This will work like any other tournament we've done except for one thing. In the first round of this one, you'll vote for each team's best logo from 1998 — primary vs. secondary. The winner of each of those polls will move on in the competition.
So, here's a little preview of what to expect for the Flashback Logo Tournament 1998. Below are the 27 primary NHL logos from the 1998-99 season. Tomorrow I'll show you the secondary logos and on Wednesday the tournament will begin!
By the way, we'll be commencing the IHA Tournament of Logos soon as well.
that is so cool chris. love the idea!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting Idea. And I do love that Pens logo, though it's better with the vegas gold.
good idea i guess
but alot of the logos are the same now
chris what about an expansion logo tourney?
Sure, a lot may be the same but I think that's why he's doing the main logo vs 2ndary logo first.
Chris, love the idea, but I think 1998 is too recent. You should have brought it back 40 years! How cool would it be to have a tournament with the vintage Kings forum blue and gold, the California Golden Seals/Cleveland Barons and Minnesota North Stars?
Any plans for an all-vintage tournament in the future? I'd love to see a throwback contest.
this is a great idea
keep going back into history like this
the next one could be another but 5 or ten years back
Hey Chris, any particular reason you chose the 1998-99 season? Just curious. Great job on the site BTW, I make sure to check it out daily.
Any plans for an all-vintage tournament in the future? I'd love to see a throwback contest.
We've done one already but there's no reason we can't do another.
Hey Chris, any particular reason you chose the 1998-99 season? Just curious.
Ten is a nice round number.
Chris, love the idea, but I think 1998 is too recent. You should have brought it back 40 years!
I didn't want to go too crazy with the first one. We'll do all sorts of stuff in the future.
This is a cool idea. It's cool seeing the different logos teams had back then, especially Anaheim, Buffalo, and Phoenix. I'll say right now that my favorite out of this bunch is the Buffalo logo, by far. I am a huge fan of that logo just because it looks nice and I love the red/black color combination.
this would be cool if almost all of them werent the same logo they use now
I agree with Mykl and Kevin, an exspansion logo tourney would be sweet.
I think it would've been just perfect if we had gone just far enough to get the Whalers in. It would've made things plenty interesting, lots of quality logos there!
Here we go Goat Head, here we go!
(For those who don't know, the "goat head" is Sabres' white buffalo head logo from their 1996-2006 black/red/white uniforms.)
I love the Kings logo!
Maybe the Ducks will make it out of the first round this time. I hope they draw the Coyotes.
Ooh, great idea. I hope the Coyotes logo wins ;D
It's Amazing to see how much things change in 10 years.
I really liked that cubist coyotes logo.
can anyone name the 3 missing teams off the top of their head?
i can
This should be fun...some very different logos back then.
As an aside, it might be cool to do a WHA tourney at some point.
The Penguins "PIGEON LOGO" is/was a disgrace and I'm so glad that Mario Lemieux buried that piece of BEEP, never ever ever to return!!!!
this is the best tourny you could think of? were just rehashing older ones with a tiny twist... why wouldnt you do a logo tourny for the 1920 season or ones crazy old...
I'm starting to get disappointed with the new tournaments that are being used on icethetics like this one. It just seems like we are recycling old tournaments into new ones when we have a bunch of perfectly good new tournaments to start (mascots, scoreboads, stadiums, jerseys/team uniforms, NCAA logos, etc.). I miss orinality, isn't that what this site is about? originality and creativity. This tournament makes me think icethetics is being a little hypocritical and I'm let down to say the least.
As an Isles fan, thank you Chris for using 1998 rather than 1996.
we should do a best original logo after this get all the teams ever to play and have a who had the best first logo and there can also be who had the best update or change in logo tournament after that
let me guess ... the Canadiens win it.
mascots,scoreboards ,stadiums???? this tournament is alot better then those.
Uhhhh...Nice Idea but should Montreal and a few other teams that use the same logo as now even be eligible?
I feel an earlier year in the 90s would have been better. We'd have more former WHA teams for one, and a few older logos like the Skate Nucks logo and the Kings logo from the Gretzky days.
Since we've already done a "Current" "NHL Tournament of Logos". A "Past" "Nhl Turnament of Logos" sounds appropriate.
How bout only a WHA Tournament?
Mascots, stadiums, and scoreboards are way more appropriate than center ices I think and way more worthy than a tournament that only has 10 different logos and 3 missing teams. I mean why do you think they changed their logos? cause they were bad. So they won't win anyway, one of the usual traditional logos will take the crown again. The outcome is obvious and therefore this tournament is unnecessary. At least mascots, stadiums, and scoreboards all have something unique and different for every team.
Mascots would be cool, but stadiums and scoreboards is stupid.
I agree with the post that was about every teams "original" logo. What I think should be done, is take every team in the NHLs existence and use their very first ever logo. No matter how bad or how good. I think that would be great, and see what team had the best logo and never should have changed it from the start of their existance. (IE Whalers and Hurricanes are both in it, cause although the same franchise their are different logos)
ya and it would have someone new winning other then the canadians because they had a terrible original logo it would be a very interesting contrast of logos think about it having the original new york rangers going up against the nashville predators granted there would be alot of teams but it would be cool to see
but still there is no reason to chirp this tournament just dont vote if u dont want to its something to do while we await the season im sure chris has plenty of other tournaments in his mind and im sure they will all be good just like this one
ya and it would have someone new winning other then the canadians because they had a terrible original logo it would be a very interesting contrast of logos think about it having the original new york rangers going up against the nashville predators granted there would be alot of teams but it would be cool to see
but still there is no reason to chirp this tournament just dont vote if u dont want to its something to do while we await the season im sure chris has plenty of other tournaments in his mind and im sure they will all be good just like this one
and what do stadiums and scoreboards have to do with icethetics nothing they dont involve art or logos
Yes they do. Scoreboards continually use the home teams logo throughout games on the screen and the stadiums always promotes the home team outside and inside the building. I honestly only said stadiums and scoreboards because they are still better than this tournament, I only want a mascot and NCAA tournament really out of what I listed because they are new and will have interesting outcomes (unlike the predictable traditional logo winning).
Sweet. The good Penguins logo, the good Sabres logo, and three, count em, three Coyotes logos. Those were the good old days.
FlyersGuy said...
Sweet. The good Penguins logo, the good Sabres logo, and three, count em, three Coyotes logos. Those were the good old days.
As a diehard Pens fan since '80, I HATE, hate the Howard Baldwin(go make another bad movie....Howard the Duck, Sudden Death) "PIGEON LOGO". The only logo that matters is the logo that is on their 2 Stanley Cup banners(which also happens to be the current logo).The Skating Penguin! Hey Chris how about a Stanley Cup Banner Tournament??
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