Saturday, July 5, 2008

Poll: Huskies vs Oceanic


We're getting into the final rounds of the QMJHL Tournament of Logos as we shift everything here to Icethetics. Place your vote and leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Sat Jul 5
Poll closing date
Wed Jul 9


sam said...

You realize how many more votes your gonna get now that both the sites are combined. I always use to forget about the ToHL but now this is great.

Unknown said...

No cryin' boat champion please people !

Michael said...

both of thesr are really good, but i had to go with the oceanic

The Kyle said...

This was actually pretty hard but I chose the Oceanic because they have an original style of a logo

Curtle said...

Why is It that in every League below the NHL there's always one or two Logos that are actually good?

Eventually each of the Champions have to Face Off Against Each Other.

As for this Tournament.
The Huskies Will Put the Other Logos to Rest.

bruinbxr5791 said...

Hey chrois, now that you have more viewers, i think its time for a redo on the NHL Tournament of Logos.

Strohman the Breadman said...

The Huskies logo just looks better.

Billy test said...

The Oceanic's logo is more simple, clear and comprensible! There are many ways to views it also!

The Huskie's logo looks like an illustration and this kind of logos should never be done. It doesn't demonstrate an analogie of something but a simple dog.

Anonymous said...

Both logos are great, these should be the final two.

Jason said...

Go Huskies.

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