look great, but something just seems a little not right. I think it's the expression on the faces - the eyes seem to betray a different expression than the mouth or something, I can't quite put my finger on it.
These are both a big improvement over the current logo which always seemed out of proportion to me. I know it's supposed to look like the panther is pouncing out toward you, but it always looked to me like they originally created the logo as just the head then decided they wanted more to it and threw a couple of huge paws and a tiny body on there.
Of these redesigns, I'd actually use the the secondary as the main logo and the lone panther head as the shoulder like on the alternate. I love the jersey templates, switching the yellow to old gold works really well with the red and blue.
It's a vast improvement than the intricate logo they have now. However, I think GFB (Matt) did a better job with the Panthers.
WOW!!!!!!! i love the logos and the jerseys...florida should use these logos!!
i kinda agree, i'm not a big fan or the primary logo (something about it seems off, i think it's the top of the head and ears, but don't quote me on that)
but the jerseys are amazing. ditto on the secondary logo.
the photoshop work with the jerseys is unbelievable, even if there IS an RBK logo on the front (i sure hope not).
i like the concept, it's a great effort that i'm sure some will like and some won't. bravo, keep it up
I've said it before and once more I shall: I absolutely love the work this guy does. It's above and beyond what any of the NHL teams have (hopefully the Ducks and Rangers are reading). In fact, I'd love to see what he can do with the Anaheim Ducks (if he hasn't already), and I'd love to see what kind of alternate jersey he can come up with for the St. Louis Blues, incorporating the Gateway Arch.
Wow, maybe sigma kappa should be the partner on this blog.
I like the secondary a lot, the primary not so much. I like GFB's primary panthers logo the best.
lol at Jti85, i like the logos, the secondary is my favorite. While i like the design of the main logo mostly, something does look off, i think it's the ears mostly, gives the panther an almost dog like quality.
I think the primary logo misses the mark here, other than that it's much improved on the original logo. The primary seems too cartooish to me, I think that the ears on it seem disproportionate to the face.
WOW... really, wow. That is incredible work. I think it is time to contact the Panthers on this. This is way better than what they have right now. The logos, the jerseys themselves and the numbering fonts are PERFECT. I would make the exact Florida Panthers jerseys from 2007 (pre-RBK Edge) a mandatory "retro set". They're better than the current uniforms even though I like them for the most part (as I said when they were unveiled a year ago).
Serious, this artist should submit a formal prospal to the Florida Panthers. Great stuff!
i am really into the jerseys themselves
While the jerseys themselves are nice, the logos are severely lacking... Way too cartoony and disproportionate. Looks like a dog, not a Panther.
Best Panther logo I have ever seen!
as a huge Panthers Fan from day 1 i am not impressed by this logo... the primary looks like its going through a wind tunnel... there arent any sharp lines it all mushes together and whats up with the ears... it looks like a lady panther and i'd hate to see this logo on any jersey....
Why do logos have to be in a triangle? if you have a panthers head facing forward as your primary why then have a side view as your secondary.. I love the palm tree/hockey stick/sun secondary they have
i do think the panthers could use an update on their logo but this one would be on the cutting room floor.... nice try though i love your other logos just not this one and its a shame cuz i've been waiting for someone to redo the panthers one....
Great work!
I hate to say this, cause I don't think work this good deserves a slam, unfortunatly I think there's a little too much red in the alternate.
the jerseys look real good.
the white at the bottom of the blue jersey is something i had never seen before.
I don't see the buzz. It looks nice, but not like a panther. I don't look at that, and think *panther* I think Puma, or cougar. Not panther. The logo they have now, the way it's jumping, I think Panther. The Panthers logo and shoulder patch are two amazing works they already had, and these are, while valiant attempts, short of their mark.
The palm tree in a cross sticks with a hockey stick is amazing. Cut it some slack, it's who things that really stick out.
For what it's worth, I'm definitely not a homer. I hate the Panthers, I'm a Caps fan.
At first glance, not looking at the logos but only the colours, I thought this might be an Oilers design! Well, not the red one.
Good work, though! I like the Panthers' current logo, but their jerseys need help. These would work.
These are are a HUGE improvement over the current Panthers logos and uniforms. The jerseys and logos complement each other very well. The secondary logo is an enormous upgrade from the butt-ugly palm tree logo. And the panthers would go from having one of the worst jerseys in the NHL to one of the best. Very very nice rebrand.
Ogre: Do you realize that Puma, Cougar and Florida Panther are the same Type of cat just diffrent names for the area. I think this logo is a good one i cold only hope to be that good and simple. But this one just dont strike me right. from the way the ears are and the Point on the top of its head. the eyes are to narrow. Its almost got this Asian style to it. like a dragon. but hey that my opinion. Thanks for sharing.
As a Panthers fan, I like this.
I think our current logo is one of the most unique emblems in the league, but if the Panthers decided to switch to this one tomorrow, I would not be very disappointed. I especially like the "triangle" logo and the color scheme.
The top of the primary logo looks a little strange, but the mouth area looks sharp (no pun intended).
i'd like the head attached to the body, just update the original with more modern lines. the colors i love, if i had my choice i'd go different but the colors are justice. the secondary, i prefer the palm tree, hockystick, and sun. the secondary, not to be sexist or nor offensive, looks like a girl's team logo. i think it's time for my team to have a makeover but not loose its originality, this logo scheme is kinda generic. i think it's on the right track, though.
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